
  • Sep 10, 2013
  • Joined May 15, 2010
  • from Nicolas Sehnaoui facebook page
    After working day and night for 3 days, a team from the Ministry of Telecommunications, Ogero and Cisco Technicians successfully installed and integrated new routers that will allow the promised speed upgrades in Ras beirut, Mazraa, Chiah, Achrafieh and Badaro starting tomorrow.
  • Ontornet - Where is that fast internet already?
    MoT’s part was fully completed (new packages have been released, legislation passed, paperwork signed, etc…) on the other hand Ogero has refused (according to MoT consultants) to start working on their part yet.
    According to MoT consultants, Ogero was supposed to program servers and provide equipments to increase speed and capacity 10 days ago, yet that has not been done yet.
    These servers are in centrals serving 40% of the users. Around 5-6 centrals do not need to be programmed or equipped; they are ready to receive capacity released by Ogero which can be accomplished in a matter of 2-3 days. These centrals are located in Ras Beirut, Achrafieh, Mina El Hosn, and Jdeideh and represent 40% of the users.
  • this is a very frustrating experience, not because we were promised a faster internet, but because we actually believed it.
    It is inexcusable that we are still talking 128kbps and 256 when the entire world is sooooo much faster. We are last on the internet chart and I think we were actually dropped off.
    And yesterday, sehnaoui said on lbc that everything is on track, and they just remembered that they needed a couple of servers. Give me a break. Everyone who is pissed off has every right to be.
  • Correct me if I am wrong, but the quota is for both up and down. Note than when DSL was first introduced, the quota at the time was for both up and down, and then they changed it later on to become X GB up and X GB down.
    Thus, we should assume that the current prices are for both up and down which makes the deal so much worse.
  • I believe a realistic scenario would be 4x speed, and 4x quota, and the price of each extra GB would be a fourth. This isnt even close to what we would expect if we are to properly enter the information age (stream HD movies, big downloads from steam, mac app store etc), but as long as there is no competition, then there is not reason to make the internet dirt cheap. Just make it cheap enough..

    I hope i am wrong.
  • Finally, they announce Gran Turismo 5 release date. Took long enough but it is finally getting here.

    Mark your calendars guys...Nov 2 2010
  • The free channels in europe that will be broadcasting the world cup are free-to-air local channels, i.e. regular antenna type channels. Everything through satellite is payed. So, i guess if this rumour is true (hope not), we will have the following ways to watch world cup at home:
    Cablevision - they already transmit al jazeera and they assured me that they have no prob.
    Digital receiver and subscribe to european satellite channels, either legally or piracy. Don't know the feasibility of that.
    Get an antenna and try to get the local signal from cyprus (CyBC) like the old days with SIGMA :)

    In any case, if this turns out to be true, we are screwed.

  • I wanna trade this game if anyone has it. my games are listed in the PS3 Games Exchange.

    Resistance 1
    Resistance 2
    Ratchet And Clank: Tools of destruction
    Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
    NBA Street Homecourt
    Prince of Persia
    Fight Night Round 3
    Gran Theft Auto IV
    Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
    Ninja Gaiden Sigma
    PES 2008
    God Of War III
    Need for Speed Carbon (lost the box)
    Virtua Fighter

    Red Dead Redemption
    Assassin's Creed 2
  • on PS3: CoD MW2, Gran Turismo Prologue. Can't wait for Gt5 this autumn, unless they delay it again :(