
  • Mar 23, 2016
  • Joined Feb 24, 2005
  • euh - it might be worth writing down the main things you eat per day for like a month and share with us. We'll do the data science and troubleshoot your diet. If you see a doctor, they will find this list useful.

    As summer is coming and if you don't have strong AC in the room, you might be able to rule out the cold.

    I have free access to doc at work, I will try asking them this and get back to you ;p
  • NuclearVision wroteI was thinking about games, and I regret spending lots of time.
    I mean if I started learning a language or engaging in society...
    I could have had more friends, not that i have many now...
    Don't get me wrong, I still open my computer once or twice a week for games. But mass gaming... In some stages I spent 10 hours online. Specially after discovering mmos 3 years ago which i regret most.
    I feel stupid...
    Well, if you are having some regrets don't be too hard on yourself and don't feel stupid. Consider it part of who you are and part of the process of growing up.

    I've found many gamers have great reflexes and amazing attention to details...so try to look at it positively, take out all the skills, fun time, good memories, move on and try to find that balance between life and gaming.

    When real life bores you, read a bit about game theory and see how it all fits...then move on to games in real life.
  • I would agree with rolf, and still say HTML is programming. It is creating the user interface that enables the algorithm.

    When you are programming in any other language, you still have to "code" the parts that create components and UI elements... the fact that they are too part of the "program", creating them is "programming"

    And I think as we have more "progress" in user experience and UI fields and with the importance they are taking now (even at companies like google) - i think creating the user interface has a certain logic to it and a certain "science" - so HTML is applying this "science", it may not be loops and if statements, but it is still applying a logic and design, which is the core of any program, really.

    Can we have a good old fight about HTML in a new post ;p ? I am happy to join that "debate" if anyone starts a new post on it.
  • Check this out http://sefactory.io

    It might help because you might learn new things, that sometimes Lebanese university curriculum won't teach you. You will meet a lot of the startup crowd who need programmers, so you might end up with a great job after. i would say it is better return on your time than just internship.
    I know a lot of software houses who just used to get interns to do a lot of work but not really smart work, with few learning.

  • Well, here is how it went (so far):

    - Weekend was super bowl, so none of that coding happened.
    - Today, I spent around 3 hours building things and compiling - things still not running, about to give up :p

    I think I can wait a bit for this. maybe a week and I get back to this...
  • I know this sounds weird, but it might be good to look at some economic indicators of the country, check the worldbank data portal.
    It will give you idea about median income, age, population growth, gender gap, wages, income per age group and a data view on society.

    You can also easily compare it to other countries you know like OECD countries or EU and see for yourself.

    Also dig up some publication that did a report on Japan and read them.

    Also, try to find a conference to attend and just go there [It will help you get your paper work easily and also if you choose a tech conference, then you will see the tech community there]. It will be a small cost to know if you want to move there and live your life. You will be able to see the place and try imagine yourself there, find a hackerspace or a tech community that can help you with your questions etc
  • Try a few printed papers in coffee shops near your place or on the wall, and tell the local "khadarji" or have word of mouth going. [once you have found someone, you can always go back and remove the papers from the walls to avoid being always called and asked about your place and to save on some of the pollution]

    Another option is to hire someone to help you find people, aka "semsar" - you'll need to pay him/her, but in the end of the day, they earn their commission if they save you the waiting time and can help you find someone sooner.
  • Well, good to see you around here as well rolf :) and thanks always for the feedback.

    Hybrid, do you mind sharing one of your websites? I am sure I can find/download an old browser or probably safari or IE and test the difference in loading speeds. 5 times faster is a big claim!
    I've tried looking at websites I know like nytimes, cnn, bbc, readwrite and others - they all seem to be using http1

    Joe, don't you think the speed gains (if confirmed) are good enough to tempt you? don't you think http1 is now broken for "modern" applications?

    I think I'll set up a digital ocean droplet over the weekend (if time allows) and just do some tests. you're welcome to share with me some pieces of code you want tested there. Maybe we can benchmark this thing together.
  • This is making me realize i've been outside of the tech world buried under tons of work. Thanks rolf for the post.

    Let me know once you do any real case implementation.
  • Well, awesome to know that you are considering a startup. Wish you all the luck.

    I don't have a link or wiki that details all the steps for you. I think there should be one. If we search around and don't find such a resource, we can always set it up as techies and make sure to curate our collective knowledge there. It will be useful to many.

