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#1 January 18 2012


Web Development and IE

Once again, I find myself spending time trying to make things work in IE. Basically I have two options: cut everything into transparent images (including shadows, box borders, etc.). Very time consuming. Otherwise I could use CSS3 features to render these, but then I'd spend some time (less time, I agree) using libraries and possibly workarounds to make it work in older versions of IE, such as IE8.
So in both cases, I'll have to spend more time to make it work in IE. I thought we were done with IE6, and now things will get better. But then W3C introduce new features, and  these features are implemented in Chrome/Firefox but IE lags behind. It dawned on me today that this pattern is still going on, and shows no reliable sign of changing.
It just got me wondering whether I could also call myself an "IE integrator" (or something) ...

NB: This is not a rant, just a braindump!

Last edited by rolf (January 18 2012)


#2 January 22 2012


Re: Web Development and IE

The real issue is the really slow update cycle of IE and that's what makes it even harder to implements the new standards on time


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