A black cat crossing the road, accidentally hit my bikes front wheel, the bike flew and so did i,landed on the ground heavy smash, broke a finger couple of bumps bruises.Cat walked away limping a little.
What are the Odds of that, Cat-bike probable,but Cat-bike pretty slim.Fuck my life.

Did anyone ever had a fuck my life moment ?
I once crapped my pants when I was waiting for the bus, I ran back home as fast as I could...
Cat-bike probable,but Cat-bike pretty slim
I don't understand that. We've all had a FML. That's why there's a website, and an app for it :p
I used to have a habbit of hitting myself on these iron rodes(the small ones) that on the pavement.
Once i go with nice girl far away to the lake. Car (minibus, Ford Transit) stuck in the middle of nowhere in puddle of mud.

To get car out i spent almost 3 hours in the dirt, it was february, temperature near zero. I drove home only in underwear, my jeans was cemented by mud. The police stopped me on the half of way was LOL, when they see me in underwear.
have u ever closed your pans zipper on your pe*is ? well it happened to a friend i know not to me :P
My car broke down on the same day i acquired the keys to my new apartment.

Bank balance was 0$
im a man not a Kid or a girl !
if something goes wrong i dont have something to reveal inside me !
Um yeah when my precious World of warcraft account was stolen i started swearing left and right. But i was able to get it back the same day.
xterm wroteMy car broke down on the same day i acquired the keys to my new apartment.

Bank balance was 0$
Did you sleep in your car?
rolf wroteDid you sleep in your car?
Keys acquired > Heading home happy > Car breaks down > Arrived home raging

I had to keep the car parked for a month before repairing it.
I suck at sports !
I search the neighborhood for like 15 minutes for a place to park my car. I find a place somewhere relatively far from my house, I park it there because that's the only option I have. On my way back home, I find a very good spot to park my car, I rush back to my car so I could park it closer to the house. I go to the new parking spot but it's already taken. I return back to the old parking spot but it has just been taken too... Happens to me everytime :)
Kassem wroteHappens to me everytime :)
Learn from your mistakes !
jadberro wrote
Kassem wroteHappens to me everytime :)
Learn from your mistakes !
I like to take my chances, and honestly, everytime I do it I know it's gonna happen, but I still do it anyway. :P
I just put some raw chicken into the microwave.. It turned out real tasty. Fuck your life :P
xterm wrote
rolf wroteDid you sleep in your car?
Keys acquired > Heading home happy > Car breaks down > Arrived home raging

I had to keep the car parked for a month before repairing it.
That sucks. A little public transportation from time to time isn't so bad. At least you didn't have to walk (did you?).
Kudos for your patience! I don't think I would have so much patience.
arithma wroteI just put some raw chicken into the microwave.. It turned out real tasty. Fuck your life :P
fuck his life indeed
jadberro wroteI suck at sports !
No Doubts about that :P ... 3a akel el Hommos wel Falafel taba3 el chef Ghamzi !
I suck at talking with girls, Fuck My Life! :P