
  • Jun 20, 2023
  • Joined Dec 4, 2010
  • I'm having the same issue, I asked them to upgrade me to VDSL, they kept me on ADSL2+ and the internet speed dropped to 0.5mbps.. I emailed them and contacted them, they're still looking into it, today the speed went up to 2mbps (no more jitter, and better ping). It is still ridiculous, but I'm still waiting for them to fix it.

    Do not ignore it, their support is horrible, so you will have to contact them multiple times. Also check your landline number, is it down? mine is still down.
  • zizo99 wroteThank you for providing this useful information.

    From what you have told me, DHL will handle to delivery of the item to your doorstep, correct?
    I am interested in purchasing a very specific monitor from them, as I haven't been able to find it in Lebanon.

    Is it necessary to provide any invoice to DHL or another party to confirm that the item is valued below 900$ in order to avoid the handling cost charges, as you stated?
    Yes, DHL will handle the delivery. You will pay customs + vat and some extra DHL fees.

    No need to provide them any invoices, B&H will hand over the invoice to the shipping company.
  • They're very good, they'll ship very fast as well, same day or the next day. Their support is also top notch, so you can blindly go with them.

    I always buy from them, never had any problems, except for once an open box/used cheap Lenovo laptop which came without a charger. I simply emailed them then they shipped instantly a brand new charger for the laptop and they covered the shipping cost.

    B&H has nothing to do with the customs, you will pay customs here like any other order shipped via DHL. Just make sure that the total is below $900-1000 (including shipping) or you will end up paying for "to5lis".
  • Where did you get the S95B from? I'm looking for QN90B/QN95B or S95B or LG C2/CS TVs.
  • Intel i5 13600KF - $300 (still in box, I ended up going with a 13700KF).

    Used components, they were left from my previous PC:

    - NZXT Phantom CA-PH410-B3 Black/Orange ATX Mid Tower Case USB 3.0 - $50
    - GSkill DDR4 3200mhz C16 - $35
    - Seasonic 750W focus gold fully modular PSU - $60
    - WD black nvme gen3 256GB - $20
  • I have a sealed Mac Mini M1 8GB 256gb for sale. PM me if interested.
  • Same! I juust emailed them and instantly they dropped it to 1ms interleaving. Ping went down to 56ms to Paris.
  • I need to be connected using LTE+, sometimes I restart the phone because it gets stuck on LTE, I'm also using a data sim card.

    I'm located in Beirut, near Sodeco Square, maybe the network here can handle more load and isn't congested?
  • I get around 220mbps using Alfa's 4G, $200 for 200GB though. I mainly use their unlimited 2 hours quota (50GB FUP).
  • Can you withdraw to Transferwise?
  • can you turn interleaving off for IDM? I once asked them and the dude was clueless. I get 80+ as well, usually around 90.
  • Best Buy doesn't ship to Freight Forwarders. Put a different address and it'll work.
  • Tech Guru wroteI got 4 , judging from the current listing I listed the other four. Even Tahan and Khoury are selling now at 1500 USD. Nice profit indeed LMFAO. I said " negotiable" so I I i am free to lower the price demanding om the person. Why the hate ? LMFAO
    You can keep scalping, for all I care. But don't act like a nice guy damn-ing scalpers, then you end up doing the exact same thing.

    Hypocrisy at its finest "LMFAO".
  • ironman wroteGuys, anyone knows any store that accepts international credit cards (POS) in Lebanon?

    That way, he will be paid in Fresh dollars in his Bank account located outside of Lebanon (Win/Win)

    You want to get paid in USD/LBP at the market rate?

    The local bank will pay the business owner fresh money if the card used is issued from abroad. Not many store knows this.

    PM me with details, I might be able to help.
  • You'd have to pay customs with S&S. Also if there's no invoices, the customs will give their own estimate, if the price is above 800$, they will put it on hold. It will require extra processing and will cost you more, Aramex will take an extra 200-300k LL.

    S&S 30kg => 342$ if you have flex. You'd need to pay the fees at 3500 LL/$ if I'm not mistaken. You'll end up paying around 160$ cash USD. Then you have to pay customs and aramex fees. which will vary depending on the total cost of your order.
  • I know. I already told you.

    Here's a sample:

    123 % 10 = 3
    123 / 10 = 12
    12 % 10 = 2
    12 / 10 = 1
    1 % 10 = 1
    1 / 10 = 0 => you exit the loop

    Everytime you modulo, you take that number and add it to a variable (the sum). Everytime you divide, you take that number and use it in the next modulo.
  • 1) don't name a variable sum, you'll overshadow the python built-in sum function, same for list.
    2) fac value is always greater than 0, fac value has to change if you intend to exit that loop.
    3) break will exit the nested for loop on the first iteration. You're also stuck in an infinite loop, because you have no ways to exist the while loop, the value of fac will always be greater than 0.
    4) you don't need to use more than 1 loop if it's an assignment or if you're learning.
    5) I have no idea what you're doing here (fac // 10 ** (n-1)) % 10 ... to get the last digit, just do `number % 10`

    To solve it easily, you can simply do `sum([int(digit) for digit in str(fac)])`, this will convert the `fac` variable to a string (strings are iterable in Python), then it will loop on every digit and convert it to an integer. The built-in sum function will then loop on the list and calculate the sum for you.
    You shouldn't do it this way if you're learning.

    To solve it correctly, create a variable to hold that sum, loop while fac > 0, get the current digit by simply calling modulo 10 on that number, add that digit to that accumulating variable, change the value of fac to fac minus the last digit, basically fac // 10.

    I didn't give you the answer directly, hopefully you got it.
  • Loop, modulo 10 then divide 10, Keep doing it until you reach the "index" you want.

    Other approaches exist, for example convert to an array/list... then you get the index you want.
  • 1TB WD SN750 NVME drive - sealed.
    $150, or LBP at the daily market rate.

    Intel NUC i5 8th gen with 16GB Corsair Vengeance ram and 512gb SU800 M2 SSD.