    However I can think of a few "programs" or people helping start-ups now in Lebanon and they could be of help to you.

    For example I know that http://www.altcity.me/ has http://www.bootcamp-lb.com/ - it might be interesting if you enroll in one of their upcoming bootcamps and they help you think through a lot of things, provide you some space, mentorship.

    I know there is Bader, Berytech, Wamda, UK Lebanon Tech Hub , Arabnet, BDL Accelerate, Beirut Digital District, TechWadi and a few others. I know this is just a list of keywords, but it might be helpful if you google them around and see if anyone doing anything helpful to you.

    I can recommend someone to talk to via DM (he can help you with the financial planning and strategy side) - also, let me know if you want to talk to techies who already did their tech startups. I also have a few names in mind.

    I am asking for you to DM me, so we can exchange emails and real names (even tho I think I know you) - it used to be cool to introduce people by their nicknames, like hey this automata... but I think now it scares people ;p

    Again, good luck figuring this out!
  • Hey!

    So, how is HTTP2 treating you? do you have it enabled on Apache, nginx etc? Did you feel big gains in performance? any problems or crashes?

    I mean, http update! this is like a big deal! it is not a firefox update or something ;p

    This is not a technical question or a bug or problem, so i doubt I can discuss this on stackoverflow or server fault - so, looking forward to hearing your opinions/experiences!

  • Well, cheers to you and your mom. Hope your brother enjoys it!
  • Create a "digital good" that people outside Lebanon would be interested in purchasing. This can be sound, photography, coding library, font, templates, themes etc.
    You can sell those on market places like themeforest.net (also known as envato) or on your own website.
    For example this website betterwireframes.com was made by someone in Lebanon and word is that it made good money.

    When it comes to publishing online content, I think a thousand visitor translates to around 1$ - so do your math.

    You can also offer services to people that include making social media reports or analytics reports and offering some SEO help for them (this is usually an hour or two of work per week and can be decent income)
  • I would say stick to Computer Science or "IT" - in real life, you are less likely to be doing advanced math work all the time and if you were required to do it (in case you were working with data science or stuff, companies usually have data scientist or math people who have to make the math checkout at the end of the day, so you will get all the help you need)

    Another way to go around it is to calculate how many grades will depend on math, what is their weight relatively to the total and see if you can make it.

    Ask the teachers to sit on a math class and see how it sounds.

    A last alternative is to take the business classes, learn about this stuff because it is important in case you want to do your own startup in the future and then have extra curricular studies in computer stuff or learn yourself the technology or participate in bootcamps or free programs like this http://sefactory.io/

    Good luck figuring this out. Not easy!
  • I remember one of the members, nuclearcat, had something really professional done for his servers in VISP.

    If you can find him and email, that would be neat.

    Otherwise, I think you should be able this at "Arout" in Dawra [in case you know the store name]
  • Welcome! and keep us posted on funny stories from your class!
  • Welcome on board!

    Growing up (now I am pretty old), I found a lot of my best buddies on this forum. I hope the same happens to you.

    The guys/ladies around here are usually the best and the community is pretty decent in terms of ethics and even writing rules... so enjoy the stay!
  • Hey,

    I tried the cheque - i got the pin but the cheque itself never arrived - after some really really long time - they re-added the value back to my adsense account.

    As for WU - I always had it, so not sure why you don't and i always successfully use it (and always get a funny look from the cashier when they ask or see it is from google ;p)
  • When I'm told that the module on which I have worked all the week will never be used

    When I go off for the weekend while everyone else is still trying to fix bugs

    When the app goes into beta and the first bug reports arrive

    When the boss is looking for someone to urgently fix a difficult bug
  • Hey,

    So, I've been displaying some data using http://www.highcharts.com/.
    I am using Regular pie : http://www.highcharts.com/demo/pie-basic and donuts http://www.highcharts.com/demo/pie-donut

    But the thing is:
    - I can get a regular pie to import from csv
    - I can get a donut pie to display

    But I am having trouble importing a csv and displaying it in a donut.

    Here is my jsfiddle for the pie http://jsfiddle.net/mireilleraad/Kvscf/1/
    Here is my jsfiddle for the regular pie using csv data : http://pastebin.com/UQ0rksZx
    csv data format:
    fieldname, value

    all i need to do as add csv import to the donut pie.

    Many thanks for anyone willing/can give some help.

    Let me know if you have worked with Highcharts before and your thoughts around it as well.

    Cheers :)