• Intros
  • Ma name is MegaCool=> Geeky name lol

Hi everyone I just found this beautiful community of Lebanese geeks while searchin' google, so I guess I'm lucky since I really like geeky stuff,and I wanna improve upon myself from you guys..
and i'm really an Internet freak who would like to know everything about this open ended universe of networking,even my gf is sick of me being and actin like a retarded geek,but hey thats me..

P.S. I registered a month ago but never managed to enter the forum until now..
Hello MegaCool,
Glad to have you here :)

What do you usually do on the Internet?
Ahla w'Sahla

You reminded me of the game MegaMan
Welcome :D

any link with mega web ?
Welcome and enjoy ur stay.

Mir : what do U think ... Megasoft again :)
Thank you all guys =) as for the stuff I do on the Internet are downloading,downloading and downloading lol..
hehe and I do usually download off torrents and p2p applications like bearshare,as for the stuff I download are mainly E-books,music,and rare applications I cant find in shops,but now my download speed is crap its only 4KB/sec =( so I quitted downloading.
As for megaman he used to be my favorite videogame characters back in the old nes days,hehe...
oops.. sorry guys a long post..
MegaCool wroteAs for megaman he used to be my favorite videogame characters back in the old nes days,hehe...
oops.. sorry guys a long post..
MEGAMAAAAAAAN, man, the good old days :'( are you happy, i'm feeling nostalgic now!!! di3an el iyyeim el 7elweh, megaman, mario, donkey kong, duck hunt, bomberman aaaaaaaaaakh, ya di3an el iyyeim el 7elweh...

anyways, welcome dude
loool at u battikh
but now my download speed is crap its only 4KB/sec
well the guys here have a wide experience with different isp
maybe u would tell ur resources.(how much money per month u paying ) and they suggest couple of ISP for you to contact
and i'm really an Internet freak who would like to know everything about this open ended universe of networking,even my gf is sick of me being and actin like a retarded geek,but hey thats me..
so u r into networking stuff .. not programming ?
and Oh! at least u have a gf :P
to be a geek , you don't have to be retarded or act like retarted

can i have a guess .. u are 16 - 17 years old.. probably in high school ..second or bac
u have a crappy internet connection
u are using windows XP. it is the only OS installed
ur computer specs are good.. but not a super computer
u use a desktop computer.. not a laptop :D
Mir : what do U think ... Megasoft again
errrr ... Oh!!!!!! ... I am not goin back into that conversation ...stop bringin it back . you know how it makes me feel
well.. r u suggesting MegaHard ? :P (6)
mir wrotewell the guys here have a wide experience with different isp
maybe u would tell ur resources.(how much money per month u paying ) and they suggest couple of ISP for you to contact
Well my Internet provider in my area is the only person he provides Internet and the Internet's company name is visp, I pay 40$ for an unlimited supposed to be 96kbps which is like 12KB/sec, but after the 25th of the month it changes to 4KB/sec,I dont really know why..
mir wroteso u r into networking stuff .. not programming ?
and Oh! at least u have a gf :P
to be a geek , you don't have to be retarded or act like retarted
Oh.. well I'm tryin my best, and I heard about something called C++ networking so I think that programming is somehow related to networking..
mir wrotecan i have a guess .. u are 16 - 17 years old.. probably in high school ..second or bac
u have a crappy internet connection
u are using windows XP. it is the only OS installed
ur computer specs are good.. but not a super computer
u use a desktop computer.. not a laptop :D
Hmm...actually I will be 19 in Feb20, and I'm a second year University student..
My connection used to be good,I am using two winxp sp2 operating systems on my pc, I think linux is complicated thats why I didnt manage to try it yet..
I have a desktop pc which is an old piece of junk,its an AMD Duron 1600+,80GB hard disk,128MB gf4mx4000 gpu,384mb sdr, and a DVD writer combo, But I'll buy a new pc this summer, I'm just waiting for quad core to have a price drop and, the GTX8800 too,But god plz no more wars this summer..
I hope you got enuff info about me,and thats my pic too:
http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/1540/111155555tq0.jpg =D
you should photoshop it and add flames and stuff (hint: dragon ball Z)
you should photoshop it and add flames and stuff (hint: dragon ball Z)

nice pics :P
samer.. what u say about making new users post pics of them as a required thing to do to register :P
for example.. post a pic of you standing on one feet.. one hand on ur head and typing on ur computer with one hand while drinking a beer
We're having a handful of users registering as it is :P no need to make it worse.