
  • Mar 3, 2011
  • Joined Apr 10, 2010
  • I just got CoD Black Ops... But I'll have to wait till friday to play it (That's when my vacation starts :D)
  • I'm going to get my PS Move on Tuesday hopefully it would turn out to be good :D
  • First of all i jus wanted to say that I was inspired to post this thread from the forums.
    Anyway, in this thread you just post what you achieved in gaming today, You can talk about the games that you beat or trophies or achievments that you unlocked... ANYTHING gaming related.

    Im gunna start off first. Registered a GB account but im still waiting for it to be eligible :(
  • i have two PSN IDs: 1- MV-EnKriipTed (i use it mainly to play mw2 online)
    2- NOS-NAZZER (my main ps3 acc)

    PS: plz include "lebgeeks" in each friend request (:
  • Yeah i got them too for free ;) and they're great :D
  • ahem....poster above the above is homo^
  • oh thats a middle finger from EA(EA games F**k up evrything).
  • i always thought of selling games but the feeling you get when you hold a ps3 game in your hand is simply :D:D:D:D so i decided to make a collection lol :)
  • I have a total of 30 retail games:

    -Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
    -Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
    -Killzone 2
    -Little Big Planet
    -Motorstorm Pacific Rift
    -BUZZ! Quiz TV
    -Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
    -Call of Duty 5 World at War
    -Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
    -Battlefield Bad Company
    -Battlefield Bad Company 2
    -Super Street Fighter IV
    -Need For Speed SHIFT
    -Bioshock 2
    -Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction
    -Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty
    -Assassin's Creed II
    -GTA IV
    -Army of Two
    -Mirror's Edge
    -Burnout Paradise
    -Fifa 08
    -Pro Evolution Soccer 2010
    -Resistance: Fall of Man
    -Fallout 3
    -Fifa Street 3
    -Metal Gear Solid IV
    -Mortal Kombat VS. DC Universe

    +6 PSN Games:
    -Pixel Junk: Shooter
    -Burn, Zombie, Burn!
    -Zombie Apocalypse
    -Fat Princess
    -Comet Crash

    36 Games Total =)
  • kareem_nasser wroteThe price here ranges from $440 to $550 and bundles may include FIFA10 or Uncharted 2 as far as i know.
    You can use up to 7 dualshock 3 controllers and it has Ethernet(1) WiFi too.The old fat ps3's used to have ps2 and MMC/SD memory cards support but later fat models dont have both so it is best to get Slim because it has the same thing but lghter weight and les power consumption due to CPU=45nm and GPU=65nm.
    As for the place i can tell one thing, there is only one wholesaler here Alliance Electronics so dont expect much bundles and prices.
    Those are the BC PS3s (Backwards Compatible) that you can play PS2 and i think PSone games and also play DVDs, but i dont think you should go with the slim version (better storage and fewer power consumption and lighter).
  • I mostly play Call of Duty World at War, mw2, KZ2 and also Battlefield Bad Company 2 online.

    I OWN UMP45 in mw2 ;)
  • PS3: Bioshock 2, Need for Speed Shift, CoD 5, CoD MW2.

    PC: Titan Quest Immortal Throne.
  • Playstation Move could have hardcore games like demons souls and such. But i'll buy it if it has cool games and the price was right.
  • Is anyone buying this? It really looks fun especially if they make it better than the Wii because the Wii sucked...
    Ill be definitley buying it.