
A community for technology geeks in Lebanon

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#1 June 14 2020


Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

Hey guys,

If you have around 12,000$ in cash, what would you do with them? (start a new business, invest with a company, etc).

Looking for your ideas!


#2 June 14 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

Keep them with you man, hard times are coming. Im preparing for the worst tbh.


#3 June 14 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

Fresh cash is scarce in Lebanon now and is very valuable.
Not a time for investment now. When you invest you will be always taking a risk, and ready for a possibility to lose the money.


#4 June 14 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

I don't think anything currently worth investing in these times specially in USD, keep them for food safety


#5 June 14 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

If you want the suggestions here to be useful, you'll have to give more information about your current situation (marriage, kids, employment, existing investments, etc).


#6 June 14 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

Adlouni wrote:

Hey guys,

If you have around 12,000$ in cash, what would you do with them? (start a new business, invest with a company, etc).

Looking for your ideas!

Not a good time for investment. If I were you I'd buy and sell gold.


Last edited by Kareem (June 14 2020)


#7 June 14 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

Thank you all for your replies.

samer wrote:

If you want the suggestions here to be useful, you'll have to give more information about your current situation (marriage, kids, employment, existing investments, etc).

Full time employee, engaged, looking to invest. I want to increase my income. Fortunately, I have some of my savings in US dollar.


#8 June 14 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

Kareem wrote:

Not a good time for investment. If I were you I'd buy and sell gold.

https://goldprice.org/charts/history/go … _x_usd.png

I have previously tried to trade forex (including gold) with no success. I lost around 2000$. I still have my account (with a Lebanese broker).


#9 June 15 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

The only thing that could still work is a ''war economy'' business, meaning a bakery or petrol station.
Obviously with 12000$ you can just rent a small shop and resell bread, you can make a deal with Wooden Bakery, Pain d'or....


#10 June 16 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

Rent a farm, buy chicken and trees, that's gonna be the new trend for the next few years in Lebanon.


#11 June 16 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

Hybrid wrote:

Rent a farm, buy chicken and trees, that's gonna be the new trend for the next few years in Lebanon.

Not really, poultry is probably the only stable thing we produce and I don't think anyone can compete with the existing huge farms.


#12 June 16 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

as said by hybrid start a poultry farm or if possible goats
you can also start a rabbit farm


#13 June 16 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

Flakk wrote:

Keep them with you man, hard times are coming. Im preparing for the worst tbh.

Storing foreign currency cannot protect you as much as you want, traveling abroad is your best option for "preparing for the worst".
Ex1: If the neighborhood generator stopped providing services because many of the residents cannot afford it anymore, are you willing to buy your own generator and deal with all its hassle?
Ex2: If one of your family members is dependant on a medical supplement that dealers are not interested in importing it anymore since most cannot afford, are you willing to deal with the hassle of importing it yourself?
Ex3: If supermarkets stopped importing 90% of the brands and only kept basic elementary items, are you willing to accept eating the same stuff every day?

*reference: all countries that are dealing with currency devaluation who rely on importing to live.


#14 June 16 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

Guitaret wrote:
Flakk wrote:

Keep them with you man, hard times are coming. Im preparing for the worst tbh.

Storing foreign currency cannot protect you as much as you want, traveling abroad is your best option for "preparing for the worst".
Ex1: If the neighborhood generator stopped providing services because many of the residents cannot afford it anymore, are you willing to buy your own generator and deal with all its hassle?
Ex2: If one of your family members is dependant on a medical supplement that dealers are not interested in importing it anymore since most cannot afford, are you willing to deal with the hassle of importing it yourself?
Ex3: If supermarkets stopped importing 90% of the brands and only kept basic elementary items, are you willing to accept eating the same stuff every day?

*reference: all countries that are dealing with currency devaluation who rely on importing to live.

Talking is easy man, If I had the option to travel id do it immediately, but i still have my job here and my responsibilities especially since my parents are now completely jobless.

