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#1 October 24 2012


From China to Lebanon

<admin edit: this topic is the result of a split. George Li is our first Chinese member. />

George Li! I studied a little chinese in my university.
Ni hao, wu Jiao Maher


#2 October 24 2012

George Li

Re: From China to Lebanon

hah,repeat your words:ni hao,wo jiao Maher.hah,ni hao,wo jiao Li Zhi. guess it's hard for you to learn it,is that right,espacially write it.
(哈哈) 重复 你的 话语:你  好  , 我  叫  马 赫.       你 好 ,我 叫  李 智.
I read the news on net,a explode happened in your capital city days ago ,is everyone OK?I hope no one hurt by that.It's terrible.


#3 October 24 2012


Re: From China to Lebanon

Yea it is a little hard, and we didnt learn to write or read chinese, just speak chinese and right in english letters, and it was a year ago so i forgot most of it
yea we had an explosion, and it is not really something new to us :(
things like this happens frequently


#4 October 24 2012

George Li

Re: From China to Lebanon

Wow,ye,I knew that,because faith of religions,division of powers·····sad about this,I'm not mean to hurt your feeling,forgive my words,you know,In China,we have so many religions,too.Buddhism,Taoism,Confucianism,Christian,Catholicism,Islam,and so on,but all the believers can live together well,kind to each other,I hope all your people can find the way to live together well as us.I read lots of religion books before,include quran and bible,all these holy books are great,why can't we choose the part about love,kind,inner peace.I guess no one like blood and death.
I'm not a politician,they care about oil or benifts,I don't care,I'm a normal Chinese, but I know Arab countries are our friends,we have relations since thouands years ago(silk road).No matter this land belong to Allah or God,I really hope that peace come to our friends' land,your land.


#5 October 24 2012


Re: From China to Lebanon

it is a little more complex then this, we are a small country that bigger countries have interest in making things worst in here and they use relgious differences for that purpose.
In fact we do live together in peace when there's no fights going on, everyone of us has friends from all thr other religions, you can take www.lebgeeks.com as an example, in here we are all from different religions and always help each other :)


#6 October 24 2012

George Li

Re: From China to Lebanon

Oh,I see,forgive my old views,I thought that religion problem is a big problem to you,sorry,now I changed.
Every where is like that,some bad countries do the harmful things,not just you,it happens to China,too.We are soft country,but we were discribed as a monster,a threaten by western,on the other hand,our territories(lots of islands) were illegal occupated by Japan,the Philippines
,Vietnamese.We wanna solved these problem in a peace way,but our way were thought we are weak,timid,so things getting worse.If we speak louder,these countries will act as a weaker and victim,say:look,China bully us! What worse!Western countries or some other countries belive them more than belive us,just because China is big country,it's impossibility that we are victim! But it's true,this happened  to us,seems like a inconceivable thing.    Kind to weak neighbours,we reward poison.
The same as you,U.S play a ignominious role around China.I don't know who play the ignominious role around you,before you tell me,I think it's US,too. For the oil and benifts of the Middle East.


#7 October 24 2012


Re: From China to Lebanon

well, it is 5 countries at least in here that play the ignominious role, well we dont have oil in lebanon but we do have a lot of water, plus our strategical geographical position plays a key role in these problems as well, being neighbours to Palestine that is occupied by Israel which is a direct enemy to iran and syria, and ofcourse a great Ally to the states, and we are in the middle of all this...
Changing subjects: How did you find us on lebgeeks? I'm really interested to know :)


#8 October 24 2012

George Li

Re: From China to Lebanon

Hah,I'm a cellphone fans, espacially Xiao Mi,I just surf net days ago,search more information about Mi2,you know,as I think,Mi 2 is a real crazy monster phone,so I wonder the discussions about it in other countries,So I searched days ago.By this way,I noticed the chating here,and some guys don't know more information about it,so I login in and give them some information I know.
Well,I can image how terrible your condition is,because I've read books of Kahlil Gibran when I was a school boy,I have a good feelings about Lebanon,because of historical relations,I also have a good feeling to Arab friends,I really hope peace can light up your land.As our goverment says,don't  intervene in the internal affairs of others,leave them independent rights. (though our gov. is not good as I think.) I don't think it's right for these ignominious roles.But best wish can't change anything,I guess you need to keep developing and be stronger,be stronger not mean to hurt others,but protect yourselves and help others who need and requre help.This is also what China belive.


#9 October 24 2012


Re: From China to Lebanon

Hopefully someday we will ve a better place, same to your country my friend :)
I hope you'll be a continuous contributing  member in our forum, we all welocome you to be one of us, bunch of geeks enjoying what technology have to offer


#10 October 24 2012

George Li

Re: From China to Lebanon

Thanks,my friend,the day will come when we belive and never give up fight for dreams!
Sorry,it's too late for me,3:33 am. I have to go sleep,I have too much work tomorrow,two meetings.
Goodnight! \(^o^)/


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