
  • Sep 5, 2019
  • Joined Jan 8, 2013
  • rolf wrote
    infiniteloop wrote I really don't understand these politicians,
    They are the ones who don't understand us. Do they think they can build a country on the back of a population that is depressed, insecure and psychotic?

    There are a lot of things that needs changing and work in Lebanon, and at the end of the list, last but not least, all the faces that remind the people of civil war have to go, this means most of the politicians and the political families.

    This is why so many persons consider this list of things then consider that it is easier to just emigrate. Not that emigration is easy, it just appears easier than bringing the standards of living in Lebanon up to expectations.

    But now that I think of it, I think this country needs just two things and all the rest will follow. These are:

    1. Hope
    2. Time

    But, eh, personally I have barely enough hope or time for myself, so...
    Hey sorry i disagree, as long as politicians can still get through their deals without public outlash (or with ineffective and useless outlash) the situation will remain the same. As William Benjamin said - "Every rise of fascism bears witness to a failed revolution", and i believe it applies to any sort of tyranny and not just fascism.

    The worse the situation gets, the worse people will start to behave - and with just the right amount of manipulation we will start killing each other again. We are an extremely short-sighted and over confident bunch of people, and deep down most of us are as corrupt as the politicians we blame our misfortunes on.

    Hard times, we are mutating -and our consciousness and emotional states have become conditioned by the information we consume because it all happened too quick and we failed to adapt.

    Often we say, heij tetfalsaf. And i will say as Slavoj Zizek says - "the first duty of philosophy is making you understand what deep shit you are in." Before that, we're wasting our time even bothering to think of all this.

    We said, l jil l jdid bado yghayer. But look at my generation, a bunch of droids voting for the same person their parents voted for.
  • nuclearcat wroteIs ISP+DSP both cedarcom?
    I heard many negative rumours about cedarcom from ISPs, interested to know feedback from users.
    No ISP is a different company but i would rather not mention their name to avoid any misunderstandings, I'm sure at this moment they also would prefer not to have their name tied to Cedarcom. The ISP is good, so is their support!
  • I am subscribed to a 10MB dedicated connection and I can say it's completely legit, sometimes my download speed reaches 1300kb/s which is kind of 11MBs, but as other users have already indicated - the problem is with DSPs. I've been running a 10MB dedicated connection in my online gaming hub for 2 weeks now and Cedarcom are making me go through hell with their shit hardware and slow support, they're asking me questions I'm supposed to ask to them! Just yesterday the place was full house and everyone was matchmaking at very good latency (67~85 ms) when the connection completely dropped dead and before i even knew it more than 20 gamers were leaving out the door dissatisfied.
  • Hello guys, i'm looking for a mikrotik routerboard to control bandwidth flow by IP - any recommendations on which model should i get? and where in Lebanon can i find it?
  • Hybrid wroteNo one ever give a specific deadline, they just say "short period of time", "in a matter of weeks", which pretty much shows incompetence
    If you mean about price reductions yes that's what i got from the ISPs i met with for my dedicated internet plan, it's been a month since the last time they told me there will be price reductions in "2 weeks".
  • nuclearcat wroteThere is some rumours, that big isps want to kick out by law small cable isps from market.
    Here is what it will lead:
    I wouldn't really underestimate the power of small cable ISPs, they're backed by politicians in their regions just like local power generator people. Anyway, the law in Lebanon does help you dispose of people and entities but in an ironically unlawful manner. A part of me really hope this happens though, let's wait and see.
  • Hey guys, i think branded gaming chairs are too expensive - and i didn't really notice any difference between them and other non-branded gaming chairs i found in China (and Lebanon, just took me months to find them). In fact, I have a very good source and already selling them for good prices. They are exactly the same as the white DXRacer photo posted above. I'm currently equipping a friend's gaming lounge with some of them - message me in private if you want to know more.

