• Lobby
  • The topic for when there is nothing new

You know... there is this page where you can go: on the top right of the screen, just click on "New" and you will see all the new posts and all the active threads.
But I does happen quite frequently that I do that and see that nobody has posted anything, and there are no threads to take part of...
So this is the thread for when there is nothing to discuss...

Maybe that will help and keep the forum alive in these slow hours.

Have a nice weekend and don't forget to post here when there's nothing else to discuss.
Interesting experiment Rolf. Topics about "everything" generally end up creating way more noise than signal. Also, the Lobby already plays the role of hosting threads that don't fit elsewhere. Creating a topic within it with the same role tends to be misleading.
However, let's give this spin for a few days, I'm curious of how it will turn out to be.

I guess it's a topicless topic, it's not exactly about "everything" but more about "nothing"!

The lobby would fit threads that don't fit elsewhere, and this thread would fit posts that don't fit under any specific topic.
But it just boils down to having somewhere to post things even when there is no active conversation you can take part in, and have nothing specific to discuss.

Let's say I want to give a shoutout to all lebgeeks members (ahoy everyone!), or just want to post some random stuff that crosses my mind - I'm not gonna open a new thread for that...
It doesn't sound like a recipe for creating good content... sounds a bit like Facebook, but at least it wouldn't be all over the place but contained in a single topic.

I hope y'all are having a nice Sunday.
Well, there are very important four reasons why these forums are not bothered with sometimes, none of which I think I will be permitted to discuss (smiley with tongue here).
rofl always wants to argue ..
Tarek wroterofl always wants to argue ..
I agree!

(that killed it, didn't it?)
I like trains, think we will ever have a train in Lebanon?
I once licked my elbow, it was the best 25 hour day of my life, though Chuck Norris didn't approve =/
enthralled wroteAnyone seen/tried a Subpac? I ordered the M1 last month http://www.thesubpac.com/pre-order-now/subpac-m1 I'll ship with Borderlinx. Mainly for gaming and listening to music.
Say, how much can I expect borderlinx to charge for a camera that costs 325 in the states (on ebay?) I'm on their site now trying to figure that out...

PS: I just found their cost calculator. It's not bad, but amazon won't accept a Lebanese credit card for a US address, and borderlinx don't seem to offer payment services...
rolf wroteamazon won't accept a Lebanese credit card for a US address, and borderlinx don't seem to offer payment services...
You can try Borderlinx Concierge https://www.borderlinx.com/pages/our-exclusive-concierge-service I tried it for the Subpac M1 (which requires PayPal) but they said "merchant does not accept our transactions/concierge service." That probably means Paypal isn't an option. I created EntroPay virtual card and a PayPal using that card, with fake US address and made the payment myself.
Oh, this is a nice initiative. I've been to many forums and some have a "blabla" thread, even sometimes inside a "blabla" forum. It usually ends up like a nice chatroom. Here's an example of a Linux forum I frequently visit, in which there's an off-topic thread, and also in a completely off-topic forum, there's a chatting topic too. So the experience is not new, so maybe it will turn in good here in le blabla de LebGeeks too !
enthralled wrote
rolf wroteamazon won't accept a Lebanese credit card for a US address, and borderlinx don't seem to offer payment services...
You can try Borderlinx Concierge https://www.borderlinx.com/pages/our-exclusive-concierge-service I tried it for the Subpac M1 (which requires PayPal) but they said "merchant does not accept our transactions/concierge service." That probably means Paypal isn't an option. I created EntroPay virtual card and a PayPal using that card, with fake US address and made the payment myself.
Ok, I'm gonna try this. I'm gonna make a purchase of the same approximate value of yours... this service is reliable and honest, right?

PS: reading lots of bad reviews about them right now...
It's good to see that this thread escalated quickly.

Other than that, is anyone ordering the new Oculus DK2.0?
Johnaudi wroteIt's good to see that this thread escalated quickly.
Yeah, I'm glad to see that people are digging it.
I should've named it "THE THREAD"!
kareem_nasser wroteI miss the old LebGeeks! Damn it!
I'm not sure what you mean by "the old LebGeeks"
rolf wrote
kareem_nasser wroteI miss the old LebGeeks! Damn it!
I'm not sure what you mean by "the old LebGeeks"

he means when we used to talk in technical shit