• Gaming
  • PS3 MW2 Stimulus Package

As you may already Know....The MW2 Stimulus Package for the PS3 is now available to download, worldwide.
However, we "Lebanese" are deprived from downloading anything from th Playstation store unless we have access to the UAE store "how lovely" & since UAE & other GCC countries banned MW franchise from their country, then we're technically screwed...so in there any geek in da house who knows how to come over this?

P.S: I've tried playasia.com but most of the reviews says that people didn't receive their order!! "Risky"
I guess it can be done by creating a new PSN account for the US or UK and buy the package. Just use the account to buy it using prepaid cards. When you have downloaded it you can login to your existing (or main) PSN account and use the package normally.
I think that works.
Elchebib knows about this matter more though. I recommend you ask him.
Thanks Flakk for your quick response,
however, It can't be done because 1-technically DLCs are region locked (which means if you have a PAL game you can't download US based content & vice-versa) 2- there are no available Playstation network cards available in Lebanon except for the UAE Store)
Anyway, I appreciate your support.

Calling out Elchebib...S.O.S
iWiCkeD wroteThanks Flakk for your quick response,
however, It can't be done because 1-technically DLCs are region locked (which means if you have a PAL game you can't download US based content & vice-versa) 2- there are no available Playstation network cards available in Lebanon except for the UAE Store)
Anyway, I appreciate your support.

Calling out Elchebib...S.O.S
As you said iWicked, the MW2 DLCs are region locked. So you'll have to download the DLC from the same region you bought the game.

I've been bombarding the European Playstation Blog about the whole situation to see what'll happen. And someone replied that they're looking into it and will get back to us once everything clears up. I'll keep you updated once anything comes up.

As for the ban, the game wasn't banned in the Middle East (at least in the UAE) (http://megamers.tbreak.com/6086/news/its-official-modern-warfare-2-will-not-be-banned-in-the-uae.html).
And even if a game is banned, it won't affect its DLC (case in point, both Heavy Rain and Dragon Age: Origins were officially banned in the UAE but their DLCs is available in the UAE store).

I think that they'll post the pack once the overwhelming demand of downloads calms down a bit (the EU store got really messed up with people not being to purchase, add credit or even download and install the pack).

The weird thing is that, all of Activision's game packs disappeared. And this is worrisome. Anyways, hopefully they'll answer soon and I'll update you.

In the event that the pack doesn't come up in the UAE store. You have only one option:

If the game is from the EU (BLES or BCES codes), then you'll have to get your hands on an EU PSN card (one way is to get them from the UAE where they sell them).

If you have the US game (BLUS or BCUS), then you'll have to get the cards from Play-asia.com website. Actually, my experience with them is quite good but you'll have to provide a PO box address in order for them to deliver.

Hopefully, things will clear up and we'll end up being able to get our hands on them soon.....
Well I was trying yesterday to buy the package with my credit card but since my account's country was UK, it didn't let me process the payment with my Lebanese card.

Tomorrow a friend of mine in UK will be buying me a £20 PSN UK card and e=mailing me the 12 digit code so i add funds to my account and get that DLC done and over with.

If you have any friends/relatives outside lebanon you can order it from the link I gave above and have it shipped to them. They will scratch the code off and mail it to you if your PSN is registered on the UK store. That website does not accept Lebanese cards/addresses, however.

Best of luck guys, I know it sucks for most of you, but I can't pester him enough to buy me more than one card unfortunately.
My psn account is based in the UAE. And my copy is European. Will i be able to buy the cards they sell in virgin and buy the DLC normally ?
Flakk wroteMy psn account is based in the UAE. And my copy is European. Will i be able to buy the cards they sell in virgin and buy the DLC normally ?
Nope. The cards at Virgin work only in the UAE store.
This is what he said, his PSN account is UAE so they will refund his account. But not sure if he can see the DLCs from the UAE store though.
elchebib wrote
Flakk wroteMy psn account is based in the UAE. And my copy is European. Will i be able to buy the cards they sell in virgin and buy the DLC normally ?
Nope. The cards at Virgin work only in the UAE store.
But normal games can still be bought from the UAE store using these cards right ?
Flakk wrote
elchebib wrote
Flakk wroteMy psn account is based in the UAE. And my copy is European. Will i be able to buy the cards they sell in virgin and buy the DLC normally ?
Nope. The cards at Virgin work only in the UAE store.
But normal games can still be bought from the UAE store using these cards right ?
Yeah, of course.
Thanks a lot guys! that cleared it up for me....I'll wait a couple of days & see if the UAE store would list the map pack if not, then I'll have one of my friends to purchase the card from UK as you advised.

Thanks again
Does SONYWORLD sell UK psn cards? or is their any store in lebanon that sells european psn cards so I can buy the package.
gamer4life wroteDoes SONYWORLD sell UK psn cards? or is their any store in lebanon that sells european psn cards so I can buy the package.
Nope, all stores who sell cards (Sony World and Virgin Megastores) that work with the UAE store only. Your best bet is to get the UK cards either from the UK or from the UAE.
Downloading the 320MB package part is the best fun ever :D
Gives us your feedback after downloading the pack.
Is it worth the money?
Tbh no.

You can only play the new maps according to some specific game types. You just queue for Stimulus package and it randomly chooses a map with its specific gametype.

So you can't select to play deathmatch, domination, free for all or anything like that... sucks.
<Flyingwizard> can I ask you for a big favor? can you please buy me one 50 pound UK card & I can wire you the money thru Western Union
No I can't. Like I said above, it's not me who is buying the card, it's a friend of mine in UK and he's not willing on getting another one. Trust me, I tried.
Hey guys don't bother yourselves searching for someone who can share his package with you or finding someone who can get you the UK psn card, because imo the maps are very bad they are really a waste of money. I am just playing them and i cant really find anything that is good about them.
Actually, I alsmost got a nuke yesterday on Salvage :D

I am starting to like them, despite the fact you can't control which game type you want, but if it pops up something I don't like, i just leave lobby and rejoin.

They're all nice except that apartment thing which I can't remember the name.

Overall, I withdraw my comment from the other post that they are not worth the money, imo they are now after you get used to them (or to the fact they were not worth it :D j/k).