
A community for technology geeks in Lebanon

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#1 June 17 2017


PayPal Lebanon

Hello guys,

I've been waiting for PayPal to launch their service in Lebanon for more than 3 years now, no news about it ..

So after a bit of Googling, I found that : paypallebanon.net/paypal-lebanon-link/

I would like to know if someone already tested it ? Is it a viable source ? Or will I get my CC stolen ?


#2 January 12 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

My suggestion would be to maybe email PayPal itself and ask for the legitimacy of the link?


#3 January 12 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

ahb21 wrote:

My suggestion would be to maybe email PayPal itself and ask for the legitimacy of the link?


But a quick look at the HTML source. You can see an

<input name="contact-form-hash" value="942e0a033841a6c5004f61d4ad6157b5cc6921ef" type="hidden">

Even if you submit some random input, when the page refreshes, the token is still the same 942e0a033841a6c5004f61d4ad6157b5cc6921ef. This makes the page vulnerable to CSRF attacks. And I personally wouldn't use it.

I can be wrong though, but I'm pretty sure that token should refresh at least when you submit the form.

Oh and the page isn't even https secured! Now that you posted this. Anyone can sniff your credentials haha


#4 January 12 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

The link alone should throw you off alone 

If they were to officially lunch, you’d have full fledged support from their main website directly


#5 January 13 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

Rather than throwing out mere conjecture here, I actually have contacted the owner of that website and the business he does appears to be  legitimate - there is no reason to think otherwise. He accepts payment by cash or mobile credit transfer. You would have to provide him with an account if one needs to be created for the item to be purchased. I haven't yet used his services though.

Last edited by yasamoka (January 13 2018)


#6 January 17 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

So I was checking the official Paypal website for the blocked countries list and this is how they refer to lebanon:

"Persons Undermining the Sovereignty of Lebanon or Its Democratic Processes and Institutions" what on earth does that mean?

Source: https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/b … -countries

Prohibited Countries

Governing bodies often have regulations and financial sanctions in place that prohibit transactions with certain high-risk countries. In most cases, the processing bank will decline transactions that originate from these countries. In the rare instance that the processing bank authorizes the transaction, the funding bank will prevent it from settling, and Braintree will let you know.

The restricted countries vary depending on the country where your business is domiciled. In the US, you can generally expect that payments will not be accepted from the following countries:

    Burma (Myanmar)
    Cote d'Ivoire
    Democratic Republic of the Congo
    Liberia (Former Regime of Charles Taylor)
    Persons Undermining the Sovereignty of Lebanon or Its Democratic Processes and Institutions
    North Korea
    Sierra Leone
    Western Balkans


#7 January 17 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon


US blocking the money of "risky people" and people associated to them. PayPal probably doesn't want to bother, and blocked the whole country.


#8 January 17 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

Great, the whole world seems to know that Lebanon isn't exactly a country, but a bunch of  "Democratic Processes and Institutions"


#9 January 20 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

The best way to get a PayPal account is to link it to a credit card not issued in Lebanon. The only way to do that (and I'm gonna try it soon) is to apply for AMEX card, which appears to be issued from Bahrein as I was told.


#10 January 22 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

According to their website, this is the criteria for applying for an American Express Card

Before registering your interest, make sure you can say 'Yes' to the following:

I am aged 21 or over
I have a UAE home address
I have an annual income of at least US$ 32,000 (employed), US$ 50,000 (self-employed) - or local currency equivalent
I have no history of bad debt
And if self-employed, I have been working for more than two years


#11 January 22 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

Even if you apply for an Amex card from outside of Lebanon, if the shipping and billing addresses do not match especially if you put the lebanese address for shipping, they will ban you.. i have tried this. However, if you contact the seller and agree to ship it to you to Lebanon, it may work depending on the seller's decision.


#12 January 22 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

Entropay was the way I used to use PayPal. They give you a virtual credit card, you load that as the payment for you PayPal profile. It was perfect until mid last year, where Entropay decided to stop supporting Lebanese cards. If we can find a legit virtual credit card service, it can work again.


#13 January 22 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

Louis40 wrote:

Even if you apply for an Amex card from outside of Lebanon, if the shipping and billing addresses do not match especially if you put the lebanese address for shipping, they will ban you.. i have tried this. However, if you contact the seller and agree to ship it to you to Lebanon, it may work depending on the seller's decision.

We're talking about getting a PayPal account. No shipping and billing address yet. If you're referring about eBay then that's a problem for another day.


#14 February 1 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

eBay to replace PayPal with Adyen for payment system. You will have to wait till mid 2020


#15 February 13 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

So I saw an ad in Facebook about a "company" called online services Lebanon claimimg to give you a PayPal account for 30$, 10$ of which will be added to the account.
And then there are fees for withdrawing or adding and stuff like that.
Here is the link.
Has anyone tried it?
You think its legit?


