I didn't know that you could buy from different ISP for the same modem. how does it work, i mean i just go to mobi or sodetel and ask them for a sodetel card? are there any differences respecting performance of each network via MOBI or WIMAX?
The salesman told me if next month I want to change isp all what I need to do is get him the modem, because he needs to change codes or something, along with the card I need to recharge. This salesman is(il wakil taba3on). And what I noticed is that the WiMAX has better and more stable speed then the MOBI.
[gamer4life] I know that you were very excited about the new iFly/wimax technology thing & you were desperate to play some MW2 online games with little lag.
However, it can't be a substitute of your DSL connection because I'm stuck with the wireless broadband thing due to some technical reasons [no telephone box installed in our new building yet & it's gonna take like 2 years for them to install it there] so I'm using the Wise desktop modem while running Cyberia Wireless bit [so far the most descent company when it comes to support & ping latency] however, the only backdraft is the quota where it's 750MB up & 1.75GB down =2.5GB [MW2 uses a lot of upload] & since I play MW2 on average of 4~5 hours a day before the unlimited time.....then my upload exceeds the limit within 14~15days. meaning that I have to recharge twice a month in order to enjoy playing online & that's a ripoff!.
Now when they first released the iFly, I got very excited about it [just like you] so I went & did some kind of a research on it [local & international] & came up with the following results [The hardware itself is more sophisticated than the Motorola CPE [Wise Desktop Modem] & the wireless technology [Wimax] is much better than the [Broadband] However [That's the important fact] Wimax network coverage is still in its early development stages here in Lebanon, meaning that you're lucky to have a good signal where you live & the quota is the same as the Wise or any broadband provider which is 2.5GB & the latency is the same [Latency is can vary between which ISP you're using & as I mentioned above that so far my best personal experience is with Cyberia Wirelessbits] so the conclusion was that the iFly thing was nothing but a ripoff & a marketing bullsh!t that [Cyberia, IDM & Sodetel] are using to gain some market share from Pescotel [Wise].
Lastly, This is what I strongly recommend you do:
1- Cancel your DSL subscription with IDM [Insufficient Data Management]
2- Subscribe with Ogero [Lowest latency in Lebanon by far & your quota for 512kbps is 4GB up & 4GB down]
3- Use your iFly during the time of moving from IDM to Ogero [because it takes like forever]
4- Sell your iFly & enjoy n00b tubing with Ogero DSL

P.S: is your PSN ID is [Goliath]?
The quota idm gives is 3.5gb that is completely shared between upload and download, and I'm not a heavy downloader so that's not a problem for me, as for the latency problem I'll try sodetel next month , as I mentioned before it gave 3 green bars at my cousins house, where Wise card gave shit latency and speed. And I don't think I can still pay more money for switching to ogero, because I still have the Mobi and now the iFly, and the unlimited night traffic is very important for me. whereas the idm dsl I'll keep it and I'll think of your suggestion in the future not now because I really need to relax from the payments I did because I didn't just buy the new internet, but I also bought a ups for the fuckin electricity in Lebanon and a subwoofer for the ps3 also.

And yup my PSN ID is goliath.
how much are you paying for IFLY?
I got it for 255$ with a card from idm and a router.
Well gamer4life / Goliath,

you know what's best for you...
I have you on my PSN friends list [Gothical69]
let's have a showdown later this evening on MW2 & see who wins [iFly or Wise] ;)
So you payed all of this to get a 550 ms ping ? and you'r happy ? :P
Yes I'm happy because as iWiCkeD mentioned latency vary between which isp I'm using, and idm is well known for their high latency, so if I switched to another isp like sodetel it'll give me low latency like my cousins' and I payed all of this so I can get a speed which is good all time of the day, and I really got what I wanted, except for the latency.
and the 220$ are just the installation prices, with modem and everything. The package he bought should cost him 100$ or less, so its not such a great expenditure
6 months later
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