
A community for technology geeks in Lebanon.

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#1 June 21 2006



Just wannna know what you guys think about defaces ?
and if you have any nice ideas about what to put on them would be appreciated :)


#2 June 21 2006


Re: Defaces

Personally i'm against them, I would only root a site to gain useful information. Though mass defacements for political reasons are "nice" sometimes (and revenge too). What to put on them? well, your "creative" message,  certainly not like 3amo iskorptix, a turkish mass-defacer, who defaces about 100 sites a day using published exploits and automated tools.


#3 June 21 2006


Re: Defaces

of course not those turkish mass defacers  i could do better bass it's fukin useless ... unless you like the fact of being on the top list of zone-h . Yalla anyone hass good defacements pages ideas ??? would be nice to see ur creativity

defacements for political reasons are "nice"

Totally agree :)

as for rooting a web for info... you wont get much info out of the webserver ... BUT in lebanon, scince most of the time the web is a gateway for most of the companies (unless they host it outside as in couple of cases) AND because those fukin super duper stupid admin run the webservers as domain admin (in Microsoft's case) u hit the jackpot


#4 June 21 2006


Re: Defaces

Well gaining root information is very useful..
if u gain useful root info.. u don't wanna deface the website cuz you don't want the admin to notice and fix the bug

halla2 defacing can be used for fun and in revenge cases
and it is very easy to do in lebanon,compared to some other countries

start with your school and uni website..it will be cool if ur in the computer field

it is nice if u only modify a high-trafic website to put some humanitarian message or something like that
or to tell the truth about some subject .........

Look at it as job opportunity
I strongly believe in forming a group of defacers-crackers in order to create Jobs opportunity in Computer Security Field
it is just an off-topic thought


#5 June 21 2006


Re: Defaces

mir ... now good luck on that :)
i did form a group some while ago .... it was nice and everything was going great. we did some defaces (www.presidency.gov.lb and nother .gov.lb not sure tho ) but i had to close it down due to fukin leaking bitches !!!!
group's website is still up (http://www.lebx0rs.org) if you ever wanna do that again, i still got couple of interested leb ppl that would wanna join ... but it's gonna be a bit hard to kick off. still if ur interested pm with what you did/can do :)

I didn't see the "Job" thingy .... well i dont think any company should hire cause you defaced their home page  well ... maybe in lebanon they would, but i guess you could form an underground jobs network, from which you could get quite some money  Or go the shadowcrew (R.I.P) way.

Last edited by Padre (June 21 2006)


#6 June 21 2006


Re: Defaces

you wont get much info out of the webserver

most of the time you could get access to the mysql db to aquire lots of sensitive data (by getting the admin credentials from some php file that takes care of the authentication).


#7 June 22 2006


Re: Defaces

true, but for that , you need way less priv then root


#8 June 22 2006


Re: Defaces

I didn't mean i am / want to form a group lol
i said i believe it is nice to have a group/groups...
maybe i will help in couple of stuff if i see an intresting project
but i am not ready to dedicate time for it for the time being
i look at it as funny way of learning

do you know other groups or individuals?

check PM

by getting the admin credentials from some php file that takes care of the authentication

that is exactly what i look for


#9 June 22 2006


Re: Defaces

I am against this at all.

And I have a rule "Attack me to make me counter-attack you" :)

Making hacking groups is something that kids do between their 14th and 19th age :)
Of course at such an age, I did it as well (though I am not a hacker, but  a phreaker - phone hacker).
But now, looking beside my back I find it sort of stupid.

I will say once again - use your knowledge to CREATE instead of DESTROY.

If all knowledged people were thinking in your way, we would never have the electricity, the car, the light bulb, the computer, the nargillah, the wash machine and so on :)


#10 June 22 2006


Re: Defaces

you seem , with all my respect, out of scope
IF you didn't have hackers, you would have never ever had security and the other way around too.
As for the destroying bullshit story, i keep on hearing that every now and =then. NO ONE is distroying ur work or any admin's work in here. A deface has it's art/thrill and way of doing and it's purpuse. It's rather an Art ;) you deliver a msg throught it. you dont fukin get in and format or rm the hdd
As for the hacking group .... ur way out of the picture. Maybe because you never hacked ???? or never been into one
A Hacking group, is a comminuty where ppl share their ideas/codes/tools/and ways of doing things. You learn a lot from them. The Hacks/Jobs/Shots they pull isn't to destroy but to test their skills and pratice/elaborate on new techniques. Obviously no destruction is involved in here. We are not terrorists you know ..... contrary to what the media wants ppl soo to beleive. and Obviously too ... i dont see our picture fit the picture of the typicall adolescents trying to find a life as you mentioned.
I agree some groups are doing rather "odd" things, but that's not to be generalised


