Anyone got these ? - If yes, how are they ?

Also can anyone confirm that they are out on the UAE store?

This whole DLC region locked business is getting quite annoying.
yes, better than the old ones and I downloaded them from the UAE store
great news, damn wallet is empty though :/

also need to go buy a PSN card; it's strange these maps were released relatively faster than stimulus

side note: how much did they cost you, did we also get ripped off this time round and get charged 18.something$ again ?
It's for $18.somthing & 345MB :)
took exactly 3 hours and 48 minutes to download ... damn 30kb/s download speeeed. and now i have a useless 2$ in some random UAE account i made :/

Much better than the last; Vacant looks so sexy now, it doesn't feel dark and gloomy like cod4; it now has like these lighter sections of the map and stuff, favorite map from this pack, followed by a close second from carnival. This map pack is worth it i suppose.
Aj_BlaZ wroteim downloading them (for pc)
i finished downloading them this morning at work today ... ;)

can't wait to try them also on PC, thanks again dude !

also everyone feel free to add me on PSN; ID : The-MMMs

Just in the msg include lebgeeks :)
Yeah i got them too for free ;) and they're great :D
The-MMMs wrote
Aj_BlaZ wroteim downloading them (for pc)
i finished downloading them this morning at work today ... ;)

can't wait to try them also on PC, thanks again dude !
no problem dude :) , its funny that modern warfare 2 was cracked and can be easily played over lan (offline) , online , but the problem is when you play it online try to make your video recorder on hold cause of the too many cheaterssss and then file complaint about them seriously i hate cheaters :/ for me if i suspect any cheater or it was admitted with other players we kick/ban him or change the server , :D
Aj_BlaZ wrote
The-MMMs wrote
Aj_BlaZ wroteim downloading them (for pc)
i finished downloading them this morning at work today ... ;)

can't wait to try them also on PC, thanks again dude !
no problem dude :) , its funny that modern warfare 2 was cracked and can be easily played over lan (offline) , online , but the problem is when you play it online try to make your video recorder on hold cause of the too many cheaterssss and then file complaint about them seriously i hate cheaters :/ for me if i suspect any cheater or it was admitted with other players we kick/ban him or change the server , :D
the earliest cracks would let you play through steam with all the MW2 communtiy ;)

... those were the good days, the ping rates were much much better

now on this aIW its kind of slow, not to mention hosts mess around with the game, speed hack, god mode etc. ... its a very BROKEN game ESPECIALLY on PC

nice to see many ppl adding me on PSN :) its been great playing some aprties with you guys ;)

also on topic : One major thing i've realized with these maps . If you happen to have both packs, its now VERY VERY rare to get your favorite map, for example ever since resurgence i still haven't come across overgrown :( and i dunno but for someone reason strike never appears as well. i guess its jsut a matter of RANDOM matchmaking fail-ness i suppose. Also CTF disappeared but it does appear if you go into team tactical or whatever than random game mode was called. it also shows up from time to time in the resurgence game mode ... mind you CTF was the only thing i was playing lately until IW removed it :(