
A community for technology geeks in Lebanon

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#26 June 29 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

themike10452 wrote:

Can anyone share his Billing Address form? I read that it should be your Lebanese address and not your virtual mailbox address. I am curious on how to fill in this address ... Does it work if I fill in anything inside?

I usually fill it with the same address I filled on my credit card application form.


#27 June 29 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

themike10452 wrote:

Can anyone share his Billing Address form? I read that it should be your Lebanese address and not your virtual mailbox address. I am curious on how to fill in this address ... Does it work if I fill in anything inside?

Usually I use this form for my billing adress:

[Floor], [Building's Name or No.]
[Street Name], [Area]
[City], [Country]

2nd Floor, Al Khatir Bld,
Brasil Street, Hamra
Beirut, Lebanon


#28 June 30 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

silverfox wrote:
themike10452 wrote:

Can anyone share his Billing Address form? I read that it should be your Lebanese address and not your virtual mailbox address. I am curious on how to fill in this address ... Does it work if I fill in anything inside?

Usually I use this form for my billing adress:

[Floor], [Building's Name or No.]
[Street Name], [Area]
[City], [Country]

2nd Floor, Al Khatir Bld,
Brasil Street, Hamra
Beirut, Lebanon

Amazon requests a ZIP Code as well ...


#29 June 30 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

themike10452 wrote:
silverfox wrote:
themike10452 wrote:

Can anyone share his Billing Address form? I read that it should be your Lebanese address and not your virtual mailbox address. I am curious on how to fill in this address ... Does it work if I fill in anything inside?

Usually I use this form for my billing adress:

[Floor], [Building's Name or No.]
[Street Name], [Area]
[City], [Country]

2nd Floor, Al Khatir Bld,
Brasil Street, Hamra
Beirut, Lebanon

Amazon requests a ZIP Code as well ...

The Lebanese standard ZIP Code is 9999 9999.

A tip: Include your phone number in the address, like in the Address line 2: CALL 76 899 ...

Last edited by Johnaudi (June 30 2014)


#30 July 5 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

It is funny that most of Lebanese people don't know that zip codes exists for their country :)
For example Dawra - 1202.
I grabbed once list from some website and added to my wiki:
https://nuclearcat.com/mediawiki/index. … stal_codes


#31 July 5 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

nuclearcat wrote:

It is funny that most of Lebanese people don't know that zip codes exists for their country :)
For example Dawra - 1202.
I grabbed once list from some website and added to my wiki:
https://nuclearcat.com/mediawiki/index. … stal_codes

There's no point in them, for shipping purposes I always use 9999 9999 including the city's name.


#32 July 6 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

nuclearcat wrote:

It is funny that most of Lebanese people don't know that zip codes exists for their country :)
For example Dawra - 1202.
I grabbed once list from some website and added to my wiki:
https://nuclearcat.com/mediawiki/index. … stal_codes

Except that zip codes in Lebanon are 8 digit codes (first 4 are the region and last 4 which only libanpost knows are the building). I recall @Samer saying that you can call libanpost to get your full postal code. But I don't see a point if other shipping services don't know it.

Last edited by khatib1 (July 6 2014)


#33 July 6 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

I recall @Samer saying that you can call libanpost to get your full postal code. But I don't see a point if other shipping services don't know it.

Indeed, I compared my 8 digit postal code (that I got from Liban Post) to the list that nuclearcat posted, it seems it's a different system entirely. I have no idea which one is still actively used. The nice thing though is that usually they assign the same mail man to area, so if you started shipping things often, the guy will recognize you by name. Your goal then is to get the item to the right Liban Post distribution center (the one nearest to your house).


#34 July 8 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

Just FYI. Got today insider info that because people lately buy all commodity stuff on aliexpress - customs going to charge high fees for all packages coming from China. When it will start - i don't know.


#35 July 12 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)


I heard from a friend that the Lebanese customs will be imposing fees on items ordered from AliExpress.
I hope he is wrong and I hope it is not true but I just wanted to share it.

