well its good to find such websites ma fi kter eshya hek be lebnen :P w metel ma 2el mark.assad :I have finally found a place to 'fesh khel2e' about all the ignorance and 'backwardability' we have in this technology-forsaken country! im a pc lover looking forward to do something in the future concerning computer .. computer engineer of computer science ... my name is charbel im 15 yrs old happy to be here :)
hello charbel you are welcome its nice having the younger generations here with us , have fun ask questions ,we are here to help :) tell us more about your hobbies btw: samer (the admin) will not be happy about you typing in Arabic , expect a msg in your pm's concerning that soon :P
ah k not a problem i just like my Lebanese lang :P well i like to work with programing and stuff in computers always fix my computer :P i know how to work with vb6 made some games- programs-web browser but my knowledge is limited i thought i could find some help here :) and im a fan to games and consoles i like RPG games like wow warcraft diablo gothic assassins creed ... and shooter games like cod unreal ... so i should find almost everything here :)
Rule #10 :

Please, no off-topic discussions outside the forum lobby, always try to post in proper english and not SMS language or arabic in latin characters. Also, please don't abuse the usage of ASCII characters ("!!!!!", ALL CAPS, and BIG BOLD RED FONTS.) and smiley faces.

For more info, refer to http://www.lebgeeks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=241
you know that rule about " !!!!!! " was inspired from me :P
Hello ballouta, wlecome to the forums! Now you are part of the community, welcome aboard! I have just replied to your VB6 related post, it is nice to see people starting programming on their own in such an age. I started programming with QBasic at 15 too :) Keep up the good work and I am looking forward to seeing you around the forum, have a good day and enjoy your stay :)
since there is lots of gamers and programmers we can work on some games to gain experience. maybe we can create some gaming development company in the future, i've always dreamed of that.
and welcome Ballouta
welcome ballouta! ur probably the youngest member on lebgeeks! im sure youll find lots of advice and topics that will keep you happy :)
Welcome man :) I guess i wasnt the only one swearing and panicing then huh ?! :P
welcome ballouta ! battikh should be thrilled to have you also here on the forum
^^ ma tedda7akeh 3layyeh, but when i 1st saw him online, i thought it was me... enno someone stole my account :P coz i often use ballouta as fake accounts :P
hah this was a warm welcome thank you
Welcome abroad ballouta.

Do not hesitate to ask any question. You will always find someone who has an answer since we are pretty well-rounded.

Enjoy it,
GN90 wrotesince there is lots of gamers and programmers we can work on some games to gain experience. maybe we can create some gaming development company in the future, i've always dreamed of that.
well this wont work in Lebanon since all pc/360/ps2/psp/... games are copy pasted and sold in 1500 LBP so this development company will be broke and no money to pay the workers ... as log as they do this in lebanon there wouldn't be any game company
not really battikh , have you tried special force 2 ? its really nice that its all made here !!!! and the actual level of the graphics is totally acceptable and its pretty realistic although its not cod 4 or such but taking the"Lebanese" made as a factor its pretty decent :) bit7ib libnen eh 7ib al3abo :P
haha nice slogan ! and all COD have a shitty AI system totaly scripted not dynamic so when it come to gameplay you cannot compare a game to COD. you can take COD as an example when it comes to level design and mission variety.
GN90 wrote! and all COD have a shitty AI system .
thats true they wont attack unless you attack :P
im talking about the design and mission variety :)