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#1 November 7 2008


Give & Take

REMOVED. Deepest apologies everyone! This has nothing to do with Mourouj Al-Mahabba. It's a personal effort to help some really needy people.

Last edited by Tigerheart.Hackers (November 8 2008)


#2 November 7 2008


Re: Give & Take


or add open source software packages
i know about the project.. but i think what u are doing is illegal.. at least don't do it in the plain and advertise for it !
and there are other cool nice ways we can make! -- but u were insisting on the donate part.. u didn't want to do any trade.. since it was in the mourouj ma7aba policy something, if THAT changed.. and the donate part is not necessary .. this changes all


#3 November 8 2008


Re: Give & Take



#4 November 9 2008


Re: Give & Take

no need to take a burden on the subject, the reason to the reaction is that some of us are trying to show the way that there are always alternatives. your intentions as stated are good and on that basis respectable. the issue is having such posts in public would hold the admin of the site liable to legal issues + the fact that simply piracy is piracy. personally instead of supporting piracy, i encourage seeking alternatives and options. one of the main reasons for that is that it broadens intellectual and knowledge. so opensource is always my first target unless there is a specific need for a commercial product. and as long as i have been in this field, i can say that it has been very rare that there havent been alternatives available in open source. as for collecting charity and supporting the need, this can be applied with open source as well just as mir suggested. so there is a thought for your, collect open source stuff on a disc compilation and provision that at a small charge where everyone knows its a win win case with no legal liability and issues.

one sad story about the it community is that many presume that opensource is linux based and not available on opensource yada yada yada etc. but as many here know opensource goes far beyond that! actually without open source, it is safe to say that at least 60% of the well being of the IT industry in the past years (after 2000) is due to opensource.   

open source has become an unbeatable hype. microsoft 10 years ago laughed and undermined it, today it sees its future thru it. the sad story about the term "open source" is that the term itself is open for interpretation and that some companies in the industries have abused the term interpretation letting it mean something else as well. that is why there are limitless of licensing versions. the only way you can define and categorize opensource today is not by the hype term "opensource" but by what "opensource" licensing the product is released!

if you really want to make an effort to geek-the-nation ;) compile opensource stuff with a small howto documentation on what is what and have that distributed at academical institutions etc. i can safelly presume that Mir is more than glad to pitch in such projects ;)



#5 November 9 2008


Re: Give & Take

Thanks Bashlogic. I understand the precautions, and I didn't mean any harm. I know it's not right to use the forum to promote causes, but I just couldn't help it. It's irritating out there. I'm trying to help with a cause that means the world to me, maybe to you to. I have a certain passion for IT, and it drives me insane to know that there are kids out there with wits and talents way beyond ours, but cannot afford to learn. There's this one kid, around 10 years old, formats and installs Windows on his own. That among several others. Not to mention the fact that computer literacy may help get those poor people jobs some day. I hope you guys understand the way I feel, and I really don't want to upset anyone. Again and again, I apologize if I had offended anyone. I'm just trying with all that I have got available at the time being.

P.S: This is a personal effort from me, The Nabs. It has NOTHING to do with the rest of the Tigerhearts. Peace out!


#6 November 9 2008


Re: Give & Take

hello you miss understood me on the case of having a cause, I and other support such initiatives all the way. the thing is it should not be done with illegality in the air as that would be delivering the wrong message to the targeted audience as well.

during the last year ive been thinking of education, third world development etc. I came to deduce that PCs are good to have at institutions and infrastructure sites, but the most mobile, efficient and easiest implimentation of sharing and enhancing knowledge is mobile education, hence create open course ware of different subjects that can run on mobile phones, for example j2ee and python are two very good candidates for that. if you have the energy and will then proceed with working on that. your audiance has a phone allready, just create the opencourse ware and materials for it.  you could collaborate with educational institutions in creating the content and ofcourse you can always recruit ppl from this site to help out. if no one volunteers just bark twice and some one will :)


#7 November 9 2008


Re: Give & Take

Nabs :

I know it's not right to use the forum to promote causes, but I just  couldn't help it

well, it is right to use the forum to promote the cause !... i think it would be a nice thing if many good causes can be helped thru the forum... but as bashlogic pointed

Last edited by mir (November 10 2008)


#8 November 10 2008


Re: Give & Take

What the hell are you all talking about?


#9 November 10 2008


Re: Give & Take

Topic kept because of it has some sort of significance, although it confused the hell out of the other members.


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