• May 19, 2023
  • Joined Nov 14, 2010
  • Hey all,
    Was wondering if anyone here has experience with any of the following:

    Character Design
    Character Sketching
    3d Sculpting/Modeling/Texturing/Rigging for characters

    I have had this game concept for a while _LONG WHILE_ and I am a developer _ I can work with Unity. I wanted to check if anyone here has experience in the areas mentioned above _since I am not an expert myself. Maybe we can collaborate on something.
  • First off, the number on the right side in the top right square looks like a 6 but should be a 5 (which made finding an answer even harder).
    In each square subtract the sum of the horizontally opposed numbers from the product of the vertically opposed numbers, you get 40.
    (5x13) - (5+20) = (4x12) - (3+5) = (4x16) - (4+20) = (5x11) - (7+8)

    I ended up using google after giving up ...
  • FYI, Ad not Add
    Also, DNS66 does that on Android, not sure on other OSs
  • Hello,
    I am looking to build a Windows server for a small business for them to share files with security + users + roles.
    What I am looking for answers on are the following points:
    * Better to go with a complete system (HP, Lenovo, etc... ) or build one myself?
    * Where would SSD fit in here, is it a good idea to depend on SSD for a file sharing server?
    * RAID ?
    * Which version of Windows Server?
    * What about backups, what kind of backup plan is recommended?
    * other tips and ideas

    Thanks in advance for the help.
  • Hey guys, for those iPhone experts out there.
    I have the iPhone 4 and until recently it was fine. What happens now is a set of strange things related to its touch screen:
    1. On a specific spot on the screen (lower right) sometimes just hovering (without touching) my finger registers touches.
    2. On a whole column (right side of the screen) if I click somewhere the iPhone detects a click somewhere else, this could be related to 1
    3. If I open an application called "draw" which is a simple drawing app, and try drawing a horizontal line, the line starts fine (from left to right) until I reach the right side (while drawing slowly) the drawing goes wobbly and I see pulse like scratches going up and down even if I keep my finger still on the same spot.
    4. One las thing, a probably related behaviour has occurred before in the same region, where if I draw a horizontal line it is broken in that region as if I removed my finger there (no touch detection). This behaviour went away and phone was back to normal for no obvious (at least to me) reason.

    Can anyone tell me what might be the problem, is it HW or SW, and what is the suggested approach to fixing this?

    Thanks in advance guys
  • Thanks for the _as expected_ elaborate explanation Rahmu. I had a feeling this topic would provoke you a bit. The thing is, would I need that "subtle" improvement in editing, how much would I be using a basic (not in a bad way) editor as vi vs. using an IDE like XCode or otherwise. I am not planning to write any shell scripts or do programming outside the bounds of an IDE, so the benefits vs. the learning curve don't look that attractive, unless I am missing something.
  • Here is the question:
    How relevant is vi in a GUI enabled OS like mac?
    Recently got my MacBook Pro Retina and I am reading some tutorials, I came across one that uses vi to edit text files. I know vi is a powerful editor, but is it more powerful than a fully fledged, mouse enabled, menu filled, graphical text editor?
  • First some math:
    As an example you live in a 12 story apartment building that is 24 users give or take the annoying neighbor. considering the average user is pleased with a 512 connection. 512x 24=approx 12 Mb consider half are using the connection at one given time so 6-8MB
    12 Mbps / 24 users = 512 Kbps
    12 Mbps / 12 users (half) = 1 Mbps

    Seconddly, the cable guys don't get download through a local provider AFAIK, they don't used DSL, they use a satellite connection from another country (a Eurpian country AFAIR), they only go through Ogero on upload. This information might be outdated since I haven't checked in a while.
  • So I have a Mac Book Pro Retina and I just installed Chrome on it. I compared the font on Chrome and Safari and there is an obvious difference in clarity, Safari being the one with clear crisp and smooth fonts. I want to use Chrome since it is my browser of choice, but Safari wins hands down when it comes to readability of text, any ideas?
  • Hello all and thanks for the replies
    I have an Asus P6x58D-E MB and it supports triple SLI

    Now the reason I went with SLI on medium level cards is because I read it somewhere on maybe tomshardware that it would give me better performance than going for a single higher end card.

    I currently have the cards in x16, x16, x1 config, i could switch to x16, x8, x8 by using the 1st and 3rd slots instead of the 1st and second right?

