m0ei wroteThe list keeps going on and on, without Cydia the iPhone is completely worthless. Also, you need like hundreds of apps from Cydia alone to customize it. On Android, a simple launcher like GoLauncher will do all this job without even thinking of Rooting.
Also, a lot of custom roms is available which fixes few issues, some roms improve battery life, some improve speeds and others...
I agree with most of what you say, however jailbreaking does exist and to assess which phone is better one has to take it into consideration. However in android you still have to install applications so it's purely and issue of "if there were no jailbreak"
If there were no "jailbreak" , android is a better choice if customization is an issue and the SG S2 is a better phone overall
as for the hardware, this is where we differ, even though the screen on the S2 is larger and AMOLED, the pixel ratio on the iphone 4/s is unequaled and honestly it make a lot of difference
as for the overall feel of the phone i'm a fan of the iphone 4/s' metal and glass as opposed to plastic
What I'm saying that there is not true better phone and to each his own. The iPhone cannot be denied it's innovative path into how smart phones evolved, and sadly the android was just trying to be a better version of what iPhone is and did not do any innovation.
However i do acknowledge the importance of android's existence and my next phone might be an android. Without android creating a competition in the market it may have been a whole before the features found in 4/s and iOS 5 would have been released.