there could be a problem going on your mobi. In my personal case, I used to have a 3.5G internet modem, which constantly went from 3.5G to edge or GPRS. I solved the problem by just adjusting the modem config.

the other thing that could be happening to you, is that mobi shuts down on purpose to disconnect all long downloads preventing "abusers" from downloading lost of content. If this is the case then you are probably going to face the problems with IFLY.

On the other hand, why dont you give Ogero a try?, you could maintain your current DSL line, or better, sell your IDM DSL, maintain you MOBI for downloads and buy an Ogero line for gaming.

I would also recommend taking some records on how much bandwidth does your gaming consume, and buy an adequate Internet package according to this.

My Best Regards.
Thanks for your help guys, I think I made up my mind by choosing WISE since it is portable and has low ping, but one last question is it still like this or the service is now bad? Sorry if I'm bothering you.
I thank god that I didn't buy the ifly because they decreased there prices from 210 to 150$ and, a store next to my house wanted 230$ for it just today. Why do you think that they decreased there prices?
not enough sales or incoming new products.
WISE speeds are really good especially at night. I get 70kbs at full speed downloads sometimes it varies to 90kbs. It varies alot.
flakk, do you get sudden disconnections with WISE as described by gamer4life?
Yup that's my question like babum, and you're talking about the wireless wise not the dsl right? and how's the ping for gaming?
gamer4life wroteYup that's my question like babum, and you're talking about the wireless wise not the dsl right? and how's the ping for gaming?
Disconnections happen every like two weeks for me. its like sometimes a 5minute disconnection, sometimes it takes long. Dunno why they happen though, the last time i called they told me their doing maintenance.

Yes the wireless one. pings range from 180ms to 350ms on eu servers and US servers. My pings in world of warcraft were 350ms, sometimes lower.
Sometimes i get lower pings if i reset my wireless modem, i just turn it off for about 10 minutes and restart my pc and my pings get lowered for a bit but its not guaranteed, i used to do that on peak times cause pings were horrible at that time.

I used to play Killzone 2 on this connection and it was really stable and playable.
Thanks flakk really thanks, I'll be buying it this or the next week just to check how's it in my region.
before you buy WISE, I saw last week that mobi had a fixed ip for gaming, which could help your ping.
babum wrotebefore you buy WISE, I saw last week that mobi had a fixed ip for gaming, which could help your ping.
What!!? but how much will it be, I can't pay that too much money every month, is it for idm? or cyberia? and how much plz?
WOW! just saw the price, it's tooooooo expensive it's 166$ for 512kb speed and 196$ for also 512kb but more quota and 236$ for 1mb speed.
I'll go for WISE because that's too expensive.
i dont recomend WISE AT ALL...their service sucks and is very qouta manegment system....very high pings throughout the day....iv used both DSL and wireless wise, i really regret it now so go for mobi
gamer4life stick with mobi you wont get anything better than mobi trust me :)
I got the iFly wimax and I kept the mobi I didn't sell it.
Here are my first impressions:

Faster then dsl and gives real 512kb speed
The coverage is excellent I always get 3 bars even if it is far from the balcony
The ping is 50ms higher then dsl it's like 550ms
Their are no sudden disconnections till now(it has been connected for more then 2 hrs)
I didn't try online gaming yet, when I do I'll give impressions

I was at my cousins house yesterday to try his wreless modem which has a motorola name on it, and on the stand it has a pesco name, but it's not pesco I'm 100% sure and I don't know it's name, what's important is that when I tested ping it was low(240ms max and 116ms min) and I played mw2 on it and it gave me 3 green bars and he told me that he can recharge different kinds of cards like terranet, wise, sodetel, cyberia... he used before wise and it was too slow and very high ping so he used instead of it sodetel which gave excellent internet, so today when I went to buy it they told me that it has no coverage in my region, that's why i bought the iFly instaed, the salesman told me that I can also recharge different cards, and I'm using now idm, and he also added that sodetel will also release the iFly soon, so I'll be buying directly the sodetel card when it gets released, which he thinks it will be released next month.
thats great news. hope you enjoy using IFLY.
gamer4life wroteThanks. But what other isps support iFly?
The fucking salesman told me their's no iFly sodetel yet, he's was lying because I think he didn't have the sodetel card.
gamer4life wroteThe fucking salesman told me their's no iFly sodetel yet, he's was lying because I think he didn't have the sodetel card.
Yeah :P

I-Fly website says that sodetel support this service.
Sodetel's website