
  • Jun 25, 2022
  • Joined Feb 13, 2011
  • On a side note, if you can find the book on Google's Play Book, you can use Lebanese cards to buy e-books from Google.
  • Someone wrote an article about that earlier this year.
  • There are buses that go from Dora->Antelias->Bikfaya->Mrouj and back. I don't know how he can reach Mrouj by public transport from al Sayyad, but from there he can take the bus down to the nearest point to the embassy on the Bikfaya-Antelias Highway. It's a 10-15 minutes walk from the Highway but he might have to cross the highway or take a taxi or service from there.

    Edit: when going back he needs to pay attention to which bus he takes, because there are buses that follow this route also: Dora->Antelias->Bikfaya->Bteghrine->Baskinta
  • Sold
  • Do competitive programming! That's the best thing I ever did.

    Sign up to sites like projecteuler.net, codeforces.com and solve problems. Google and Facebook hosts competitive programming competitions once a year (Google Code Jam, and Facebook Hacker cup). If you do well in those, they might contact you for an interview as a Software Engineer (I know people who got contacted based on their performance in Code Jam).

    This competitive programming thing, needs practice and dedication. You will always learn from it. If you need more information, don't hesitate to contact me.
  • Does anyone know where the 6p is available in Lebanon? I searched many places in the past week, most of them don't have it and the rest has only the 32GB model. Some places I asked are: Class and Stars Communication in City Center; I also asked many small shops on the road.

    If you have any idea where I can find this phone please share it, preferably in the Metn / Keserwan area.
  • Johnaudi wrote@Ra8 if you've corrected my code, note that I had "Use 32 bits on copy.sh/brainfuck" commented - which is a stupid move from me because there's a "dot" in that comment.
    It's a bit too late, the results of the Rally were announced on Monday. But yeah, your team (204) was one of the teams who got it correct.
  • You don't need to know the size of the input per say:
    If we do:
    This is a simplified version:
    Each digit will be in a cell, so for example reading the input 123, your memory will look like this: 0 49 50 51 0, and the tape will be pointing at the 5th cell. All you have to do now is deduct 48 from each of the non zero cells to get the actual integer value.
    After that you have to multiply and add the right most by 1, then by 1*10, then by 1*10*10 etc.. until you reach the 0.

    After reaching 0 49 50 51 0, you can go back to the first cell (49) by doing <[<]>, you don't actually need to know how many cells are occupied.

    Check @JohnAudi's code first line he did something similar
  • I was one of the problem setters in the AUB Rally Paper. I set this problem and corrected it. More than half the teams were able to do it correctly!
    Well, to read the whole stdin, you should do something like: ,[>,] this will read all the characters in stdin until we read the \0 character which its value is 0 so the loop will terminate.
  • They will post the pdf here :https://www.aub.edu.lb/admissions/acceptances/Pages/AcceptancesAY2016-2017.aspx.
    I got my email in late April when I got accepted 5 years ago...

    If you want you can join this facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/126553607367124/ which has more than 12,000 members of current students and alumni and ask there about it and about other questions you have (or search the group for previous questions instead of asking the same questions again).
  • Like @hussam said, do a traceroute to find the IP of the router. 192.168.*.* are internal IP addresses You can change them as you like without telling Ogero.
    On windows type this command.
    The first IP that appears should be your router's *internal* IP.
  • There is this app http://www.onlivery.com/ I used it a few times, it's good. Once you submit your order, they will send an sms to confirm the order.

    It has many restaurants which you can order from, depending on which area you are living.
  • Note: I don't know if you can use the 32 bits as input or output as you wish in this board...

    Here is a simple idea to build a countdown timer:

    Buy 4 buttons and 2 7-segment displays.
    Use the buttons as inputs, the first one increments the counter, the second decrements it, the third starts/pauses the countdown with the value shown, the fourth button resets the time to 0.

    And use the 2 7-segment displays to show the current value of the timer
  • You can use Whatsapp web on one of the phones (tick "use desktop version"): https://web.whatsapp.com/. When using the phone with Whatsapp web, the other phone where you have the original Whatsapp should be connected to the internet.

    This technically works without any problems with Whatsapp, but it will be really annoying to use.
  • google.com.lb is working fine for me.

    Why don't you use google.com? google.com/ncr
    ncr stands for no country redirect.
  • You may want to try https://ngrok.com/. It allows you to expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet. And then you can change your domain name DNS record to point to the tunnel created.

    I never tried it with this situation, but it does a good job tunneling your localhost to the internet.
  • @AVOlio

    I can tell you the difference between those at AUB, I think it applies to other universities as well:

    ECE or CCE requires a lot more math and a lot more physics than CS.
    In ECE/CCE you have to take 2 courses in circuits and 2 courses in electronics and 1 course in physics and 5 courses in math and 1 course in chemistry and 1 optional science course (chemistry/physics/biology/...) and also a course in Signals and Systems.
    The remaining courses in the major can be all in Networking, Programming, Computer Architecture (you can choose what you prefer)

    In CS:
    You have to take 1 course in physics and 2 optional science courses and 3 math courses. Most of the remaining are just CS courses (similar to Programming courses given in ECE/CCE and a few more).

    You can see for yourself the different courses that are required in each major at AUB or at any other university.

    My Advice, since you are interested in computers is maybe to go with CS which has less math and physics required. You can also finish in 3 years instead of 4.
  • alimans3 wrote@ra8 ECE and CCE are the basically the same courses right ? And is it basically software programming or hardware? I think i am excellent when it comes to software and programming as well as hardware . And is it a nice major ?
    ECE and CCE differ in only one course in the first two years:
    In ECE you have to take EECE 370: Electric Machines and Power Fundamentals
    in CCE you have to take EECE 350: Computer Networks

    The third and fourth year are the years where you have to pick electives.

    A change in the curriculum happened during my second year, I'm still on the "old" program, but the link I wrote earlier was the new program. In the new program both major have some flexibility in choosing the required and technical electives.

    Check this link https://www.aub.edu.lb/fea/ece/Documents/CCE_ECE.pdf.
    The course required and major requirements for each of ECE and CCE are better differentiated.

    I agree with A.L, it is a very organised major, and a very fun major too. During the first semester, we had to build a 3 floor elevator with all the logic and circuit necessary (yes the first semester). Each year a new project is given. Every new semester exposes you to new types of interesting projects like writing a game in assembly, writing a multi-threaded server, etc...

    If you have a facebook account, we have a group there on this url: https://www.facebook.com/groups/156247611131468/ It's a closed group, I don't know if you need an invite or if you can join then accept you. Anyway if you need an invite let me know. You can ask more people about the major there and get different point of views.