#11 June 22 2006


Re: Defaces

No one said something about destroying

would never do that

a possible scenario or job opportunity :
you contact company A who has private,important and critical data exposed to the net or that can be attacked (ex : banks .. gov sites..Medical sites ...)
you tell them u want to perform a free test of their security system
if you find a weakness, you will tell them and expect to be paid for that
for example i wanna make sure that my Personal data can not be stolen from my bank account
remember .. worldwide ppl can try to take my data...it is not only about lebanon
so if u look, it is kinda way to improve the sector.. create job opportunities ... wa li ta2adom il moujtama3

same goes for a company website.. thru the website she is sending a message
i can test for them if a competitor can change that message or mess with it ..

by the way.  i don't like names .. hacker..cracker.phreaker.defacer.. kil wahad understands it shikil
so don't call me names ... I am nothing


#12 June 22 2006


Re: Defaces

Mir .... ur too optimistic girl .... the moment you tell a company she's got a flaw, ur sued.
the moment you tell a bank shes got a flaw, ur in jail
in leb it's a bit different. but still looked at in a really bad way


#13 June 22 2006


Re: Defaces


I am working on computers (DEC VAX, Apple II) since 1987. So is this with phone switching systems.
At this time you have been still shitting in your pants.

Also, I have an article in the most notorable hacking magazine - Phrack (look at number 55 and 56). Shortly after that ( a coincidence or not) I was arrested and charged for phone hacking. A result - I was prohibited to go for an univercity degree for telecommunications and IT (for 5 years). I wanted to study that, I was refused to do so. And as a result, I still have no univercity degree. Now I can become an univercity student, but I do not want. When I wanted to - I was not able to.

This (the arrest) happened at Juny 1998. At that time I was finishing my high school and it was about time to come on a celebration to take my high school diplom. My co-students came in costumes with flowers (which were supposed to be given to the high-school headmaster at the moment he is passing you your diploma with the words "Good luck in your life!"). Guess how I came - with short pants and a t-shirt (the clothes I was wearing during the arrest), handcuffed, accompanied by two police men.

I was mostly "working" on my own (or in a small friendly environment). The moment I tried to join serious groups and become popular - I was knocked down. 

So, with all my respect, you small, insolent, piece of shit are far away from being someone, who can tell me how in or out of scope I am.
It is you talking bullshit, not me.

And still - defacing web sites is ugly and stupid thing. So hacking in general is. It is not a secret for some people, that Lebanese ISP use dirty methods like hiring "hackers" to activate flood or other DoS attacks against their competitors. Guess who also suffers from such hostile actions - users like you and all the forum members here.

If you want to attract the attention of masses - do something remarkable, but good. And then publish your ideas there. Not on the presidency website.

Making money of hacking will bring you (Mir) to jail. And that is where you place is, if you were thinking to become rich in such a way.

P.S. The officer, who was investigating me, noticed:  "You are escaping the jail mainly because all your actions were for so-called education purpose. Should you tried to sell these funny tricks (making free phone calls from land-line phones, public pay-phones, the police radio-system and etc) and make profit of it - 2 to 3 years out of freedom would be very enough for you"

A good point ot think on.


#14 June 22 2006


Re: Defaces

Actually in lebanon you should try to get advantage of this lawless internet situation hehehe


#15 June 22 2006


Re: Defaces

you tell them u want to perform a  free  test of their security system

The keyword in the above sentence are  Tell Them and Free
That means you are taking their approval
i think nothing is illegal in that

f you find a weakness, you will tell them and expect to be paid for that

that is where the money comes from.. not stealing stuff

i am out of this conversation ... Khalas don't wanna tell my point of view... 2abyinfa3sh


#16 June 22 2006


Re: Defaces

Heh. Well the points you expressed were out of scope, and they still are.
You have my respects for what you've made and built. but still i disagree with you on many things
what i wrote wasn't  meant to be a disrespect to you , but to tell you that ur missing the point.
I wasn't maybe into all kinds on computers by 87.... but Sorry to disapoint you .... i wasn't shitting in my pants. Ive played with all kinds of boxes, tested some, and with the help of ppl, modded many. I've made groups and disbanded others .......
Never was any "hacking" used to gain money, i dont want diry money.
I enjoy the thrill of penetrating servers, escalating your priviliges along the network, owning company.... i enjoy the group work , the team spirit ... I enjoy the laughs we laugh together, the problems we solve together, and the success for our work together.
It was never about fame , destruction or what so ever .....
Im sorry you got caught, and sufferd, but that dosen't meen that u've got the right views still.
Defaces may be seen as stupid and "in the way of proper working" .... but ntn beats a long night of work for you .... and the face of an admin when his web has been defaced .... with a little note on his website on how to fix things.
I enjoy the challenge, i enjoy the thrill, i enjoy the success and the failures ... i learn from both. But i surely dont enjoy the fame nor the money you could get out of it.


#17 June 22 2006


Re: Defaces

Smart admin usually have daily/weekly backup and sure unaccessible by others logs, where mentioned how site was hacked.
If website properly monitored - deface will not hurt business based on it too much.

Ragnar78 lawless, means hacker can hack/deface/crack, and nobody can sue hacker. But also mean they can bit hacker, till he become disabled till end of this life, and money will make them right. Thats bad side.


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