    Am I to expect a noticeable difference from running 16x?
  • Hey,
    I have 2 Gigabyte GTX 560s windforce
    I am looking to water cool them since SLI does not work for me when using air cooling (since they are stacked close to each other one of them does not get enough air).
    Can anyone give advise on what kit to get that works with these?
  • Well guess what, I woke up this morning and it was working again, I mean totally working, this is strange!
    I guess it could have been a loose wire or something...
  • Hey all
    It seems that my iPhone has a column on the right side where touch does not work, I only noticed this recently. My question is, is it possible that changing the digitizer is not required since my phone did not fall recently and especially not on the screen side. Also is it possible that the problem started some time ago and gradually the affected area extended into a whole column with time? I used to wonder why I had to try a couple of times before I could get the cursor in the search box of my browser, I thought it was just the iPhone lagging, but now I am starting to think maybe that was due to touch not working in a small spot.
    One final thing, I can notice that the home button is somewhat not very responsive, I sometimes click it a couple of times before I get a response, could this be related?
    Any feedback appreciated.
  • OK here's another:

    You got a box of cigarette packs containing 20 packs where each pack has 20 cigs in it. That is 400 cigs total.
    You are told that one of the packs (with the 20 cigs inside it) has a defect, the defect is that the amount of tobacco inside is less than the usual by 0.1 grams (per cig). Usually a cigarette weighs 1 grams, so a pack (excluding the weight of the wrapping) weighs 20 x 1g = 20g, the defective one would weigh 20 x 0.9 = 18g.
    In a locked cell, you are butt naked (don't ask me why) and are provided with the box of cigarettes, and a digital scale that will give you only one reading before it is permanently disabled (for some action it might also automatically blow up a few seconds after you use it). All the packs are marked by a serial number so that they can be identified. The people who are testing your skills (and who probably are the ones that stripped you naked) already have the number of the defective pack. You are assigned with the task of identifying the defective pack.

    And yeah, the room is being cooled to make you feel cold (since you are ... yes you guessed it, NAKED)

    P.S: Your attire _or lack of it_ has nothing to do with this problem
  • rahmu wrote@MSD: Can you "waste" a third fuse to measure 15 mins by lighting it simultaneously from both sides?
    You don't need a third fuse to do that
  • m.sabra wrote
    MSD wroteYou are a secret agent, your mission is to blow up an arms factory. For reasons we won't get into, you plan to do it old school, using fuses and gun powder, not timers and C4 and that stuff. You have 2 fuses, each burn from end to end in exactly 30 minutes. The fuse does not have a uniform distribution of gun powder, in other words, it does not burn in a constant speed, for ex: 99% of the fuse could take 1 minute to burn and the remaining 1% of its length 29 minutes. You estimate it takes you 45 minutes to make it out of the factory and need to use the 2 fuses you got to build a time bomb that will explode after 45 minutes from lighting the fuse(s).
    ok tie the first fuse by half (put both ends of the fuse together and twist it together so it become a full fuse with half the size of a normal fuse) attach it to the other fuse (keep this one normal) and light it.the unmodified fuse will take 30 minutes, the twisted fuse will start burning both layers that are twisted together so until it finish burning it will take 15 minutes so 45 min in total.
    You don't really need to twisted into a fuse, All you need is to make a loop:

    -- FUSE 1
    -- FUSE 2
    become --O
    You light it from the left and when the flame reaches the point of intersection the second fuse would light from both ends.
  • You are a secret agent, your mission is to blow up an arms factory. For reasons we won't get into, you plan to do it old school, using fuses and gun powder, not timers and C4 and that stuff. You have 2 fuses, each burn from end to end in exactly 30 minutes. The fuse does not have a uniform distribution of gun powder, in other words, it does not burn in a constant speed, for ex: 99% of the fuse could take 1 minute to burn and the remaining 1% of its length 29 minutes. You estimate it takes you 45 minutes to make it out of the factory and need to use the 2 fuses you got to build a time bomb that will explode after 45 minutes from lighting the fuse(s).


    To avoid confusion, let me correct my scenario:
    All you care about is creating a timer, forget about how the fuse is attached (or not) to the bomb
  • Win + L the undisputed key when it comes to breaking out from frozen apps. It even sometimes works where ctrl alt del does not. It is actually the shortcut for switch user.

    Ctrl shift esc brIngs up task mgr

    Alt D when in web browser focuses address bar

    Win R u prob know that