#16 February 13 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

AVOlio wrote:

So I saw an ad in Facebook about a "company" called online services Lebanon claimimg to give you a PayPal account for 30$, 10$ of which will be added to the account.
And then there are fees for withdrawing or adding and stuff like that.
Here is the link.
Has anyone tried it?
You think its legit?

https://techgeek365.com/paypal-now-avai … t-excited/

tl;dr it may work but it is against paypal rules and may get your account terminated/suspended


#17 March 30 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

Mhdskr wrote:
Louis40 wrote:

Even if you apply for an Amex card from outside of Lebanon, if the shipping and billing addresses do not match especially if you put the lebanese address for shipping, they will ban you.. i have tried this. However, if you contact the seller and agree to ship it to you to Lebanon, it may work depending on the seller's decision.

We're talking about getting a PayPal account. No shipping and billing address yet. If you're referring about eBay then that's a problem for another day.

I have an Amex Gold CC and I have paypal since 2 years although I rarely use it but it worked couple of times.

Few days ago, I ordered something on newegg and my trasaction was declined, my account was suspended and my Paypal account is permanently limited now.

Shipping was to California... not sure what's going on here but Amex cards are no longer working.

Quoting :

Dear Karim,

It appears that you currently reside in a country that we don't offer service in at this time. Establishing our service in each new country involves complex changes due to different regulations in each of these countries. We're working hard to expand our services as rapidly as possible.

Due to this, we'd like to begin parting ways in a manner that is least disruptive to your business.

You may use the remaining account balance to provide refunds to your buyers if necessary.

Due to the potential risk of chargebacks and other reversals, the money in your PayPal account balance will be held for 180 days from the date the limitation was originally placed on the account. After 180 days, you will be notified by email with information on how to collect your remaining money. 
Unfortunately, there are no further appeals being allowed on your account.


#18 March 30 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

Guys, vote by your money, and better support as you can alibaba/aliexpress/others, let deprecated and sluggish paypal/ebay with their crap policy die in history.
Otherwise they will keep laughing and discriminate people around the world, creating artificial barriers.


#19 May 8 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

I can confirm that AMEX cards issued in Lebanon (from Bahrain) no longer work with PayPal

AMEX cards are working again with PayPal

Last edited by Mhdskr (July 10 2018)


#20 May 8 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

nuclearcat wrote:

Guys, vote by your money, and better support as you can alibaba/aliexpress/others, let deprecated and sluggish paypal/ebay with their crap policy die in history.
Otherwise they will keep laughing and discriminate people around the world, creating artificial barriers.

I second this. But again, some products are only available through paypal only websites (e.g. ebay). In my case, these products were brands (so not really available on ali/other) and locally were silly expensive( at least 1.5x): victorinox, casio, Fragrances... I can live without these, but again what's something you ordered online and your life depends on...


#21 May 9 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

Don't hold your breath. Paypal will only be coming to Lebanon when they will see a competitor growing in Lebanon and taking up their potential market growth opportunities and also only if it turns out to be a lucrative market. Then they will try to drive this (hypothetical) competitor out of business and take their place to secure their global position.
So that's not going to be any time soon.

Last edited by rolf (May 9 2018)


#22 May 13 2018

Tech Guru

Re: PayPal Lebanon

Can anyone summarize to me the benefits of using Paypal compared of using an  Internet Card (Example I use Audi Bank Orange Internet Card linked to my Debt Salary Account - for online purchases:  Amazon (Shop&Ship) , Souq.com etc.. ).


#23 May 13 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

Mainly ebay. You can only use paypal on ebay.
Paypal has. very strict buyer oriented policy, So basically the seller has to be 100% precise, honest and unflawed, otherwise it's a return/your money back.

To get what i'm saying:
compare buying the same item on gearbest with a credit card/ with paypal.
As a member mentioned on another thread, they make you pay extra for insurance which I would do if i'm using a card, but not with paypal because they've got my back if anything happens.

Last edited by NuclearVision (May 13 2018)


#24 May 13 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

Tech Guru wrote:

Can anyone summarize to me the benefits of using Paypal compared of using an  Internet Card (Example I use Audi Bank Orange Internet Card linked to my Debt Salary Account - for online purchases:  Amazon (Shop&Ship) , Souq.com etc.. ).

Ebay will be moving away from paypal (even though they created it) and move to a dutch processing company called Adyen.  I think there is a better shot that this gets approved in Lebanon than paypal ever had since this company also facilitates payments for netflix and Uber.

So if you can wait a bit, ebay may be available here.


#25 May 13 2018


Re: PayPal Lebanon

xazbrat wrote:

Ebay will be moving away from paypal (even though they created it) and move to a dutch processing company called Adyen.  I think there is a better shot that this gets approved in Lebanon than paypal ever had since this company also facilitates payments for netflix and Uber.

So if you can wait a bit, ebay may be available here.

Fun fact, Paypal was created by Elon Musk in 2000 and later acquired by ebay in 2002 until 2014.


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