i remembered this thread today,so why not revive it a bit.
Riddle 1:
(a classic one) you have 8 identical balls in size,but 1 ball weigh a little more than the others,you have a
balance scale and 2 tries to determine which ball is the heavy one.
Riddle 2:
4 campers have 1 flashlight that have enough battery to last 17 minutes,they have to cross a rope bridge but it's too dangerous to cross it without light,and the bridge can hold at most 2 people,the campers can cross the bridge at different speeds.
Camper 1: needs 1 minute.
Camper 2: needs 2 minutes.
Camper 3: needs 5 minutes.
Camper 4: needs 10 minutes.
How can they all cross the bridge in 17 minutes with light.
Don't google the answers :P