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rolf wroteOk, I'm gonna try this. I'm gonna make a purchase of the same approximate value of yours... this service is reliable and honest, right?

PS: reading lots of bad reviews about them right now...
This will be my fourth shipment through Borderlinx. I find them reliable and honest. Make sure you don't order anything prohibited; I tried to ship this sonic toothbrush that includes a UV sanitizer http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0085RZLU4/ref=mw_dp_mdsc?dsc=1 but had to return to Amazon because the sanitizer has a mercury containing lamp. If not sure about an item, email them.
If the total invoice value is above 800 USD (or require an approval from any ministry) a formal clearance will occur and D.O 70,000L.L. , the DHL clearance charges (115,000L.L. or 322,500 L.L. depending on the value of the items) , 10% V.A.T. from the invoice value and a specific % for customs.
This thread is working almost too well...

enthralled wrote
rolf wroteOk, I'm gonna try this. I'm gonna make a purchase of the same approximate value of yours... this service is reliable and honest, right?
PS: reading lots of bad reviews about them right now...
This will be my fourth shipment through Borderlinx. I find them reliable and honest. Make sure you don't order anything prohibited; I tried to ship this sonic toothbrush that includes a UV sanitizer http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0085RZLU4/ref=mw_dp_mdsc?dsc=1 but had to return to Amazon because the sanitizer has a mercury containing lamp. If not sure about an item, email them.
If the total invoice value is above 800 USD (or require an approval from any ministry) a formal clearance will occur and D.O 70,000L.L. , the DHL clearance charges (115,000L.L. or 322,500 L.L. depending on the value of the items) , 10% V.A.T. from the invoice value and a specific % for customs.
Thanks. I just read a bunch of "scam" reviews on the internet.
I used their cost calculator. But do you mean to tell me that the cost calculator won't give me the exact cost, or that I will need to add VAT to it?

Anyway, thanks for the tip. Let us know how that wearable subwoofer turns out!
Any parkour practitioners? It's super cool and extreme. Only Parkour gym I know of is in Sin El Fil, I go there from Hamra (little far but worth it).
As mentioned in my first post above, my goal is becoming a ninja (I'm not kidding) :]
enthralled wroteAny parkour practitioners? It's super cool and extreme. Only Parkour gym I know of is in Sin El Fil, I go there from Hamra (little far but worth it).
As mentioned in my first post above, my goal is becoming a ninja (I'm not kidding) :]
I have a friend who likes parkour...
I thought you were joking about the ninja thing...
I just found out that CMC installed the da vinci Si for performing laparoscopic procedures in the late 2012... I feel like my soul's been crushed and I'm kind of envious.... I've always wanted to see that baby in action
mesa177 wroteI just found out that CMC installed the da vinci Si for performing laparoscopic procedures in the late 2012... I feel like my soul's been crushed and I'm kind of envious.... I've always wanted to see that baby in action
Why don't you go see for yourself then?
rolf wrote
PS: I just found their cost calculator. It's not bad, but amazon won't accept a Lebanese credit card for a US address, and borderlinx don't seem to offer payment services...
I did it many times and all went well
yeah man this is "the thread", samer should edit the title though
It's very interesting how much productivity getting a new phone yields, compared to having an old phone that did not work properly. (keeps you waiting at least 10 seconds to open each app).

Context: Recently switched from Galaxy S2 to Nexus 5.
Obviously wroteIt's very interesting how much productivity getting a new phone yields, compared to having an old phone that did not work properly. (keeps you waiting at least 10 seconds to open each app).

