Seriously, it aint that cool, what will you use it for?
you want to hook a mouse and a keyboard and then? used it like a computer, but you already have one!
use it for robotics? you already have arduino
use it for what?
its pretty cool that it is small in size and all, but for what purpose?
it is not portable, since you need a TV screen, a mouse and a keyboard top operate it
unless you are a poor child from india, you wont benefit that much from it
just my 2 cents!
Mr. Anderson wroteSeriously, it aint that cool, what will you use it for?
you want to hook a mouse and a keyboard and then? used it like a computer, but you already have one!
use it for robotics? you already have arduino
use it for what?
its pretty cool that it is small in size and all, but for what purpose?
it is not portable, since you need a TV screen, a mouse and a keyboard top operate it
unless you are a poor child from india, you wont benefit that much from it
just my 2 cents!
it's a nice invention and it's cheap and cool and even though that I personally don't need it, I want to get one
so why not?
I think he means for the troubles you take in order to get it, it's probably not worth it?
WizaRd wroteI think he means for the troubles you take in order to get it, it's probably not worth it?
he didn't mean that
Mr. Anderson wroteSeriously, it aint that cool, what will you use it for?
you want to hook a mouse and a keyboard and then? used it like a computer, but you already have one!
use it for robotics? you already have arduino
use it for what?
its pretty cool that it is small in size and all, but for what purpose?
it is not portable, since you need a TV screen, a mouse and a keyboard top operate it
unless you are a poor child from india, you wont benefit that much from it
just my 2 cents!
Are you serious? Here is what I think the Pi can be extremely useful for other than being used as a standard PC which is not the goal from building it.

- Media streaming or setting up an internet radio too

- Using it to build arcade machines and emulators

- Attaching a touch screen and building POS and other machines for example access control with a biometric reader, saves a lot for businesses who build such custom solutions

- Small and portable local Web server, you don't really need any monitor for that too

- Cheap computing device for building home automation systems

- Building a carputer i.e. Creating a touchscreen, in-car tablet computer

- Controlling robots especially that expansion boards are coming soon such as the Gertboard, will make it easier to connect the computer to a range of motors and sensors

- Cosmic computers
Universities are examining whether an array of Pi boards could serve as an onboard computer system for mini satellites, Eben Upton, director of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, told TechRepublic earlier in the year.

The idea is that Raspberry Pi computers could provide a low-cost, off the shelf alternative to the bespoke hardware used normally in spacecraft and satellite systems. Using scores of Raspberry Pi boards would build redundancy into the platform, allowing one board to take over if another fails.
A lot more uses exist for the Pi I really consider it as a revolutionary device that is going to lead a boom in new innovative electronic devices and solutions based on the Pi.
I think Raspberry Pi is very different from Arduino! ("Hey it just looks like an electronic boards, then it must be the same").

The huge difference is in the quality of the components included, the processing power and ultimately the kind of peripherals it is destined to receive.

Raspberry Pi is designed to be an alternative to your PC. All the hype around it, is really about the price. For ~30$, what you're getting is not a simple board. It's a full blown computer running Linux and a media player on top of that.

For this price, you can get as many computers as you want. You can experiment with a network of 30 computers, see what you can do with it. You can buy one and throw it away, just because you're feeling capricious. The whole point behind Raspberry Pi (and it's not the only one, nor necessarily one that will be successful at that) is that a whole "computer" is a lot cheaper than a PS3 game.

And if you think that the only way to use a computer is by plugging a screen, keyboard and mouse in it, then clearly, the RPi is not made for you.

I think Linus Torvalds says it best. When asked whether and how should kids learn to program, he answers that specialization is important, so he doesn't believe that every kid should program. But the ones who do should have access to it very easily. And then mentions the Raspberry in these terms:
I love projects like Raspberry Pi that make cheap computers available, [...] cheap throwaways that allow people to tinker. And if that means that 99 of one hundred Raspberry Pi will basically to gather dust because nobody uses them, that's fine, if one of them made somebody realize "Hey this is cool!" and started programming.
I got one, had a little play with it, realised i didn't have a use for it as of now, and sold it.
It's really the price that makes all the difference. If in the future i see a need for it then i can immediately (assuming they solve their supply problems) get another one, because it's just 30$!
2 months later
5 months later
Is the Raspberry Pi available in Lebanon yet? If not, we're going to order a bunch of it. Could someone confirm whether it can be found here or not?
GeeksExpress is selling model B for $73.

I love dealing with low-end systems.
Improving perfomance and increasing capabilities on low-end systems increases power efficiency and economically.
Bright tech-future...

Especially for the upcoming electronic-hardware level, Nanotech.
TPR0 wroteGeeksExpress is selling model B for $73.
Damn it, why the high price. Getting one shipped here on its own would cost less than that!
4 months later
Katranji is now listing the Raspberry Pi model B in its inventory, but it says that it is out of stock. They don't list the price either.
a month later
Anyone knows the price of the model B @ Katranji?
$75 if my memory serves me well.
J4D wrote$75 if my memory serves me well.
*Orders a few from abroad*
10 days later
CubieBoard interesting.
So guys what do you think of it? CubieBoard or Raspberry pie?
6 months later
Sorry for the bump.

Anyone knows who sells it in Lebanon right now? I'm really in need of it and PCandParts doesn't have any.
Katranji also sells Chinese clones for much less.