Concerning the issue of disconnects, several review sites has noticed the same problem so I think they'll eventually issue a patch to correct this. And since today is the official day of release, I wonder how the matchmaking and game searches will be. When MW2 came a year ago, I remembered we had to wait 4 days for them to fix the whole issue.
Flyingwizard wroteActually i didnt have any lag or disconnections at all yesterday not to mention that it only takes 20 seconds to find a game which is a major improvement from MW2. Kept having constant 3 green bars and veeeeeryyyy rarely 2 yellow ones.
who's your ISP and what's your speed ?
Hey guys,

While browsing the net, I came across this code you input in the main screen to get an access for a minigame called Dead Ops Arcade (zombie mode but from a top perspective). Try it out.

1- In the main menu screen, look down using the right analog sticks until you see your arms.
2- Start pressing L2 and R2 alternately until he frees his hands. He should stand up.
3- Walk to the computer located behind your chair.
4- Access the computer and enter the word doa and then press enter.

Chup wrotewho's your ISP and what's your speed ?
Ogero, 512K.
Didn't have any major lag issues.
+ as Flyingwizzard said it takes 20seconds to find a game, so it's a nice improvement.
ISP: Ogero 512
i asked Nino if he got it on pc today, and he said that it hasn't been cracked yet, i wanna get it cracked first and check it out before i get it on Steam.
does any one have choppy framerate issues ?
Not really. Its just the game engine like i said before, its not as smooth as MW2's.

I just hate activision for what they did to infinity ward... They were light years ahead of treyarch. One would expect games to move forward instead of going back to an engine designed 4 years ago and totally screwing the graphics and gameplay that set the bar for every FPS.

The only good thing is the CoD points and some new stuff in killstreaks. I'll try to have the game grow on me and if it fails.... MW2 here I come again!
Flyingwizard wroteNot really. Its just the game engine like i said before, its not as smooth as MW2's.

I just hate activision for what they did to infinity ward... They were light years ahead of treyarch. One would expect games to move forward instead of going back to an engine designed 4 years ago and totally screwing the graphics and gameplay that set the bar for every FPS.

The only good thing is the CoD points and some new stuff in killstreaks. I'll try to have the game grow on me and if it fails.... MW2 here I come again!
But the thing is...pings in MW2 are higher now since people playing are less => less hosts to choose from :S
One can only imagine how the next COD is going to be
considering it's the sequel to mw2 and it's infinity ward, with cod points and wager matches....*jizz in pants* =p
elchebib wroteHey guys,

While browsing the net, I came across this code you input in the main screen to get an access for a minigame called Dead Ops Arcade (zombie mode but from a top perspective). Try it out.

1- In the main menu screen, look down using the right analog sticks until you see your arms.
2- Start pressing L2 and R2 alternately until he frees his hands. He should stand up.
3- Walk to the computer located behind your chair.
4- Access the computer and enter the word doa and then press enter.

DOA -----> Activates Dead Ops Arcade
3ARC INTEL -----> Unlocks all Intel in the game for viewing
3ARC UNLOCK -----> Unlocks Dead Ops Arcade and Presidential Zombie Mode
ZORK -----> Unlocks Zork I: The Great Underground Adventure (a text adventure game from 1980) for play in Black Ops
My issues:

already mentioned, won't elaborate but lets say visuals are extremely on the low end - yet somewhat slightly better in zombie mode

spawning is god damn terrible - you spawn at either ends of the map so for those flankers they will literally spawn rape you - let alone if someone has a chopper gunner up or something - im referring mostly to Nuketown here

single player 2-3 hours ... hmm yes that is a lie, longer but nothing ground breaking, i'd say some 7 hours ? - rewards you with a zombie map from what i here so thats a good plus either way

Lags are gone - its sooo good - i find a game in less than 10 seconds, and join from the first possible match - matchmaking never has been better - 3 bar all the way - from my experience that is some 170ms (it feels like it anyway) - if the ping is bad, just leave and you join again, i mean if it takes seconds then why not ? :P

maps are linear, i can tell where im going and the map sections are great i.e those b3 b2 etc they help when playing with friends.

i tried split screen online - lag was still ok (it gets split in two but it was a 2 bar on the verge of a 1 bar) so yeah ...

it is in general more fun and much more balanced for me - yet what on earth where they thinking abut the visuals .. thing looks like it came straight from a comic book, and like it was drenched in water :S

P.S for some strange reason my PSN friends are getting deleted, so for anyone who would like to add me (or add me again) my ID is in the official thread, either way its actually my username ;)
thing looks like it came straight from a comic book, and like it was drenched in water :S
come to think about it, you're right :P
you forgot the lame explosions too =)
and another relatively good thing is that you can't quickscope anymore
but yet again, you can't really snipe cause of the choppy framerates, oh well ..
Apparently we're not the only ones experiencing problems, which means its not related to the Lebanese connection, so hopefully they'll eventually fix with patches soon. I'm especially annoyed with the "Game Invite" feature because its not working at all. And yesterday was one of the worst playing sessions with the framerate issue worsening my online game, game invites not working at all, disconnected to error in transmission and the whole respawn issue. There was this one map where we kept on spawning at the same place and the opposing team kept us conrnered in the same place and got away with something like 10 kills until the game finally started spawning us on the other end of the map.

So, what do you think guys? Anybody having the same problems?
Reported Bugs
- Party Invite System not working, unable to join friends even with public chosen
- Leaderboard not reading correct kills
- Framerate issues, affecting gameplay
- Theatre mode not working correctly
- Respawns, issue spawning near enemies on smaller maps
- Game freezing PS3 Console
- Party option "Leave with party" not working correctly
- Locale Search option not working
- Mic's not showing in lobby
- Error "Disconnected due to transmission Error" appears after some games

Reported Glitches
- Knifing mechanic seems to act like Commando lunge from MW2

In addition, CVG has been told that the PS3 version of the game is experiencing freezing issues on 3D TVs.
elchebib wroteApparently we're not the only ones experiencing problems, which means its not related to the
So, what do you think guys? Anybody having the same problems?
yeah man me too

was absolutely terrible last night, nothing was working with me at all

your not the only one don't worry

zombie invitations seem broken - i.e they dnt work, for me that is

i did experience freezing - a lot of it i may add, after map loads etc

match making was broken, lobbies of 9 vs 3 and it never auto balanced

lag was well a lot, it was unplayable

- some 700,000 players last night - ahh i missed XBL after last night :(

also yeah the knife is very commando-ish.
Guys everything you have been talking about concerning the gfx can be seen here.
kareem_nasser wroteGuys everything you have been talking about concerning the gfx can be seen here.
Correct me if I'm wrong but comparing console graphics has never been the issue discussed here.
It was the graphics in general.
From both version i have to say that the gfx sucks, though i dont think gfx are a good point for buying a game. :)