All items under 5$ you will pay 5,000 LL
And between 5$ and 10$ it is 10,000 LL
and it gets on and on...

Again, I hope it's a rumor but it will be sad to see it happening!


Last edited by leblinux (July 12 2014)


#36 July 13 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

I got same info from Libanpost manager.


#37 July 13 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

A week ago, i ordered 3 items from amazon, cost was 70$ exactly, shipping with borderlinx WITHOUT custom's fees was 71$.
seriously i cannot believe how this is going, AliExpress was the only solution for buying cheap items.


#38 July 13 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

when will this become effective ?
god dammit I just ordered about 400$ of items


#39 July 13 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

@tarek I'd cancel those if possible, believe me once it is effective you will be A precious hunt, enough said ;)
Edit: adding to the postal code discussion, I think the code provided to libanpost is the postal code for libanpost itself and not yours.
In short, libanpost branches have different 8 digits postal codes, that's my thought, it could be wrong...
Another thought would be that the first 4 digits are the ones provided by nuclearcat, and the other 4 digits are the extension, which determines your exact location, within the same "district or area" determined by the first 4 digits.

Last edited by NuclearVision (July 13 2014)


#40 July 14 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

Shit, If the gomrouk thing is true, it's gonna be really bad. Hahah

However I doubt they'll be able to process 1000's of daily packages. Probably a few would be charged customs not all of them.

Last edited by chosen2k (July 14 2014)


#41 July 14 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

@chosen2k not if money is involved ;)


#42 August 1 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)


Due to customers’ inquiries about incoming mail from China, LibanPost would like to announce the below:
In accordance with the customs’ law, all incoming packages and parcels from outside Lebanon, including China (AliExpress & others), are now subject to customs’ inspection and fees.
According to postal regulations, LibanPost cannot release any mail item nor send it to delivery prior to customs’ clearance, and cannot change or intervene in the customs’ declaration process or fees. We are committed to delivering right after customs’ clearance. Therefore, you will be receiving the goods with the customs clearance bill. It is important to note that time to clear customs varies and delays are currently occurring due to huge volumes at Customs.
To track your mail item, please go to: http://www.libanpost.com/TrackTrace/tab … fault.aspx.
If your item is still with the Customs: we are waiting just like you for the items to be cleared to be able to proceed with the delivery and cannot provide exact and accurate information about the declaration process.
If there is no data: your mail item has not reached the Lebanese territory yet.
For other inquiries, email us: customercare@libanpost.com or call our hotline: 1577.


#43 August 21 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

Guys, i dont know where else to put this post.
But, Does Amazon ship Electronics/Computer parts/Monitors Directly to Lebanon?!
Without using Borderlinx or any other way, just through Amazon itself.
Look at these two pages:
Shipping Rates to Middle East
Shipping Times to Middle East
As you can see,electronics and computers parts are listed in the categories of the items.
Also lebanon is mentioned in the Shipping times page.

So why not just order from Amazon directly?


#44 August 21 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

@AVOlio Anything other than CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray, music cassettes, vinyls, books, VHS videotapes    can only be shipped to Saudi Arabia

Last edited by Die_Kapitan (August 21 2014)


#45 August 21 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

Correct, lebanon can only receive books and bookstore merchandise, like DVDs and tapes. From amazon.


#46 August 24 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

so if I use borderlinx to buy an electrolysis machine from amazon , I still have to pay for the DHL delivery from USA to Lebanon and the customs ?!


#47 August 24 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

DHL delivery of course, customs I'm not sure most probably yes. Borderlinx is like your friend in the U.S who bought the stuff for you.


#48 August 24 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

Borderlinx will ship it through dhl. There isn't borderlinx separate cost. I assume .


#49 August 24 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

NuclearVision wrote:

DHL delivery of course, customs I'm not sure most probably yes. Borderlinx is like your friend in the U.S who bought the stuff for you.

so I only have to pay what the expense calculator in the borderlinx site shows me ?!


#50 August 24 2014


Re: Shipping from abroad (share your experience)

The stuff in calc you will have to pay. The question is will there be lebanese customs ?


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