so according to twitter and articles we should be expecting new dsl speeds end of next month
Ahmad Toutounji wroteso according to twitter and articles we should be expecting new dsl speeds end of next month
May i ask what twitter page you get news from ? i searched for jamal jarrah page hoping to see news but didnt find any, lets hope by march we get something.
yes from the ceo and searched "Lebanon internet" in twitter and came up with This
roudy5 wrote
Ahmad Toutounji wroteso according to twitter and articles we should be expecting new dsl speeds end of next month
May i ask what twitter page you get news from ? i searched for jamal jarrah page hoping to see news but didnt find any, lets hope by march we get something.
Don't expect much in the way of twitter from the new MoT. His Twitter shows exactly 2 tweets with them 3 years ago. You are better off looking at Imad Kreidieh's twitter for clues what will be going on.
No one ever give a specific deadline, they just say "short period of time", "in a matter of weeks", which pretty much shows incompetence
nuclearcat wroteThere is some rumours, that big isps want to kick out by law small cable isps from market.
Here is what it will lead:
I wouldn't really underestimate the power of small cable ISPs, they're backed by politicians in their regions just like local power generator people. Anyway, the law in Lebanon does help you dispose of people and entities but in an ironically unlawful manner. A part of me really hope this happens though, let's wait and see.
Hello guys,
Does anybody know if Sodetel is using DOCSIS 2.0 or DOCSIS 3.0 ?
Hybrid wroteNo one ever give a specific deadline, they just say "short period of time", "in a matter of weeks", which pretty much shows incompetence
If you mean about price reductions yes that's what i got from the ISPs i met with for my dedicated internet plan, it's been a month since the last time they told me there will be price reductions in "2 weeks".
21 days later
Well, where should I start from, I'm an IDM user but I chose to write here because after all the suffer it wasn't their total fault, by now I guess you all know the story of 6pm+ where the loss of data packet starts and the internet become unusable for Gaming, so I took the trouble to diagnose the issues and I found out that the main reason was the interference with electricity, all electricians these days when a building is under construction, they place the phone cable with the power cables inside the same tube and install it in the house, also at the building electricity center point, all the tubes of the apartments are routed together which will add more interference from the neighbors, what I did is that I fixed the second issue, I routed a Cat7 cable from the phone box from outside and away from tubes to the house main board (used only 1 pair), the result was substantial, in numbers the SNR which used to drop to 6.7db from ~18db during the day was a 18dB stable for 24 hours! For the first time in months I played a World Of Tanks round on Adsl at 10pm with minimal lag, the cables inside the house are still bad so I tried to avoid using electricity from the same socket I have the Modem plugged in. I also used a proper connectors to connect the cables instead of the usual twist way.

I advise anyone facing packet drops during the evening or randomly during the day to test their SNR in the few seconds when the electricity goes down before the generator is on, on that moment check what will your SNR will be, if you notice a huge difference it means that your phone cable are badly installed
interesting thing and it is clearly shown that you put an effort on that,
But I want to ask a question if it is wires/electricity problem why after 11 pm and early morning everything is stable and good to go,

What about the ping, does the drop in SNR affect the ping in your game ?

Thanks for the info,
Just my 5 cents, i recall when i had problem with some equipment, and it turned out cheapo crappy CFL lamps sold in supermarkets in Lebanon are emitting huge RF interference, and even wifi are degrading because of them. As many might realise, people(neighbours too) run lights at home at evening.
Abou7meed wroteinteresting thing and it is clearly shown that you put an effort on that,
But I want to ask a question if it is wires/electricity problem why after 11 pm and early morning everything is stable and good to go,

What about the ping, does the drop in SNR affect the ping in your game ?

Thanks for the info,
First of all there is no question that our ISPs suffer from overload issues, so even if you have an optimal wiring or signal values you will still experience some slow internet but it is manageable, as for 11pm / early morning, it could be simply the time when your neighbors turn off their lamps / heaters / etc when they go to sleep. As for the ping it will not change whatsoever but the packet drop will be reduced by a huge margin if the problem of the Internet was diagnosed to be an interference in the wiring. My example was the inability to play World of Tanks in the evening, I used to rely on 3G, after I changed the wire I'm not able to play, sometimes few packets are lost and gameplay is not 100% smooth but it is happening only in small occasions.
So according to CEO Imad Kreidieh we will have a speed upgrade very soon... by the end of march, the speed will be doubled to tripled but there's bad news for unlimited ogero users like myself... our speed will be maintained as it is no upgrade because of "some concerns they have" so the upgrade will probably be only for limited subscribers..
roudy maybe they will increase the cap to a reasonable amount maybe then we won't need unlimited

Check between 8;25 and 9;45 Is he saying that everyone will automatically receive the maximal speed that his line can handle? so the pricing plans won't be speed-based but dependent on the amount of data consumed only?
Ahmad Toutounji wroteroudy maybe they will increase the cap to a reasonable amount maybe then we won't need unlimited
I sure do hope so, tbh its a bit unfair for unlimited users to be stuck with 2 mbps and all other plans have increased speeds.
i think it's fair to get a package of ~150 GB/Month and speed of 4-6 Mbps at reasonable price, let's say for 40$ instead of unlimited package, fair but not awesome.