let's share some good apps ... i'll start with a few which most of you prolly already know

• soundhound and shazam - one of the best things to have with you (especially if you have internet access all the time) identifies songs being played just by hearing them... i personally prefer soundhound since i can hum smoke on the water and get a hit :P

• whats app - best inter OS messaging available

• videopano - makes panoramic images just by swiping the camera

• team viewer - it's awesome because it gives me access to my desktop 24/7

• sleep cycle alarm clock - this alarm clock studies your movements at night and wakes you up in the best time possible (related to the different phases of sleep) although you have to keep the phone plugged in and next to you on the bed .... but it's been working great for me and i'm a heavy sleeper... it's probably placebo though :)

• little uzu - i don't know what category it falls into but give it a try ... it's f'in entertaining and addictive

... i'll stop here for now
• Calcbot - a well designed calculator
• Terminal - a must have for the geeks. *
• WhiteNoise - ambient noise, helps you focus
• RedLaser - scan barcodes and get product information
• Reeder - my favorite RSS reader
• Light Meter - a must have for analog photographers

*: requires jailbreak.
• Rj dj music app that transforms ambient noises into ear-bending soundscapes.
samer wrote• Terminal - a must have for the geeks. *
*: requires jailbreak.
There is an app called "Rove Mobile Admin" and it offers SSH, Telnet and RDP (MS Remote Desktop) clients, it's available for free from the App Store (hence no Jailbreak needed).
But if you want to SSH to then yeah I think you need to jailbreak your phone and enable the SSH server.

BTW Firemint Real Racing GTI 2010 is a great racing game.
I also recomment abaia (chess game)
Photoshop Express for rotating pictures, adding effects, etc
"Remote" to control iTunes over Wifi.
Fring for MSN chat and voice calls
Cycorder (from cydia) for those with a device that does not support movie capture natively. (like the iPhone 3G)
Also, for those who dont have ios 4 can still get some sort of multitasking by installing "Backgrounder" from cydia. Note that if you want wifi to stay on even when the phone is on standby, you'll also need to get "Insomnia"
SBSettings lets you manage basic phone settings in a very convenient and quick way... also from cydia.

All these are free, but some are "lite" or "demo" version... still good to have though.

As paying app.. I would like to get G60-Camera Gear.
Well today I faced the issue that I couldn't send a photo through bluetooth from my iPhone and learnt it can be done by jailbreaking.

My phone has 4.1 natively installed and its factory unlocked so i don't have to worry about making/receiving calls. I've been toying with the idea of jailbreak.

Any of you has done so? Why's and Why Not's are more than welcome along with your opinion of advantages/disadvantages.

You can send photos with an app called Bump if both devices have it installed. Second, you're on 4.1. It isn't jailbreakable yet, you need to go back to 4.0.1 or 4.0 but it's impossible because you need to have SHSH blobs saved for one of the latter mentioned firmwares (This is because apple stopped signing requests to go back to these older versions of the OS!). Third, jailbreaking as tempting as it sounds, isn't preferable for your device. It shortens your battery life, could turn your iPhone's performance sluggish, and last but not least can BRICK your device if you install the wrong packages. So with jailbreaking you face big responsibilities.

Also, my favorite apps are:

Twitter Clients: Weet, Twitter, Osfoora and Icebird.

Games: Angry Birds, Doodle Jump, Plants vs Zombies, Zombie Smash, Monster Jump, Monster Dash, Osmos, Chopper 2, Pocket God, Flick Football, The Incident, and NinJump.

DropBox: I use it to quickly transfer files between my notebook and device.

WhatsApp: Inter-OS messaging (BBM style).

aMonitor: Monitors my device's CPU usage.

Convertbot: Best converting app.

EpicWin: To-Do list with an RPG twist.

Dragon Dictation: Speech to text! (I think it doesn't require internet connection).

AudioMemos: The name speaks for itself.

Bump: Sharing Photos, contact cards, social networks info and calendar events with other Bump users!

Reeder: My favorite RSS reader.

Boxcar: Push Notifications for gmail, facebook, twitter and others.

Camera+ (Pulled from App Store): Best camera application with effects!

PS Express: For fast simple photo editing.
EddieEC wroteSo with jailbreaking you face big responsibilities.
Hmm, are you exaggerating a bit?
No I am not. Maybe a little. Jailbreak apps don't all work on the iPhone 4. Second, I speak of experience (I had an iPhone 3G). Jailbreak at your own risk, I don't recommend.
Third, jailbreaking as tempting as it sounds, isn't preferable for your device. It shortens your battery life, could turn your iPhone's performance sluggish, and last but not least can BRICK your device if you install the wrong packages. So with jailbreaking you face big responsibilities.
No I am not. Maybe a little. Jailbreak apps don't all work on the iPhone 4. Second, I speak of experience (I had an iPhone 3G). Jailbreak at your own risk, I don't recommend.
It only comes down to what apps you install. All what jailbreaking does is let you run unsigned code. What you end up installing from Cydia (which is an iPhone port of apt) is up to you. Frankly, I've never noticed a difference in performance and I think jailbreaking is essential. A quick google search comes up with pretty convincing reasons for you to jailbreak your iDevice.
chosen2k wrote• Rj dj music app that transforms ambient noises into ear-bending soundscapes.
??? Explain more please
I also got the "5 icons dock" (just in case I want to cram 5 icons in the dock) and also "Flashlight" from cydia. It turns your LCD display in an all-white, quite bright "flashlight". There are a bunch of flashlight apps in the App Store but they don't modify the brightness of the display which means you'll have to manually crank up the brightness every time you want to use it - unless you keep the display at maximum brightness already... the one from cydia does that automatically, that's pretty useful.

If anyone is interested in downloading and saving youtube clips, check out MxTube.
One thing I'd like to find is an application that would save google maps for offline use.
Installous* : test your apps before you buy ;)
anyone want lebanese maps for iphone
Its called Ndrive lebanon download it from installous it costs 50$ if you buy it legit
One reason I hate jailbreaking is that it condones piracy. 90% of jailbreakers use pirated apps.
EddieEC wrote90% of jailbreakers use pirated apps.
Where did you get these numbers from?
I think you're wrong, most users jailbreak the phone to unlock it and for some apps such as those pointed out by Samer. I don't see any piracy in that.
I misread it, it's actually 40%.
EddieEC wroteI misread it, it's actually 40%.
You still need to list your source.
interesting post , i myself have my favorites :)
-Lockinfo (Cydia) ** : great app that displays all kind of notifications on your lockscreen/homescreen , plus u can add plugins such as "weather" or "RSS"...
-Retouch : customize your photos by removing unwanted parts in it (like stupid face making friend in the background) the app adjusts your pics as if the "unwanted things" were not there.
-AED dictionary : EXTREMELY advanced & rich dictionary.
-Classes : manage your classes , homeworks and exams in a very nice and easy way.
-"Lebanon directory " & "LCD" : find out the owner and the address of any Phone number or car plate number.(only in Lebanon And needs internet)
-Whatsapp: BBM style messenger.
- Games : GTA , hawx , plants vs zombies , Monopoly , Dismount (addicting very funny) ,flick soccer AND my favorite Final Fantasy 1 & 2 ( Pokemon Retro style RPG game ).
For those that are buying apps from iTunes, I came across this website that keeps track of price drops of every single application on AppStore.


More than that, it has some nice articles concerning featured stuff, so there ya go.