Flyingwizard wroteIt is because you are accessing extensively the Create Class section and/or seeing your playercard and killstreak record and random other stats.

Known bug.
so theoretically, that's why it disconnects after each game ? cause it automatically accesses my playercard ?
sounds logical...
i'm gonna test not accessing my player card or create a class, and see if i find a game easily
i' ve played over 400 wager matches -.- i wanna level up already
MegaCool wrote
Hamboza wrote100% true, i tried and compared them, but on pc it looks decent, especially that now i got my gtx460.
I was planning an upgrade to a Sapphire HD5770 which costs around 240$ here.
but gtx460 is atleast 2x more powerful, How much did it cost you?
how do you find the overall performance, and the frames/sec it produce on maximum settings for recent games.
well i don;t know exactly how much it costed me because i got the whole computer in one package with a huge discount so i cannot specify but i think it would be around the same price offered at pcandparts, as for the performance, since i didn't have a decent one before so this is magic to me, BlackOps with all settings to full, but AA at 8 i got 60fps generally but at some points it would even reach 90, but no less than 60, MW2 i got 90 with everything on and highest, of course am playing at 1080p.
I just got it late at night yesterday, so by tomorrow i would have tested it on more demanding games. i'll tell how it does on different games
yalla purchased the game installing right one Updating steam lol {,_,.-.,_,} -_-!
Flyingwizard wroteIt is because you are accessing extensively the Create Class section and/or seeing your playercard and killstreak record and random other stats.

Known bug.
nop, tried not doing anything it still popped out 9 games out of 10
and still impossible to play 2 games in a row, that is i find a game without it popping out
it just popps out as im waiting for the next game to start without me even touching friends/ create class/ playercard
That's weird. I only get it when I am trolling around the sub menus while waiting for a game.

If I stand still, I only randomly get "Game Lobby Closed" error but not the transmission one.
it works fine the only issue im having is the fps problem sometimes i get 40 fps which is not good while running and trying to encounter an enemy and then get killed because of my lag otherwise i get 60-80+ fps.. , the connection ITS awesome sometimes i get 60 ms woohoo , i dont believe it maybe theres something wrong with the game calculating my latency whatever the game is awesome :D
jajoja wroteit works fine the only issue im having is the fps problem sometimes i get 40 fps which is not good while running and trying to encounter an enemy and then get killed because of my lag otherwise i get 60-80+ fps.. , the connection ITS awesome sometimes i get 60 ms woohoo , i dont believe it maybe theres something wrong with the game calculating my latency whatever the game is awesome :D
PC's ftw :D
try to lower your graphics settings, or enable vsync.
i want to ask you all which internet connection are you using ? i have to 512kb/s with WINS through the wisebox, but its SOOOO slow .. is 512 on dsl better ? any other advice would be appreciated..
AkDoV wrotei want to ask you all which internet connection are you using ? i have to 512kb/s with WINS through the wisebox, but its SOOOO slow .. is 512 on dsl better ? any other advice would be appreciated..
It's okay. Personally, I like ping that's under 100ms is perfect for me. Unfortunately, I range from 150 on good servers to 400-500 on bad servers. Trust me, 200ms makes a BIG difference when you're in a 3-4 second knife duel with someone.
Guys guys please calm down and hold your breath :D at the bottom the picture describes everything and about the fps the problem is not coming from my pc its a global problem i know some dudes got gtx 460 and still lagging with 60 fps -_- even the company said the problem is coming from the game so dont worry about it :D

21 days later
recently after patch 1.05, i havent been able to find a all
not a single one
anyone having such problems ?
Chup wroterecently after patch 1.05, i havent been able to find a all
not a single one
anyone having such problems ?
On PS3 i suggest?
kareem_nasser wrote
Chup wroterecently after patch 1.05, i havent been able to find a all
not a single one
anyone having such problems ?
On PS3 i suggest?
yea , idm 512
it's either that or my whole internet considering im having problems with fifa 11 online too :(
Same man i am 512k with IDM, i dont want to whine anymore because we how is the situation.
jajoja wroteGuys guys please calm down and hold your breath :D at the bottom the picture describes everything and about the fps the problem is not coming from my pc its a global problem i know some dudes got gtx 460 and still lagging with 60 fps -_- even the company said the problem is coming from the game so dont worry about it :D
How come you're having a ping of 41 ?

What's type of connection / ISP do you have and what servers do you play on ?
---()--()--- wrote
jajoja wroteGuys guys please calm down and hold your breath :D at the bottom the picture describes everything and about the fps the problem is not coming from my pc its a global problem i know some dudes got gtx 460 and still lagging with 60 fps -_- even the company said the problem is coming from the game so dont worry about it :D
How come you're having a ping of 41 ?

What's type of connection / ISP do you have and what servers do you play on ?
I'm sure its either satan or just some photoshop.
2 months later
Someone play it online on pc ?
SteamID: bobkassem
bobkassem wroteSomeone play it online on pc ?
SteamID: bobkassem
yes me ali [leb]

ill add you this weekend