• Networking
  • IMEWE cable launching in Lebanon this summer

From Sehnaoui's facebook page:

Nicolas Sehnaoui Live on OTV:
- Fiber Optics will give us access to plenty of high definition services: Video On Demand, Online TV, Games and much more
- Fiber Optics work is under way. We are following on the ground and things are on track.
- DSL new speed will put us on a whole new standard worldwide
- Fiber Optics will even multiply DSL new speed by a factor of 100

Nicolas Sehnaoui Live on OTV:
- 4000 people randomly picked will test 3G in September
- All lebanon will be covered by 3G in first Quarter of 2012
- Price of 3G is being discussed but will be an affordable fee (few 10s of $)

Nicolas Sehnaoui Live on OTV:
- All Lebanon used to live on a narrow bandwidth of 3 GigaBit. Signing with IMEWE and Kadmous will take us from 3 GB to 330 GB.
- This big amount of newly available bandwidth will allow us to drop the prices.
- Connection speed will increase 4 to 8 times in every home

Nicolas Sehnaoui Live on OTV:
- 6 to 8 months delay was caused partly by technical details and partly by some people not doing their job right
- Ogero has competent people that are doing hard work and must be rewarded despite few people that are being irresponsible and delaying the accomplishments
- I ask people to trust us and trust our capabilities and we promise you results.

Nicolas Sehnaoui Live on OTV:
- According to International Studies the increase in internet performance will cause a big increase of 2% on the Lebanese economy
- Creating of new job opportunities for Tech Startups, Designers, Developers and many more...

Minister Sehnaoui making sure that all the work is going as planned on the ground

source : http://forum.tayyar.org/f8/ministry-telecommunications-nicolas-sehnaoui-45217/index30.html
DSL new speed will put us on a whole new standard worldwide
yes, probably a lower one, because in the time we will have fiber optics working, other countries would be having some kind of 6g networks.
(few 10s of $)
hahaha the government thinks that we're stupid, a few 10s of $? now they will list 50 new number under the "few" category!
anyway thanks for your information.
To the MoT's credit, he is bringing up the other uses of fiber such as VoD which had not been brought up by others before him. Since he is younger, he is aware what is out there and that is a good thing.

There was a US Senator named Ted Stevens from Alaska. There was a bill concerning network neutrality and he opposed it (mainly because he was getting money from that side) and he gave this speech and called the internet "a series of tubes". It showed the world how little he knew about it, but was in charge of a committee which regulated it. Watch this Daily Show clip about it.

i don't understand why no one is mentioning how the download or upload quota will change?
danso wrotei don't understand why no one is mentioning the download or upload quota will change?
That's because those details have yet to be released. Also, the overage prices have yet to be determined. I am sure the price will drop from $10/gig to some lower number. The devil is in the details, though.
It's going to be like the anticipated cellular prices drop...hype hype and when they were released everyone started cursing and it was a disappointment ... there will always be "something fishy about it" , i don't know what this something is going to be for the internet prices drop ...i don't even want to think about it... but yea , there will be something as usual , even if economic laws and laws of nature propose a 20$ per 2mbit residential..i got a feeling that will be high hopes for us..something doesn't feel right..
we can all sit here making cynical remarks, but mostly what was said (considering it's validity) sounds promising. I still have issues with the affordable statement regarding 3G, i mean come on what is affordable these days ?

Anyway here's hoping i can finally soon get rid of my 3/3 GB up/down quota limit -_- .
We're never going to get the internet connection we ever deserve...thats it, it is going to get better but not as good as we want it to be.
Fastest connection yet, although last week I had a ping to the same location of 82ms, but not quite the same speed.

Ogero 512
Avoid posting speedtest results in this thread please.

Use this instead.
i think that a 4 mb/s residential connection with unlimited monthly quota would be too good to be true , what are your thoughts about a reasonable residential connection package ?
danso wrotei think that a 4 mb/s residential connection with unlimited monthly quota would be too good to be true , what are your thoughts about a reasonable residential connection package ?
4mbps, 50GB quota.
xterm wrote4mbps, 50GB quota.
You seem very optimistic about the quota, i wish it will get to that amount.
xterm wrote
danso wrotei think that a 4 mb/s residential connection with unlimited monthly quota would be too good to be true , what are your thoughts about a reasonable residential connection package ?
4mbps, 50GB quota.
Do you mean 25 down/25 up or just 50 down, because I think the latter is a much better deal. Hopefully, they will address using upload as half of the quota though--that is pretty ridiculous--if they don't, I will keep seeding torrents 24/7 just to feel good about myself. :)
I believe a realistic scenario would be 4x speed, and 4x quota, and the price of each extra GB would be a fourth. This isnt even close to what we would expect if we are to properly enter the information age (stream HD movies, big downloads from steam, mac app store etc), but as long as there is no competition, then there is not reason to make the internet dirt cheap. Just make it cheap enough..

I hope i am wrong.
bearhog wroteI believe a realistic scenario would be 4x speed, and 4x quota, and the price of each extra GB would be a fourth. This isnt even close to what we would expect if we are to properly enter the information age (stream HD movies, big downloads from steam, mac app store etc), but as long as there is no competition, then there is not reason to make the internet dirt cheap. Just make it cheap enough..

I hope i am wrong.
Part of me says you are going to be right, but it is too simple to be right. People who make policies, not just here, but all over the world, want to give the impression that they are smart and know what they are doing. The US tax code for example is over 17,000 pages and there is not one person dead or alive that knows much about it.

Back on topic, the wild card here is the price drop on E1 lines. Right now, it is over $2600 and it is expected to drop to $300--that's over 88% (let's say 90 to make things easier). On a 512 Ogero connection, it is 77,000 LL or $51.33 with 4up/4down. The cost of gig is 51.33/8 or $6.42. Down knock down the cost by 90%, or 10% and each unit becomes 64 cents. Doing the math, they should be giving us 40up/40down for the same price, but they may decrease it because they are raising the speed by 4x.

If my 512 connection become a 2meg connection with 40down, I wouldn't be entirely unhappy. It is a good start anyway.
If they are already having issues with the 2mb lines, in the short term I see more probable lost of 1 mbps unlimited lines and a more limited capacity until the fiber optic project is complete of 2 mbps lines.
i have preliminary information concerning 3G prices and it's bad....20$ with 1 GB limit