Context: Recently switched from Galaxy S2 to Nexus 5.
In terms of productivity, I'd say get the largest full-HD screen you can fit in your pocket; especially if you browse the web.
I have the Xperia Z Ultra, it barely fits in my jeans, but in my opinion it's totally worth it.
Congrats your new phone :]
Nabs wroteWell, there are very important four reasons why these forums are not bothered with sometimes, none of which I think I will be permitted to discuss (smiley with tongue here).
I totally agree *hides back in his batcave from he who must not be named *
*slaps rodster and nabs with a salmon fish* xD
But seriously we need such a topic just for ideas to share, ideas that don't need a whole new topic to discuss just a thought to share with people.
rolf wrote
mesa177 wroteI just found out that CMC installed the da vinci Si for performing laparoscopic procedures in the late 2012... I feel like my soul's been crushed and I'm kind of envious.... I've always wanted to see that baby in action
Why don't you go see for yourself then?
I'm not allowed in an OR where I don't have something to do (or anyone for that matter), and being a biomedical engineer, that means I have to be part of the staff to do so. But it did get me thinking about contacting the head of OR or head of biomedical engineering and asking permission to enter as a visitor.
Does anyone know if we are allowed to ship supplements from abroad? I mean I know the Lebanese borders restrict the shipping of medicines unless I am licensed to do so, but these are not technically medicine and are not considered so by the US. So would the "jamerik" let them in or seize them?
mesa177 wrote
rolf wrote
mesa177 wroteI just found out that CMC installed the da vinci Si for performing laparoscopic procedures in the late 2012... I feel like my soul's been crushed and I'm kind of envious.... I've always wanted to see that baby in action
Why don't you go see for yourself then?
I'm not allowed in an OR where I don't have something to do (or anyone for that matter), and being a biomedical engineer, that means I have to be part of the staff to do so. But it did get me thinking about contacting the head of OR or head of biomedical engineering and asking permission to enter as a visitor.
If they're friendly people, they should understand and be glad to invite you and meet you, from one engineer to another. I guess you don't have much to loose anyway.
That's code reuse for you... Don't reinvent the wheel, they say... Anyway, thanks fir the link, good quality content.
port80 wroteDoes anyone know if we are allowed to ship supplements from abroad? I mean I know the Lebanese borders restrict the shipping of medicines unless I am licensed to do so, but these are not technically medicine and are not considered so by the US. So would the "jamerik" let them in or seize them?
No idea, but all I can say is that, from what I've heard, they're not the brightest people, so I'm not sure they would know the difference between the two.
m_zeid wroteyeah man this is "the thread", samer should edit the title though
The initial aim of this thread was to "keep the forums alive" even when there is nothing in particular to discuss... It is working, I guess. There is no real constraint on what you can post here, and it is OK, to some extent, I mean if everyone was doing nothing but posting here, and nobody was bothering to create new, dedicated threads anymore, then it would not be that great... I'd have succeded in turning Lebgeeks into a giant single chatroom...
That's code reuse for you... Don't reinvent the wheel, they say...
Okay, I'll bite.

Do you have any idea about the astronomical of critical bug that would be introduced if it weren't for code reuse? So we found a bug in a critical application. We fix it, we publish the solution, and we ask of people to patch their systems. Security bugs in OpenSSL are not found very often, and most bugs usually lead to crashes or denial of services, not critical data recovery.

Despite heartbleed, OpenSSL is our best implementation of TLS/SSL. It's field tested, it has years of experience, that's what made it an industry standard. Encouraging devs to lay out their own implementation is a kind of "security through obscurity", a method that has been proven not to work again and again. It's the equivalent of me trying to convince you to install my home-made lock on your door, instead of an industry standard one, because "burglars aren't used to try to crack it".

TL; DR: Don't implement your own crypto library, and be sure to apply patches when they're published, that's your best bet.
I'll try to be brief because I'm tapping on a stupid iPhone onscreen keyboard...
Do I have any idea about the critical bugs that would be introduced...? No, neither do you!
You tell me not to write my own crypto library (no worries, I won't), but as far as I can see, I see nothing else than your opinion... And I have a different opinion.
I wouldn't know how to defend my opinion either. It's just based on seing things like this happening, and a parallel with illnesses in nature: often genetic diversity is the last line of defense...
And by the way, security through obscurity works. To understand what I mean: imagine that all the vulnerabilities and all bugs were discovered all at once, right now. Can you imagine the mayhem? I'm not saying it is s good practice; no. I am against it. I'm just saying that it does work, regardless, and a part of security relies on it, willingly or not.
And while we're at it, why don't we imagine that every software maker in the world had used OpenSSL (following your advice)?
Perfect security is most probably an unattainable ideal... Software makers keep releasing patches...
Genetic diversity, on the other hand, has already saved the human race at least once. If that's not sure, it's at least very likely, when you look at the Black Death epidemic in Europe, in the middle ages..

And finally I just want to make it clear that I appreciate code reuse and do it myself, and I am not against it! I am just against software reuse ALWAYS BEING THE RIGHT OPTION (i know, caps), and "reinventing the wheel" always being a bad idea.