    I also do believe that DXRacer and other gaming chair brands don't really put much effort in designing l33t gaming chairs, they're just picking up quality gaming chairs from good chinese manufacturers and putting their logos on them
  • I think its compuparts, double check google. However I think they don't sell to end users so pcandparts is your best choice (great prices too).
  • Where do i get the extra fan from? Thanks for your professional opinion
    anayman_k7 wroteI built 3 to 4 systems with it, I did choose it because of the 40$ for all the features it has, here are the pros and negatives.

    - Black chassis with orange interior
    - Bottom mounted PSU with removal dust filter
    - Side plastic window
    - Tool-less 3.5" and 2.5" drive cages
    - Acceptable space for cable management
    - Comes with 1 preinstalled 120mm rear fan and has 2x120mm empty slots in the front and 2x120mm on the top (you can mount a 240mm radiator)
    - Useful 2xfan controls and usb power only at the top for device charging but be aware that the fan controls requires Molex from PSU to power up and 3pins plug that will be connected to the fan (Good in case you got a low budget board which comes only with 1xcase fan header)

    - Very thin medal
    - Charging usb port on top was dead in couple of days in my last build (not a big problem, you still have usb2 and usb3 in the front)
    - PCIE medal covers are hard to remove and they cant be installed back (you could bend the whole metallic back, I advise you check which are the one you need to populate and pop them out before you install your board)
    - (Not 100% sure) DVD plastic covers can not be reinstalled once removed

    At the end and by looking to Price/Specs and other offers in the market this case really shine, it is my top one choice for budget builds with the good look requirement (Don't forget to order an extra 120mm fan(s), with Red Led in the front it will make the case look very nice)
  • I bought it as a gift for my brother, it's a great heavy duty headset and costs less than the Revolver - it comes in a really slick box with a small bag to carry it around - we could've arranged a meeting for you to try it out but he's studying abroad.
  • Learning bootstrap can help you customize menu and page layouts easily

    "Added features" are usually offered by the community through plugins, hiring someone to code plugins can be expensive - also learning basic php can only help you scratch the surface of the craft.

    What you can do is buy templates that are editable using the Visual Composer plugin, you can also buy the plugin for premium features.

    If you're looking to build informative website projects, i recommend the Divi page builder (not going to advertise but the authors of this builder have many other useful wordpress plugins you can buy for cheap - google is your friend)
    joem wroteHello ewj
    It seems I mis-presented what I needed.
    Yes, I buy templates, but many times, I need to do changes in it (change menu, add features, etc.)
    Yup, I have time and it is worth the money :)

    ewj wrote
    joem wroteHello Mr. Class,
    I don't know PHP nor Apache server while I have a computer science degree (1994). ;)
    I have 2 Wordpress developers whom I pay for developing WordPress themes I buy for my clients.
    but sometimes, I have people whom I want to provide a website for free therefore I thought that after I buy the theme, I can learn WordPress myself to do so.
    I found many tutorials online.. but I thought learning it directly from a developer and having support from tutorials would be faster.
    Well if you buy templates, what exactly do you need to develop ? When buying a template, you can simply deploy it on wordpress and it will work out of the box...

    Yet, I know it's off topic, but why do you think the time you'll spend on that is worth less than the money you pay your developers to do that job (to the extent that you want to offer that for free) ?
  • nuclearcat wrote
    MrClass wrote Again nuclearcat, that's my experience. Don't roast me for that
    Im just saying, that in Lebanon, especially with crappy ISPs everywhere and very low quality standards experience usually vary from 0 to 100%.
    I guess if topic starter will do wrong decision, and wont understand what are exactly possible weak points, it might cost him his business and investments.
    Btw about link being faded by building and construction, definitely you need to make sure there is clear LOS to base, and not only LOS, but also fresnel zone clear. Many DSPs is deadly illiterate in wireless and ignore fresnel zone totally, then link becoming a lottery, sometimes works, sometimes not.
    how much does pesco's dedicated 8mb (or more) plan cost? and do you have any idea how sodetel compares to pesco based on what you've heard/experienced?
  • Added all of you.

    username: Dwaal

    I used to play CS 1.6, just installed CS GO a few months ago and got Gold Nova Master in my first 10 wins and still there hope will find nice people to play with!
  • MrClass wrote If you're going with a dedicated line, I highly advise to negotiate who the DSP will be. Cable1 and Pesco are great if you have coverage there. NEVER GO WITH GDS. EVER.
    Do you have any idea about the main areas that Cable1 and Pesco cover?
  • As an organizational psychology senior aspiring to become a psychometric assessor I must say this thread is very interesting to read.

