• Gaming
  • Sony Playstation - Games Exchange.

well i want to sell these 3 ps3 games so plz mail me if you are interested : romelie@live.com

1) Grand Theft Auto IV : Episodes From liberty City >>> 50 $
2) Resident Evil 5 >>> 25 $
3) PES 2010 >>> 25 $

ALL prices are negotiable :) ..and exchange offers are welcome :)
10 days later
karim soubra wrotecan't wait
My advise, buy a new computer with full feature that able to play these gen of games
coz most games or all you wish in list are availabe on PC and you know in Lebanon You can buy games like GTA4 by 5$ "Black market".as I do
10 days later
Hello LebGeeks,

am new to this community -
my name is Bassem - 16

well i bought today my ps3 and bought the resistance 2 game

i am willing to trade it...


Mafia 2
Fifa 11
NBA 2K11

FIFA 11 is not out yet :) but I'll be looking for it too !

I am looking to buy Heavy Rain and/or Mafia 2. Anyone wishing to sell ?
Mafia 2 is really good :D

and thanks " smyyé "

So anyone to trade the resistance 2 :P ?
14 days later
chosen2k wrotechosen2k's PS3 Games:
1- Fallout 3
2- Call of duty 4
3- FIFA 2010
4- Demon's Soul
5- Prototype
7- Singstar Abba
8- Little big planet
9- Dirt 2
10- Call of duty world at war
11- BioShock2
12- Call of duty Modern warfare 2
13- MGS4
14- Battlefield Bad Company 2
15- Street Fighter 4
16- Tekken 6
17- NFS undercover
18- Buzz Quiz TV
19- Resident Evil 5
20- Red dead redemption
21- Far Cry 2
22- BioShock
23- God of War Collection
24- God of War 3
25- GTA4. Liberty stories

chosen2k Wishlist:
1- The Suffering 3 (This is really a wish)
2- Blood 3 (That is another wish)

chosen2k previously played/pwnd games:
1- Assassin's Creed 1/2
2- Need for Speed Carbon
3- Batman Arkham Asylum
4- Infamous
5- Soldier of Fortune: Payback
6- Condemned bloodshot 2
7- Sonic
8- Defjam: Icon
9- Heavenly sword
10- Killzone 2
11- Prince of Persia
12- Tomb Raider: Underworld
13- Mirror's Edge
14- Resistance 1/2
15- Top Spin 3
16- Haze
17- Viking: Battle for Asgard
18- Devil May Cry 4
19- Turok
20- Burnout Paradise
21- The Orange Box
22- Unreal tournament
23- TimeShift
24- UNCHARTED: Drake's Fortune 1/2
25- Stranglehold
26- Ninja Gaiden Sigma
27- The Darkness
28- Fear
29- Motorstorm
30- Alone in the dark
31- Aliens Vs Predator
32- Heavy Rain
33- Fear 2
34- Just cause 2
35- Dead space

I should get another hobby
Hello man

i am interested in: -God of War 3
- GTA 4. Liberty City
- Singstar Abba
- Red Dead Redemption

How much those 4 please :D ?
Does anyone happen to have Burnout Paradise?
Hello guys:

For sale:
Call of Duty: World at War
Fallout 3
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
Resistance 2

If anyone's interested, please pm or email me.
where is chosen2k ? anyone knows his number or his email ?
B.M.D wrotewhere is chosen2k ? anyone knows his number or his email ?
Hey dude, the prob is that those 4 games you chose are games that i keep in my personal collection.
So sorry, no sale :)

I'll update my game list soon, there are a lot of changes that i did not update
18 days later
hey guys i got :
-Uncharted :Drakes fortune
-Resistance :fall of MAn
-Singstar starter pack + 2 Mics
ALL workin great. but not my type of games so if any one is interested PM me and we could arrange a nice offer.
and actually im interested in trading them with " Red dead redemption ".
Hello guys,

Another round of game sales:

Call of Duty: World at War
Dragon Age Origins
Fallout 3
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
Resistance 2
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

If anyone is interested, please pm or email me.
a month later
Hello, i have this list of games for sale, and prices are negotiable of course.

Super Street Fighter IV
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Castlevania Lords of Shadow
Dante's Inferno
*maybe Medal of Honor
Time Crisis: Razing Storm

pm me of you want to ask about prices or trades or anything.
23 days later
Weird! Nino doesn't have Dragon Age: Origins "Ultimate Edition", did anyone find it?
hey i just want to ask you what is your favorite offline multiplayer up-to 4players (exluding any soccer game)
I used to like WWE's SmackDown Vs. Raw the first one it was awesome in 2005.
Anybody interested in Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (Game of the year edition) Brand new in seal, you can even see the playstation logo on the wrap . PM me if you're interested . I might consider trading with other games