MaRsO0o wrote-"Lebanon directory " & "LCD" : find out the owner and the address of any Phone number or car plate number.(only in Lebanon And needs internet)
I tried these apps on a friend's iPhone, and I'm interested to reproduce the results in a python or java application. Anyone knows where it connects to to get its data?
15 days later
iPhone 4 users : get gyro stick ... It's interesting combines drums and gyro to create an interesting app
Social apps: Facebook (obviously), Twitter, FourSquare, Messenger, Skype, Fring, Echofon and of course, whatsapp ($0.99).

Games: Doodle Jump (my favorite, $0.99), Fruit Ninja ($0.99), Angry Birds ($0.99), NFS Shift ($0.99), Real Racing (I bought it with a discount for $2.99), Mega Jump, Flight Control ($0.99), Cut The Rope ($0.99), SimCity DLX (bought it with a discount for $0.99).

Other types of apps: iBooks, Amazon (for on the go shopping), Cool Facts, FML, MLIA, Heritage (requires internet and it's free. Collection of pics from all of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites). Shazam and SoundHound. I bought these two before the 5 tag limit and now I'm stuck with that limit after I updated to an iPhone 4. I don't use them as much anymore. Red Laser (it's like a barcode scanner. Very cool). Translator, Converter+, Talking Tom, Hipstamatic ($1.99)

Those are some of the ones I use on my phone. I have about 300 apps in my iTunes library but I don't use most of them. And I have a US iTunes store account, just in case some of the games are not available in the Lebanese iTunes store.
17 days later
Barrel (cydia) awesome cube effect for iphone menu scroll .. check it out
Games : i only play two games, "Doodle jump" (bought it from a US account), and "Mr.aahH!!" (free and wicked)

I think Sleep Cycle is a great app, it really worked !

Shazam is also a great app, anywhere u are u can record what ur hearing, even without internet and at home with wifi u can recongize it!

A reallly useful app, is Day Bank : U just insert how much ur spening and gaining money, and ofc on what (fuel, food...) and at then like at the end of the month or any time u like, u can check statistcs on how ur spending money. U can put budgets ( so u can limit ur spending on a certain item), and finally u can check on ur phone how much money is left in ur wallet :)..

Also an app i appreciate : Movies, u can list all the dvds u have; everytime u give a movie for a friend, you can add it on the app and therefore never forget to whom u gave it!
You can also list movies you want to watch, and through the internet you can check rates and comments...
To add a movie on the app, simply scan the barcode on the dvd, or just search it while connected
locktopus (cydia) : password lock customized specific applications

androidlock XT (cydia) : android type lock (the one with the dots and you draw a pattern to unlock) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Is there any application that lets you type an SMS using voice? As if you don't have to actually write it. That would be cool.

Also, whats a good reminder application? The only way I know how to set up a 'reminder' for some event is to create an alarm (which I'll have to delete afterwards).
Sharing some GREAT apps on my Iphone (Jailbreaked)

Mental Notes = Great note taker (take notes by voice, pencil, keyboard & picture).

World Weather = Accurate forecast with an eye candy weather details (animated).

Scanner911 ( if you would like to tap on 911 calls emergency, police and fire dept. in USA, Canada, UK etc..)

HT Recorder ( useful for recording sounds)

My Football PRO2 ( Get push notifications of your favorite teams) live scores/matches etc..

OPlayer ( Plays and streams from your desktop/laptop shared folder all video and audio formats available including wmv, avi, 3gp, rm etc..)

Unit Convert Pro ( convert currency, update rates, units converter)

Voice Morph (change your voice to strange and funny voices and save them)

Network stuff:

Lite Ping ( includes Visual Ping, Ping Subnets, Traceroute, Telnet)

RDP ( remotely connects to window machine)

iSSH ( visual ssh to remove *nix servers)

Visual chmod (no comments :P)

Net Portal ( connect and download to file sharing servers , NAS, Shares etc..)

