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  • LebGeeks IRL (meetup)

Guys, like BashLogic pointed out – we cannot accomodate all the members and will have to choose a time and stick to it (we still have a few days to do that).
(my guess that more than 50 members will attend this meeting)
Remember our last meeting? It looked like 20 members are attending, only 4 made it. I'm expecting a turnover of 10 members this time (hopefully, I'm wrong), that's why a coffee shop is still acceptable; this is a laid back meeting even though we are taking important decisions, it shouldn't be perceived as a serious business meeting – we are there to socialize first and foremost.
samer wroteGuys, like BashLogic pointed out – we cannot accommodate all the members and will have to choose a time and stick to it (we still have a few days to do that).
(my guess that more than 50 members will attend this meeting)
Remember our last meeting? It looked like 20 members are attending, only 4 made it. I'm expecting a turnover of 10 members this time (hopefully, I'm wrong), that's why a coffee shop is still acceptable; this is a laid back meeting even though we are taking important decisions, it shouldn't be perceived as a serious business meeting – we are there to socialize first and foremost.
The only reason why only 4 members (actually we were around 8 - and we barely sat comfortably in the coffee shop) attended the last meeting is the popularity of the forum back then, and the number of active members.
This time, i guess you have more active members and the forum is popular enough and deserves a better organization of such a meeting and on a larger scale.

If you insist on organizing this meeting on a small scale (w 3a zaw2ak), it will eventually fail especially in terms of attendance...
I'm sure there will be more members then last time but don't be too optimistic, for some people, some things come up and take precedence over this meeting. Personally, I think I will make it this time.
But I still wish we would try something else then a coffee, simply for the fun factor, like a barbecue! But I understand we probably don't have time left to organize something like that, so we'll probably be in a coffee shop, like last year, and the year before, and the year before :) ... still it may be good if we concentrate on having a good "ambiance".
The only reason why only 4 members (actually we were around 8 - and we barely sat comfortably in the coffee shop) attended the last meeting is the popularity of the forum back then, and the number of active members.
That doesn't change the fact that 20 people RSVPed positively and only 4 attended.
This time, i guess you have more active members and the forum is popular enough and deserves a better organization of such a meeting and on a larger scale.
It doesn't need to be organized that much - last time I checked "unorganization" has been the trend (think GeekFest).
If you insist on organizing this meeting on a small scale (w 3a zaw2ak), it will eventually fail especially in terms of attendance...
First off, I am not insisting for this to be small scale, I'm just asking people to chill and not have to worry about where we are, and go as far as paying for a room (at least not for this particular meeting) – we still don't know who's really serious about attending and since a lot of the active members have never been to the meeting we can't really know who would be trustworthy with respect to attendance.

Second, regarding the part I emphasized in bold, I would appreciate a little more subtleness from your part when complaining about something – if I were to accomodate what every single member wants we would end up not meeting. I usually do what I think is best for the community, I might have went wrong a few times, but I'm confident I have done an adequate job keeping this community going for over six years now.

Finally, as I mentioned before, this will become a monthly thing so we will have time to learn from our mistakes and do fun activities and get to know each other more.
just pick a place and whoever can attend will attend.
I prefer a coffee shop, just because i love coffee. but that's just me :D
Padre wrotejust pick a place and whoever can attend will attend.
I prefer a coffee shop, just because i love coffee. but that's just me :D
yep, I agree with Padre.
thou there is a democracy, some things need to be decided centrally.
hence, with previous experience, pick the place and thats it.
the rest are to follow, if someone has a problem with my statement, you are free to challenge me! ;)
How about this. Why don't we all set a meeting place like Starbucks in Hamra i know it has a pretty big place. People who have transportation problems, just post it and we can figure something out. Starbucks Downstairs has a meeting area that we can use. Samer why don't you pick a time and place and we can shift our schedules to fit the appointment.
Coffee shop? I'm in! :P
Yea I too agree w you guys... Location should be fixed. And from what I read, I see that there is a larger number of active members since your first meeting. So I guess this meeting will show approximately the percentage of members that would attend such an event. Meaning according to how this meeting goes, we'll know if we should be renting a place or sumthing for the next events.
I will fix location and time tomorrow. The doodle will of course be my primary source of inspiration. It will most likely be on Saturday – Rolf and xterm please try to adjust, as active members, your presence there is crucial :)
i still would like to have a picnic meeting.. dunno why but mir was against it.. it would have been a nice day in the sun..
Het la nshouf !
BashLogic wrotei still would like to have a picnic meeting.. dunno why but mir was against it.. it would have been a nice day in the sun..
By the time you come back to Lebanon, the members would already be acquainted and it would be less awkward to have a picnic meeting :)
I have decided on the same location as last year as it has a dedicated (and free) parking space for it. Furthermore, there's a KFC next door in case someone needs to have a bite. I wanted to do it at Hamra, but couldn't think of a place with parking spaces (we'll try to do one there for September's meeting).
i wonder whether i should release the time capsule from last years episode ... ;)
samer wroteI have decided on the same location as last year as it has a dedicated (and free) parking space for it. Furthermore, there's a KFC next door in case someone needs to have a bite. I wanted to do it at Hamra, but couldn't think of a place with parking spaces (we'll try to do one there for September's meeting).
And that would be ... ?
rahmu wrote
samer wroteI have decided on the same location as last year as it has a dedicated (and free) parking space for it. Furthermore, there's a KFC next door in case someone needs to have a bite. I wanted to do it at Hamra, but couldn't think of a place with parking spaces (we'll try to do one there for September's meeting).
And that would be ... ?
i think its in rawche area or something, and i hope so ....
Time: Saturday August 21st from 6 PM onwards.
Place: Costa Café on Sassine square (parking available!)
Coordinates: 33.888629, 35.495479
Human directions: Take independence street (directed towards the west) - costa café should be on your right one block before Starbucks coffee (which is exactly on Sassine Square).

I will check with some actually geeky ladies - 3 or 4 - will keep u posted on who is coming from them :)

yalla wanna organize some file exchange on the side ? or maybe plan a small LAN game before/afterward ? :P

if we can't have a full network wireless setup with multiplayer , i guess a small flash game challenge with the highest score winner would be cool enough

as for the picnic - i didn't want to cook for a bunch of guys ! (joking) - i know bash that you like outdoors, sorry i ruined it for u :P maybe next time in a park or something, bas mush tar2et mishwar with all the 3iddeh :P

edit : ya achrafieh :/ why not verdun or something :|
I wanted to do it at Hamra, but couldn't think of a place with parking spaces (we'll try to do one there for September's meeting).
Maybe next time we'll do it in Verdun :)