1-yes im the kind of person to prepare for the worst; I did buy a 50amp silent generator a couple of years back and I use it often.
2- Iack of certain medical supplies its a problem yes but what are the chances of that happening soon ? i say if things dont improve at all in the upcoming year, then yes there is a high probability. So this is a minor concern for now.
3-yes i dont really mind, plus we started taking care of our land by farming and agri, im planting many of the basic veggies etc...

Again I made a mistake and put too much trust in this country and im paying the price by staying, but im not giving up that easily, i love my country and i always hated immigrating.


#15 June 17 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

Flakk wrote:

Talking is easy man, If I had the option to travel id do it immediately, but i still have my job here and my responsibilities especially since my parents are now completely jobless.

1-yes im the kind of person to prepare for the worst; I did buy a 50amp silent generator a couple of years back and I use it often.
2- Iack of certain medical supplies its a problem yes but what are the chances of that happening soon ? i say if things dont improve at all in the upcoming year, then yes there is a high probability. So this is a minor concern for now.
3-yes i dont really mind, plus we started taking care of our land by farming and agri, im planting many of the basic veggies etc...

Again I made a mistake and put too much trust in this country and im paying the price by staying, but im not giving up that easily, i love my country and i always hated immigrating.

Right on brother, I totally respect and relate. I may need to get into your experience in setting up a private generator, hopefully it won't cost one full-year income.


#16 June 18 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

Invest in home plant agriculture, e.g. hydroponics. If you grow soy, I know a lot of people who would be willing to buy from you including myself. $12,000 could get you a really nice setup or two. Check out Agrytech, and ask them for a setup where sunlight will be the main light source, which will make running costs much cheaper.

I know people who have invested in poultry and lost big time. They had to send their sick chickens and chickens who couldn't lay eggs anymore and whom they were feeding at a loss away for slaughter. All animal enterprises are cruel and ultimately unnecessary.

Last edited by eWizzard (June 18 2020)


#17 June 18 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

eWizzard wrote:

Invest in home plant agriculture, e.g. hydroponics. If you grow soy, I know a lot of people who would be willing to buy from you including myself. $12,000 could get you a really nice setup or two. Check out Agrytech, and ask them for a setup where sunlight will be the main light source, which will make running costs much cheaper.

Very interesting, I have a 260m2 empty roof that is wasting sunlight. May I ask why did you pick soy, do you think it is the best in term of ROI in Lebanon?


#18 June 18 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

Guitaret wrote:

May I ask why did you pick soy, do you think it is the best in term of ROI in Lebanon?

I'm not going to pretend that I know anything about its ROI. All I know is that it's a very nutritious plant and that there are so many products you can derive from it, including edamame, tofu, tempeh, soy milk, soy flour, soybean oil, soy sauce and many others. Soy protein is especially popular as a meat replacement. Soy is not cultivated in Lebanon as far as I know, and all its derivatives are imported. This is why I suggest looking it up.

Last edited by eWizzard (June 18 2020)


#19 June 18 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

eWizzard wrote:
Guitaret wrote:

May I ask why did you pick soy, do you think it is the best in term of ROI in Lebanon?

I'm not going to pretend that I know anything about its ROI. All I know is that it's a very nutritious plant and that there are so many products you can derive from it, including edamame, tofu, tempeh, soy milk, soy flour, soybean oil, soy sauce and many others. Soy protein is especially popular as a meat replacement. Soy is not cultivated in Lebanon as far as I know, and all its derivatives are imported. This is why I suggest looking it up.

I'm not sure you can grow soy in Lebanon.


#20 June 18 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

I wouldn't know about that, but it seems you can grow it hydroponically at least.


#21 June 18 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

I'm personally investing in custom electronics development, part doing myself, part is hiring devs.
At least many types of devices can stay on shelf for very long time, wont lose price and risks are quite low and easy to predict and calculate.
But all that need at least basic IT skills.


#22 June 19 2020


Re: Investing a sum of money in Lebanon

In Lebanon I find nature and traditional or artisanal produce interesting.

But why specifically Lebanon, though?


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