---------------------- A Must app to download from cydia (tweaks)------------
SBsettings. ( a toolbar that drops when swiping your finger) allows you to add toggles to enables/disable settings much faster (ex. Enable/Disable wifi)

infinidock = allows you to add more stuff to the dock (down there)
Safari download manager
winterboard ( allows to add themes to iphone


Vtuner Radio ( listen to virtual radios online across the globe.
Trapster ( detects accidents / speed traps in lebanon)

Al Mawrid = English to arabic translator

Flight status & Flight track ( visually track lebanese and international flights arriving and departing from lebanon and international airports, aslo en-route track to see where is the exact position of the plane)

Google Apps for iphone (includes google search)

Ebuddy pro
Yahoo Messenger

Thats it for now :)
9 days later
Ok best Cydia app for multitasking : multifl0w ! Expose like functions .. Lots of customizations
my best applications from cydia for some hacking and reverse engineering purpose are:
4)gnu Debugger

for other purpose:
1)Soundhound or Shazam
3)Ebuddy Pro

games: Fruit Ninja, Trainyard, NFS hot pursuit...... THERE'S A LOT OF PRO OTHER APPs.
Guys, a new app is in store, and its also free : its called "Heywire", u can send FREE SMS from it to phones worldwide, including Lebanon ( alfa &mtc)
6 days later
ya32oub wroteGuys, a new app is in store, and its also free : its called "Heywire", u can send FREE SMS from it to phones worldwide, including Lebanon ( alfa &mtc)
R u sure abt it i'v been using it but no success :S
MaRsO0o wrote
ya32oub wroteGuys, a new app is in store, and its also free : its called "Heywire", u can send FREE SMS from it to phones worldwide, including Lebanon ( alfa &mtc)
R u sure abt it i'v been using it but no success :S
If you need to send a SMS, you to plot "+961...".
Oh, and when you first download the application, make sure you got a number.
ya32oub wrote
MaRsO0o wrote
ya32oub wroteGuys, a new app is in store, and its also free : its called "Heywire", u can send FREE SMS from it to phones worldwide, including Lebanon ( alfa &mtc)
R u sure abt it i'v been using it but no success :S
If you need to send a SMS, you to plot "+961...".
Oh, and when you first download the application, make sure you got a number.
Thanks a lot, I tested it and its really working ! One useful application is BC Reader, a very nice business card reader and aNote is a great Note and Task list app
22 days later
I just saw the topic, so instead of creating a new thread about it I thought I'd update this one.

Here's snapshots of my two application pages.

1st page contains normal applications that come with the iPhone + installous.

2nd page contains the following applications:

WhatsApp - social networking application.
Facebook - name says it all.
HeyWire - send free SMS to any mobile phones.
Pano - take panoramic pictures of your surroundings.
World History - an oxford app that contains definitions that come in handy for some small research.
Translator - translates from/to all languages.
Viber - free phone to phone calls.
Flashlight - name says it all.
Lebanon - a lebanese directory for land and cellphone lines.
WhiteNoise - a cool application for relaxation.
Shazam - song/artist detector.
Flick Kick football - one of my favorite games on this phone.
Trivial Pursuit - the game
Fruit Ninja - a cool game
Sudoku2Pro - sudoku.

Cydia applications:
SB 2 Cloud - instantly sends your snap shots toward a specific online adress.

Other application suggestion:

Game Dev. Story - one of the most addictive game I have ever played on the iPhone. (3hours non-stop)
you get to be a game developer, you create your own firm and design your own games.

Here's an example of the Pano application:
(taken by a merging of 5 photos - never mind the quality, I lowered the resolution for uploading purposes.)

Thanks =D heywire works
Cyril what's the cloud icon in the status bar?
amjadk wroteCyril what's the cloud icon in the status bar?
Its a Cydia application,
SB 2 Cloud it instantly sends your snap shots toward a specific online address.
New applications: The Sims 3 Ambitions, Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit (awesome!!), HeyWire (obviously), Amateur Surgeon 2, Smurfs, Inception, Camera + (very good camera app), Find my iPhone, etc..
Game Dev. Story is awesome, thanks for bringing it up.
Doodle Jump is my personal favorite along with Cut the Rope.