
  • Jan 15, 2013
  • Joined Apr 29, 2010
  • Hello fellow Lebanese!
    I'm posting on this thread because I'm looking for someone from Lebanon to team up with on playing MOH Warfighter on the Xbox.
    so if there's anyone here who's into FPS & mainly BF3, MOH (serious war shooting games) then please feel free to add me on XBL (Phoenician)

    P.S: the games is just awesome, I've played the beta and wasn't much impressed due to the amount of bugs & glitches but with the final release, well...the experience is totally different. so yes, I'd recommend it for anyone who likes "matured" type of FPS games.
  • Any Lebanese PS3 gamers in Jeddah (KSA)?
  • ewwww...a subscription fee?! forget it then :P
  • Hello MrClass,

    To answer your question, yes it is still new.....inno I got it as a present & I was like WOW thank you! (fta7a man, c'mon!) & I was like okay, so I opened the box....checked it out then got it back....all its accessories are still sealed but you can see that it's still new & never been ON.
    anyway....this is my mobile number 70-654388 gimme a call if you like to check it out

    P.S: another fellow geek aquired me for the LED so as you said 1st come 1st served or sold to :)
  • Hey guys,

    If anyone is interested in buying a "Brand-new-still-in-the-box" LED Monitor, then please let me know.
    I got it as a present & never used it since I recently got the 23" 3D LCD from Samsung & wish to sell the LED for $250 where its street price is $319 if i'm not mistaken.
  • Did anyone try this game? did you Kareem?
    I saw the cinematic trailer & was blown away by the whole idea, then saw some in-game trailers & I was like...ummm, it's a bit chaotic & also I'm not sure how it'll perform on our internet connection speed....so guys if you've tried this game, then I'd appreciate it if you can share your experience.
  • I would really love to come....is this like an open invitation or something?
  • Connection: Wise Desktop Modem + Terrasmart 512Kbps
    Latency: I tend to find games at >150ms where I usually get 3 bars but it's 2 bars most of the time.
    Favorite game type: Hardcore TDM or any other Hardcore mode

    P.S: I can't get DSL connection since I moved recently to a new building where there still no phone box installed & I have to recharge every 15~17 days because MW2 tend to consume alot of upload because my max freakin upload quota is 750MB (I just wanted to nag about it)
  • for all the music fanatics,
    I'm selling my Guitar Hero series along with Rock Band for the PS platform.
    Below you may find more details so if you're interested please pm me.

    a) Rock Band Kit (PS3) $200

    1- Rock Band Software PAL (Perfect Condition)
    2- Drum Kit + Sticks (Perfect Condition)
    3- Wireless Guitar (Good Condition)
    4- Wireless Microphone (Perfect Condition)

    b) Guitar Hero III Kit (PS3) $150

    1- Guitar Hero III Software (PAL)
    2- Wireless Guitar (Perfect Condition)

    c) Guitar Hero II Kit (PS2) $50 [Still in box]

    1- Guitar Hero II Software (PAL)
    2- Wired Guitar [Cherry Red] (Perfect Condition)

    d) Guitar Hero (PS2) $50 [Still in box]

    1- Guitar Hero Software (PAL)
    2- Wired Guitar [Black] (Perfect Condition)
  • <admin edit: don't attack other members (ad hominem), just attack their arguments or do it via PM>
  • 1st of all you can't compare any prices between here (the local market) & the internet because eventually you’ll feel that you're about to get ripped off or you might experience some uncontrollable rage-like symptoms :)

    2nd 3G enabled devices in Lebanon are good for nothing because we simply don’t have such technology / service yet (probably never)

    So if you’re buying an iPad 3G ready just to use it in Lebanon then it’s a big NO NO, unless you intent to spend more of your time abroad (even if it was Kenya)

    However, if you’re reconsidering a WiFi only iPad then their prices are [32GB = $1,079 TTC] & [64GB = $1,219 TTC]
  • iPad 64GB WiFi + 3G for $1,450 TTC [Authorized Dealer's 1 Year International Warranty (Interlink)]
    Condition: Brand new & Sealed
  • I'm not sure if you guys knew about this already
    but I've recently came to know that there is a way to play MW2 online for the PC with a cracked copy so I thought of sharing it with my beloved Leb Geeks
    The crack / workaround Is simply lets you connect to an alternative server other than IW
    I'm not gonna waste much of your precious time reading my post so go ahead & check this website for all the details.


    P.S: I give all the credit to my geek friend who told me all about this. [Digital Net Assassin aka DNA]
  • Try contacting the authorized dealer [Interlink] the guy's name is Ramy & you can reach him at his cellphone 03-540907 recommendation from Khaled Asma
  • C&C Red Alert: Time will tell my friend, time will tell.
    C&C Generals: [GLA] Be careful she's precious. [Anthrax trucks]
    Duke Nukem: Rest In........Pieces [R.I.P]
    COD4 Modern Warfare: In war, you win or lose, live or die....and the difference is just an eyelash
    Modern Warfare 2: Remember.....No Russian [Then the shit hit the fan]
  • It's for $18.somthing & 345MB :)
  • Dream On!!! Dream On!!!! Dream On!!!! Dream until your dreams come true :)
  • Well gamer4life / Goliath,

    you know what's best for you...
    I have you on my PSN friends list [Gothical69]
    let's have a showdown later this evening on MW2 & see who wins [iFly or Wise] ;)
  • [gamer4life] I know that you were very excited about the new iFly/wimax technology thing & you were desperate to play some MW2 online games with little lag.
    However, it can't be a substitute of your DSL connection because I'm stuck with the wireless broadband thing due to some technical reasons [no telephone box installed in our new building yet & it's gonna take like 2 years for them to install it there] so I'm using the Wise desktop modem while running Cyberia Wireless bit [so far the most descent company when it comes to support & ping latency] however, the only backdraft is the quota where it's 750MB up & 1.75GB down =2.5GB [MW2 uses a lot of upload] & since I play MW2 on average of 4~5 hours a day before the unlimited time.....then my upload exceeds the limit within 14~15days. meaning that I have to recharge twice a month in order to enjoy playing online & that's a ripoff!.
    Now when they first released the iFly, I got very excited about it [just like you] so I went & did some kind of a research on it [local & international] & came up with the following results [The hardware itself is more sophisticated than the Motorola CPE [Wise Desktop Modem] & the wireless technology [Wimax] is much better than the [Broadband] However [That's the important fact] Wimax network coverage is still in its early development stages here in Lebanon, meaning that you're lucky to have a good signal where you live & the quota is the same as the Wise or any broadband provider which is 2.5GB & the latency is the same [Latency is can vary between which ISP you're using & as I mentioned above that so far my best personal experience is with Cyberia Wirelessbits] so the conclusion was that the iFly thing was nothing but a ripoff & a marketing bullsh!t that [Cyberia, IDM & Sodetel] are using to gain some market share from Pescotel [Wise].
    Lastly, This is what I strongly recommend you do:
    1- Cancel your DSL subscription with IDM [Insufficient Data Management]
    2- Subscribe with Ogero [Lowest latency in Lebanon by far & your quota for 512kbps is 4GB up & 4GB down]
    3- Use your iFly during the time of moving from IDM to Ogero [because it takes like forever]
    4- Sell your iFly & enjoy n00b tubing with Ogero DSL

    P.S: is your PSN ID is [Goliath]?