rolf wrote
AymanFarhat wroteI suck at talking with girls, Fuck My Life! :P
We all do.
i disagree with you ;)

first step: act normal :D

second step: no lies

third step: hidden

fourth step: geek face stopped

fifth step: redo all steps + hidden

easy as feasy
^ Poster above does not know shit.
arithma wrote^ Poster above does not know shit.
Maybe you are talking to the wrong ones
True I am, this is because these are the ones who usually catch my eye, I try, but at the end I end up forgetting about it once I understand that they belong to a completely different environment and groups, geeky girls are okay as just friends but they look horrible :P
We all do.
But I hope you're good at talking to girlfriends ;-)
Agree, but one is a prerequisite to the other :P
i disagree with you ;)

first step: act normal :D

second step: no lies

third step: hidden

fourth step: geek face stopped

fifth step: redo all steps + hidden

easy as feasy
I don't think someone should hide anything he has even the geeky look and talk, the girl should like you as you are or "baleha"

IMO the best kind of girls which I usually look for are the "hot geeky chics" and that's a really rare breed so FML!
Aj_BlaZ wrote
rolf wrote
AymanFarhat wroteI suck at talking with girls, Fuck My Life! :P
We all do.
i disagree with you ;)

first step: act normal :D

second step: no lies

third step: hidden

fourth step: geek face stopped

fifth step: redo all steps + hidden

easy as feasy
The trick is to make her your girlfriend even before you say hello. Note that girlfriend contains the word "friend" which is a very important component of it.
If it doesnt work, then she still is your girlfriend, potentially, in a parallel world maybe... or if you believe in reincarnation...
It hope it makes sense. All I'm trying to say is that you need to decide that you have already succeeded, in your head, before doing anything. You have to want nothing, and you will have it all...
It's not that hard as it seems, it's a mental process, once you catch it, it will be ok. You cant really control it though, its not like mind-control...

Good luck LOL. I think you have hope as long as you dont go reading "Dating tips" and "fast seduction techniques" books. Even then you will have a chance, but it will need a miracle.
AymanFarhat wrote
We all do.
But I hope you're good at talking to girlfriends ;-)
Agree, but one is a prerequisite to the other :P
Nah nah... that's the trick!!!!
Once you remove the stress of "proving yourself" and impressing her and all that, of "making it", "passing the mark" etc... then you will see that there is nothing wrong with you, like everyone else (I am guessing...).

That's why I am saying, and will repeat it, we ALL are bad at talking to "girls", IE those creatures who cause weird feelings and look very attractive but from another world. But once you stop seeing them like some kind ofalien animal, but more like someone who you just met, then it becomes bearable.
arithma wrote^ Poster above does not know shit.
yup i dont know shit ^
rolf wroteEven then you will have a chance, but it will need a miracle.
but come on a miracle :/
Girls are overrated.

xterm wroteGirls are overrated.

hahaha nice one
ahem....poster above the above is homo^
Girls are yucky!
Be yourself dont act the way all Lebanese do it, and if you dis agree then your so called gf likes you because of your looks(cute)
Basically the idea of Girlfriends/boyfriends is taken or sucked from the west which we dont actively use as the westerns use it.
As for this:
second step: no lies
Well you are not gonna marry her from first site so it is unnecessary to tell her everything about you so no need for lying.
The 21st century is witnessing a huge shift in human societies: Geeks giving dating advice. Interesting...
I've given this advice before and will give it again:
Get a piece of cloth. Soak it with chloroform. Ask the girl you like What does this rag smell like. The only technique that has 0% failures.
Dude, I'm in Germany since 2 weeks, you have no idea how many girls I've talked and went out with !! In Lebanon I need a couple of months ( more than 6 months ) to " zabbeta lal makhlou2a " after friends intervetion and help, couple of rejections, few weeks of stories about her ex and how he dumped her and tawsheh w waja3 ras....And the girls here are very cute :-/ long story short, I have no idea why lebanese girls think they deserve the best but one thing for sure it's a pain in the ass ( usually ) to look for a new girl friend.

Just my personal experience ...

AJ_Blaz dude, I'd love to watch you, just to see how it goes with you.
I do have a gf, I had a bunch of ex-gfs, but I prefer not to give dating advice. There are different patterns of girls, some stuff might work with a girl, but wouldn't with the other. Of course, if you're rich enough to buy a Lamborghini, you can definitely go out with any girl you choose (in most cases - there are exceptions of course).

But seriously what Kareem said is so damn true! I'd say go for a few days to London, you'll get laid more often than you change your underwear, mark my words.
Kassem wroteThe 21st century is witnessing a huge shift in human societies: Geeks giving dating advice. Interesting...
haha most epic post here.
Kareem wroteDude, I'm in Germany since 2 weeks, you have no idea how many girls I've talked and went out with !! In Lebanon I need a couple of months ( more than 6 months ) to " zabbeta lal makhlou2a " after friends intervetion and help, couple of rejections, few weeks of stories about her ex and how he dumped her and tawsheh w waja3 ras....And the girls here are very cute :-/ long story short, I have no idea why lebanese girls think they deserve the best but one thing for sure it's a pain in the ass ( usually ) to look for a new girl friend.

Just my personal experience ...
I have heard this many many times. And it is true.
My friend living in the UK tells me the same stuff.

I just dont get it why Lebanese girls think they are goddesses or the most beautiful creatures on earth.