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  • Sony Playstation - Games Exchange.

Ali_Nasser wrote
Flakk wroteDoes anyone here have Battlefield Bad Company for sale ?
i have it. what do you want to trade it for?
I dont want to trade cause i barely have 4 games that i play from time to time.
Just wanted a used copy to buy.
2 months later
@Ali_Nasser: I pmed you and can i trade for ACII or GTAIV.(yup i have my first normal Lebanese choice of getting GTA)
i have Red Dead Redemption and Blur, and i dont want them,
i said so before, but iam still looking for:
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Demon’s Souls
motor storm pacific rift

iam willing to trade blur and rdr for three of my wanted games and pay whatever i have to pay. plz i need everything in good condition and region 2 and uncharted 2 should be BCES 00509.
Dude i got a brand new Demons Souls from Nino but only played it a little i have one trophy only but it is region 1 and i am going to Nino tomorrow so what do you think?
u dont have other games to trade? we can make a trade combo
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 i finished it.(got this one from Najjar it is region 2)

Resistance 1
Resistance 2
Ratchet And Clank: Tools of destruction
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
NBA Street Homecourt
Prince of Persia
Fight Night Round 3
Gran Theft Auto IV
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
PES 2008
God Of War III
Need for Speed Carbon (lost the box)
Virtua Fighter

Red Dead Redemption
Assassin's Creed 2
Hamboza I have the Uncharted 2 you want, Brand new still in plastc
I'll trade it for your RED DEAD REDEMPTION
Any one wants to trade NGS2 pm me. I want to trade Demons Souls but currently booked to Ali Nasser.
sorry sergittonadero , i traded RDR with a friend of mine for Uncharted2 and MotorStorm Pacific Rift,
now iam looking for other games.
@Hamboza: I am currently booking Demons Souls for Ali_Nasser till he finishes his exams if he never replies after that or changed his mind then i'll sell/trade with you.
P.S: i bought it from Nino Region 1.
@Hamboza Demon's souls for Blur. Are you interested?
I am offering Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 for sale/exchange pm me if interested.
7 days later
i haven't played my Demon's Soul yet, cause i need it to be region 2, if anybody has it and willing to trade pl tell me.

This may be not the place but i got a Battlefield Badcompany 2 or pc ORIGINAL, US version. if anybody is interested to buy it or trade it for anything tell me, cause i am not playing it on pc.
a month later
Hamboza wrotei haven't played my Demon's Soul yet, cause i need it to be region 2, if anybody has it and willing to trade pl tell me.

This may be not the place but i got a Battlefield Badcompany 2 or pc ORIGINAL, US version. if anybody is interested to buy it or trade it for anything tell me, cause i am not playing it on pc.
PS3 games aren't region locked!
i know it's not region locked, but i buy my games region 2 so i can get them addons later on from the UAE store. otherwise i can't. as for demon's soul there aren't addons for it anyways.