I wont get it for a console because ofcourse fps games plays the best on a pc,
oh trust me , you'll get used to it
i can't play fps on pc anymore cause it's more enjoyable on my PS3 =)
MegaCool wrote
jajoja wrotemy copy will arrive soon maybe after 2 days :D
why bother and kill yourself downloading a 7.3GB game where you can get it for 2$ almost anywhere here in Lebanon..
oh im just making sure that i will get the skidrow one because it will be cracked using this copy to play multiplayer and im not in a hurry to play the game cause the multi hack is still not available :)

i thought about buying the game (legit) but why i dont want to use steam i want custom servers (for free) ;) just like mw2 if your up to date its cracked with not just alteriwnet servers , custom servers too ;)
Got Black ops yesterday and I was impressed by the storyline and game play :)
I'm thinking about buying a Legit copy to get online! or I could just wait and see if they figure out a miracle like with the AlterIWnet servers :P
Anyone who got the zombies related trophies?
Flyingwizard wroteMy normal ping to most servers and website is 110-130ms but this stupid matchmaking server has been messed up since the patch.

Need PS3 users feedback if anyone's playing it recently.
i must actually go against this

the patch improved things

i made sure i compared things at the same time of the day

before the patch during the times of 8-11 i would usually 1-2 bar in any standard (12ppl) TDM i,.e. it was terrible

after was much better, getting now constant 2 bar and sometimes even 3 at same times of the day

i did this so because usually at these times there is the same amount of people playing online- that makes a major difference

Ogero 256kb/s btw

(when there is some 200-300 thousand people online your lag is much better, only thign i can conclude here is shitty matchmaking server)

picking this game up for PC, saw some lebanese have some 120-160 ms pings - i may even very well rent a server and then we can look at some 60 ms pings anyone ? :P
Yup things have settled down couple days after the patch. Now I'm back to an almost all the time 3 bars connection which is nice :)
I'm not getting that 3 bar connection. Had it for one day and then bye bye.
chosen2k wroteI'm not getting that 3 bar connection. Had it for one day and then bye bye.
same here, very rarely, but when there is NO traffic much its 3 bar

again remember in a Free for All your ping will be much better due to the absence of like 4 players so yeah ...
chosen2k wrotePlatinumed
I was expecting it from you :P.
Tried the game a couple of times for many hours.
Its a good game, only problem is the Spawning! I always spawn next to ennemies
Random question :
why is it that i can find games within 5-10 secs in any wager match , and be able to play 7 games in a row, but get disconnected after each and every game in team deathmatch by " disconnected due to transmission error " that is IF i was able to find a team deathmatch game in the 1st place....
IDM 512 kbps
Chup wroteRandom question :
why is it that i can find games within 5-10 secs in any wager match , and be able to play 7 games in a row, but get disconnected after each and every game in team deathmatch by " disconnected due to transmission error " that is IF i was able to find a team deathmatch game in the 1st place....
IDM 512 kbps
Not your connection, Black ops is shit, period
MegaCool wrote
Chup wroteRandom question :
why is it that i can find games within 5-10 secs in any wager match , and be able to play 7 games in a row, but get disconnected after each and every game in team deathmatch by " disconnected due to transmission error " that is IF i was able to find a team deathmatch game in the 1st place....
IDM 512 kbps
Not your connection, Black ops is shit, period
I like how you respected the connection.
But it should be: "Your/mine/our connection and Black ops servers are shit.
I am not having any troubles with Black Ops anymore, only had problems in the early release before the updates, now it's working like magic, you can add me on Steam, but mention that you're from lebgeeks.
Terranet 512
It is because you are accessing extensively the Create Class section and/or seeing your playercard and killstreak record and random other stats.

Known bug.
My friend bought it on X360 and my student on PS3 but i have to say that the games gfx are not for 2010.
Gfx on PS3 look as wax 100% while on X360...a bit better but no big deal.
kareem_nasser wroteMy friend bought it on X360 and my student on PS3 but i have to say that the games gfx are not for 2010.
Gfx on PS3 look as wax 100% while on X360...a bit better but no big deal.
100% true, i tried and compared them, but on pc it looks decent, especially that now i got my gtx460.
Hamboza wrote100% true, i tried and compared them, but on pc it looks decent, especially that now i got my gtx460.
I was planning an upgrade to a Sapphire HD5770 which costs around 240$ here.
but gtx460 is atleast 2x more powerful, How much did it cost you?
how do you find the overall performance, and the frames/sec it produce on maximum settings for recent games.
Flyingwizard wroteIt is because you are accessing extensively the Create Class section and/or seeing your playercard and killstreak record and random other stats.

Known bug.
so theoretically, that's why it disconnects after each game ? cause it automatically accesses my playercard ?
sounds logical...
i'm gonna test not accessing my player card or create a class, and see if i find a game easily
i' ve played over 400 wager matches -.- i wanna level up already