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#1 January 9 2006


Web application Project Idea Needed

Hi, guys
at uni, we have to present a project, it must me a database/web application

of course e-commerce stuff, buying and selling and online reservation system are out of the question...

so i was thinking about couple of subjects..but my frnd in  the team did not like some of them or finds them really weird or hard to do .. umm :( they are not :( ...

so i need something,simple and brillant idea.. it will be better if u think it was never made before.. any suggestion will be fine...
just write it there... 10x in advance for ur help guys ..


#2 January 9 2006


Re: Web application Project Idea Needed

programming experience is needed i'm sure,

hmm. a simple cms?
a place to put images like imagehost?

I need more details, like how much web programming do you guys know, how hard do you want it to be etc.


#3 January 9 2006


Re: Web application Project Idea Needed

of course e-commerce stuff, buying and selling and online reservation system are out of the question...

sorry, but I don't get it. Isn't e-commerce about buying and selling goods and services online :/ ?

BTW, you could use a pre-made e-commerce package such as [link=http://www.oscommerce.com]OSCommerce[/link] and tweak/hack/customize it to suite your needs :) , it's a good start. Note that programming experience is needed


#4 January 9 2006


Re: Web application Project Idea Needed

I'm guessing what she meant was e-commerce = shopping carts, buying and selling = ebay?


#5 January 10 2006


Re: Web application Project Idea Needed

well i am a business computer student, i do programming for life
so the programming skills are provided 

we will do the modeling using the UML (unified modeling language) and programmiing using ASP and Javascript mainly i think (we do not have php courses, so we are not supposed to know it, and if we know it we can't do it with php and mysql )

What i need help in is an idea ?
what is the subject of my damn project!
i can't find something intresting..

the idea of imagehost is good... i wrote it down...i also had idea of e-meetings or meet anywhere.. (will see what will happen)
yalla anything else  ... i am going to buy 1 kilo of apples , i still need someone to shoot them on my head...any volunteers :(


#6 January 10 2006


Re: Web application Project Idea Needed

mahdoum, shopping cards scripts are about buying and selling, i suppose?


#7 January 10 2006


Re: Web application Project Idea Needed

oh something thats quiet important these days, is maybe making an email system using mysql. The system will be used for a lan in a business that for example may not have the computers networked in a lan, but have internet.

The way it will work is ppl will login and they can only send emails to ppl within their company. The main reason for such a program may not only be for companies per say, but for you guys. Working on a project is very hectic, so if there was somewhere where you can login and track progress on a project, have details, messages from members etc. It would be benifical for universities all over the world.

I know i started with something but moved to something else and not sure if you'll understand perfectly, although i think it'll be a great project.


#8 January 10 2006


Re: Web application Project Idea Needed

don't you think it would be better if they set up an Intranet system ? much more reliable.


#9 January 14 2006


Re: Web application Project Idea Needed

OK a simple website could be a website were people who want to travel the world exchange tips, etc.. and also people can offer hosting other people. for example i have a big house and I"m ready to host any young person who wants to travel to lebanon (ya3neh provide a place to sleep) and so i advertise it on the site, filling an entry enno i will accept people from this age to this age, from this nationality only, etc...
Then a guy comes he puts in his age and nationality etc.. and does a search and sees who is ready to offer shelter for him in lebanon.

Another idea you could get a map of lebanon and setup a system where people report traffic jams, and then people can open the site and see recent traffic jams on the map.


#10 January 14 2006


Re: Web application Project Idea Needed

The hosting idea is not that bad , it is new of course  , bass i don't think that lot of strangers will think it is secure to live in some ppls houses (they think we are all terrorists) and the ppl coming to lebanon are most of them arabs.. and they like the luxury and we want to squeeze every penny out of them.. not make them live for-less-money in our homes.. loool (kill il 3alam tdob bneta  )

halla2 the idea that really cought my attention is the map traffic idea.
even if we don't do it as a project, i think that is a very very good business project if the website can support mobile/phone browsing ..yay..
it then will be useful and wildly used. and it is kinda challenge to do a nice graphical interface with high usability.


#11 January 14 2006


Re: Web application Project Idea Needed

mir wrote:

The hosting idea is not that bad , it is new of course  , bass i don't think that lot of strangers will think it is secure to live in some ppls houses (they think we are all terrorists) and the ppl coming to lebanon are most of them arabs.. and they like the luxury and we want to squeeze every penny out of them.. not make them live for-less-money in our homes.. loool (kill il 3alam tdob bneta  )

Yes you are right, i thought about this :) but some people are ready to take the risk to spare money and other people might have no problem in hosting strangers.


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