Samer, how much is "much less"? I've been thinking of replicating your torrenting setup on an RPI or clone. Did you ever look at how much energy this whole thing consumes if left running all the time?
I don't remember the exact numbers, but it was at least 2–3 times cheaper. Try calling them or send a message on whatsapp (yes, they actually reply!). I haven't done any formal measurements on the power consumption.
3 months later
does DX provide genuine raspberry because i ordered a pi for 49 dollars , and they have free shipping to lebanon
mneimne wrotedoes DX provide genuine raspberry because i ordered a pi for 49 dollars , and they have free shipping to lebanon
Well, the normal price for the raspberry is 35$, I don't think this is a rip off.

You can get one for 50$ from Lebanon in