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  • Samsung mocks Apple fans

yes i saw them, pretty funny and also quite good marketing strategy
Very funny and creative.

"Dude, you're a barista" :-)
Isn't every phone they release, the next big thing?
Nice and clean ad yet very effective and concise!
Nice Ad :)
"How would people know I upgraded if the phone looks the same? "
Nice ad. I'm not sure, however, if picking on hardcore Apple fans will draw any new customers to Samsung.
ZeRaW wrote"How would people know I upgraded if the phone looks the same? "
This fits perfectly with the average Lebanese mentality.
I'm not sure, however, if picking on hardcore Apple fans will draw any new customers to Samsung
I read somewhere an interview of the guy behind the campaign. I'll try to find it.
He says that the goal of this ad is not to convert existing Apple fans, but rather to attract late smartphones adopters, and to convince early Android adopter to upgrade to a newer cooler SGS2.

Personally, I don't think any viral ad will ever convinve apple fans to switch. The only way they will switch is if they become disillusioned with Apple (especially now that Steve is gone).
Definitely getting sued. I think Samsung is desperately trying to sell its latest product. If this is the kind of marketing they use, then I say they lack a creative mind. Desperate move Samsung...
MrClass wroteDefinitely getting sued. I think Samsung is desperately trying to sell its latest product. If this is the kind of marketing they use, then I say they lack a creative mind. Desperate move Samsung...
I disagree, anyone can spin a camera around the phone and show pretty light around it and talk about how awesome it is, but it takes a creative company to make something as memorable as this one.
and even you would agree that you will remember this ad for a long time, and isn't that the point of ads?
xterm wroteIsn't every phone they release, the next big thing?
no it's always "the best iPhone yet" which is technically true, I mean imagine if it weren't ...
unforgiven wrote
xterm wroteIsn't every phone they release, the next big thing?
no it's always "the best iPhone yet" which is technically true, I mean imagine if it weren't ...
Most phones released are in fact inferior to another.
I used to be an Apple fan, i think most of you already know that from the various posts in the forum. But later i got interested in Android, I tested it for couple of days and actually its awesome. I sold my iPhone 4 a week ago and bought a Galaxy S2, i must say its far superior than the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4s.

Anyway, good luck Samsung and i repeat it's an awesome ad targeted to the right people from the right angle.
m0ei wrotei must say its far superior than the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4s.
that is quite a bold statement ... care to iterate with more details ?
MrClass wroteDefinitely getting sued. I think Samsung is desperately trying to sell its latest product. If this is the kind of marketing they use, then I say they lack a creative mind. Desperate move Samsung...
why would they get sued?... I recall apple using a pretty similar marketing technique for years it used to be called "Get Mac" during the Windows vs Mac period.

MrClass wroteDefinitely getting sued. I think Samsung is desperately trying to sell its latest product. If this is the kind of marketing they use, then I say they lack a creative mind. Desperate move Samsung...
No basis for a lawsuit---clever commercial by Samsung exploiting Apple's cult like following.

I know most people here live either here or in Europe, but if you want to look at good commercials, look for the ones made for the superbowl. For close to $2MM a minute, they tend to be very very creative. Here are the ones from earlier this year.

unforgiven wrote
m0ei wrotei must say its far superior than the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4s.
that is quite a bold statement ... care to iterate with more details ?
Hardware: Galaxy S2 wins with the display type(Super Amoled+), CPU(dual core 1.2 ghz), Ram(1gb), on the other hand the iPhone 4S wins with the GPU.
Even thought both phones have an 8mp back camera, but the iPhone 4S camera is a bit better because of the extra lens it has. Also the Galaxy S2 has a 2mp front cam compared to the VGA front cam of the iPhone..

OS: Now i used to think that iOS is quite user friendly, but i was actually wrong.
- The number of applications per folder in iOS is limited to 12 (correct me if I'm wrong), to bypass the limit you need to install Infinifolder from Cydia (if your legit, you need to pay for it). On Android, you can customize the way the folder open/close, no limit per folder.
- If you have a lot of homepages on iOS, you need to pass them 1 by 1 to get to the last one, unless you install an app from Cydia (costs money also), there's more than one available.
- If you need to plug an unoriginal hdmi/VGA/Component adapter not signed by Apple, it wont work unless you install Resupported from Cydia which also is a paid app.
- If you receive a message, you can't directly reply from the notification, you need to open the message app and reply again unless you install an app from cydia.
- You cant set a default app or a default browser from the settings, you need to install an app ALSO from cydia.
- If you need to change the theme, you need Winterboard, which is available in cydia.
- If you want to turn on Wifi/3g/gps/......... you need to open the setting each time to turn it on/off, unless you install SBsettings.
- The most important thing is "widgets", I used to think it's unless but i was completely wrong.
- The list keeps going on and on, without Cydia the iPhone is completely worthless. Also, you need like hundreds of apps from Cydia alone to customize it. On Android, a simple launcher like GoLauncher will do all this job without even thinking of Rooting.

Also, a lot of custom roms is available which fixes few issues, some roms improve battery life, some improve speeds and others...
there is no grounds for suing, also, Apple has already around 3 legal sues against Samsung, I don't think an ad will give them number 4.
Well I am a semi-Apple fanboy. There are some things I like in Apple, and other things I like in other manufacturers. I am planning to get an iPhone 4S, but with Samsung's interesting S2, I am a bit skeptical (yes yes, Samsung got me :P ). Since hardware wise both phones are merely the same (the Samsung S2 has a minor advantage over the iPhone 4S perhaps), a reasonable comparison would be limited to software and phone functionality and efficiency. The one thing I love about the iPhone is the App Store and Installous. Because there are tons of applications available, you can literally do anything on the iPhone (Games, Work, Utilities, Social Networking...). I own an ipad and I use it a lot at work (mostly for RDP and VNC remote control of Windows and Mac servers). If let's say I move to Samsung, will I still be able to browse/download apps from an app library (from the phone itself or using a PC) with proper sync, or will I miss that? Should I go with Android or Windows Mobile? Will Samsung's S2 offer seemless interaction on the phone (seemless I mean no hangs, hickups, force restarts, crashes, OS update problems)? How many apps are available in the official Android app store? Is there a Cydia-Installous-like feature for the Android? How big is the Android community?