    These tests are fairly accurate, however there's a culture issue here.

    Middle eastern cultures often pressure individuals into conforming with one profile that most definitely includes Extraversion (E).

    Being an introverted person myself, my family and school environment during teenage years pushed me towards believing that introversion is some type of mental illness - the recipe for survival was Extraversion :p, which is completely wrong. Although in a very damaging and intrusive manner, I did eventually develop an extraverted side.

    This test is not an invitation for you to limit yourself to the profile you currently have, it defeats the purpose - there is no way in hell that any of us at this age is an extreme introvert or an extreme extravert, the environment plays a very large role in shaping us as we grow up - and if your profile says you're an "I", this means that you're more "I" than "E" and not completely "I".

    Similarly, if the career you are pursuing (or the person you are aspiring to become) entails that you develop traits that you don't currently portray - Don't force it! The personality traits you currently possess are your strengths (that you most definitely need to emphasize and develop further), and any other trait you don't have is an area to improve depending on your needs and challenges.

    Take the time to introspect and understand how these traits evolved over the course of your life, set some goals for the future and don't be afraid to experiment! there's nothing you can't do.

    My profile: INFP.
  • Brownies wroteTitle says it all; Share your scariest real life experience. No troll posts like "I woke up one day and my Laptop wouldn't start #SoScary".
    I'll go first:

    So my girlfriend and I like to have our private time, just like any other couples, to sit down and talk and maybe even share a few kisses.
    Since we're both university students, we live with our parents and so going home isn't always an option. We often take the car out and I park somewhere secluded with a view where we can be alone.

    One night, while in the car in our secluded area, we were just doing the usual flirting and whatever and she starts telling me she's hearing noises. Thinking that this could be turning into a cheesy horror movie, I told her to relax and it was probably nothing. Suddenly I began to hear some noises in the tress/bushes near the car; like something was moving around but I ignored it. She became increasingly worried and so did I as the noises became more frequent. We've been in this spot many times before and nothing like this has ever occurred.
    I decided we should probably leave so I turned on the car, backed out and left.
    While I was backing out, my girlfriend was on the phone so she didn't see what I saw as we were leaving; The car light were on so as I was driving back, the lights revealed a man, crouched in the bushes (very visible) holding something that shined. We made eye contact and I didn't react other than backing up a little quicker and driving off.

    I'm still not sure what the hell that guy was holding, who he was, or what he was doing in the forest next to our car.
    We never went back and I never told her.

    Can't wait to hear your stories!
    tl;dr : Some weirdo was stalking our parked car with something shiney in his hand. Spoiler: Wasn't Sméagol.
    Hey man, i don't mean to freak you out but I know about two sociopaths who were caught and hospitalized during the past 2 years - their specialty was to follow couples to isolated areas and murder them. Each one of them has a minimum of 5 couples on their record, i know for sure that one of them is at Deir El Salib. Please, just do it at home!
  • Hi, did you inform them prior to quitting? or did you just storm out?

    It would be very helpful for your case if you gave them a notice several weeks ahead.
  • AvoK95 wroteEverything's getting fixed :D
    We'll see. haha

    I think we shouldn't rush to a conclusion for the year has just started and hopefully everyone would reach a happy ending,
    and most importantly, whenever you're in deep s**t, take 30 seconds of full silence and isolation from the surroundings,
    to avoid misusing <insert neurotransmitter name> rushes. It works perfectly for me.
  • Thank you mates! I've been having an information overload lately,
    i'll come back to write these down on a paper and go on a quest in
    approximately 2 hours!

    Thank you again!
  • I will confirm later, but i'm in for now.
    Hamra obviously