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#1 December 3 2008


Writing Style - Capitalizing

Hello Guys,
I have a General Question about Writing Styles
usually do you capitalize letters in the middle of the sentence or just after a dot

Example :

Hi, Please Find below an Explanation of how I Capitalize some Key Letters in the Middle of the Sentence. Please Note that this may Seem a Stupid Question... but it is Something that was Bugging me for a While. To Capitalize or Not to Capitalize this is the Question .

Hi, please find below an explanation of how i capitalize some key letters in the middle of the sentence. this is turning out to be now a typing test.. so i hope that you know what i mean..

so.. guys, does it make a difference while reading... wich one is smoother,  which style should i go for.. specially when writing those long serious emails... i am not talking about msn convos here 

Appreciate the Feedback


#2 December 3 2008


Re: Writing Style - Capitalizing

Definitely the "regular" style. It annoys me when someone capitalizes words for no apparent reason (same goes for someone with poor spelling). Stick with the conventions, they were made for a reason. If you feel the urge to rebel, do it with other aspects of your life, not something that would affect your career and annoy the people around you :)

Word of advice: use "full" writing when not talking via SMS (you, not 'u').


#3 December 3 2008


Re: Writing Style - Capitalizing



#4 December 4 2008


Re: Writing Style - Capitalizing

if u rly wnt 2 b difrnt u cn write n sms styl.
im sre samer wl aprciate e xtra bandwdth.

On a serious note, capitalizing all words is normally only used in titles. Xept in german language, where some words are capitalized depending on their place in the sentence... ie if im not mistaken, subjects and objects are capitalized... if you get what i mean.. the english equivalent would be something like

I went to my small House which lays at the End of the main Street

(actuallly main Street is 1 word in german - 2 words fused togeher - and its capitalized )

So if you feel an urge to capitalize... learn German and post in German...


#5 December 4 2008


Re: Writing Style - Capitalizing

Normal. Keep it normal.


#6 December 6 2008


Re: Writing Style - Capitalizing

I have this freaky habit of quick-reviewing everything before I go to notice what is out of pattern. It's involuntary and it gives me headaches lots of time. Normal people would find it irritating.


#7 December 7 2008


Re: Writing Style - Capitalizing

what i usually find weird is when people actually write 100% correctly, starting every sentence with a capital letter, using the right punctuation, right grammar, no slang, going to the line when it's needed, .... i find it nice, but weird  it's just looks too formal, it feels like talking in arabic fos7a when you have a discussion with friends

Last edited by battikh (December 7 2008)


#8 December 11 2008


Re: Writing Style - Capitalizing

I sink zis sread is qvite interesting, ja?


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