ballouta wrote
GN90 wrote! and all COD have a shitty AI system .
thats true they wont attack unless you attack :P
that's true and it is not what i meant. play the game on veteran and you will see the best way to beat the game it not to relay on your skills but on you memory. means that: go into an area die and replay it, the soldiers that killed you will not only show up at the same moment but react the same way even if you have changed your attack style. .
see in bioshock, batman, crysis how the enemy reacts to your actions you will be amazed
i never seen ai worse than gothic's 3 AI lol there are some kind of missions that you need to take someone to another place you talk to the person he follows you suddenly he goes underground or inter a rock and never come out so you'll need to load and play the mission again :P
actually this isnt linked primarily to AI, u cant get get enemies on the floor above you shooting at the floor! and yea thats cuz you are using easy levels ;) on COD4 on hardest level they attack before you do ;)

i dare anyone to finish /missionselect/epilogue/mile high club / highest difficulty!
ive only seen one person who could do it so far :P ( on computer ;) )
i've played COD4 at veteran level and finished it
and i can argue with you till the end of life about COD signature gameplay.
i played COD5 at veteran your kept surrounded with hand grenades :P
all COD AI are NFL quarterbacks :p they can throw a grenade from a mile away and they always hit you.
if NB wants to prove me wrong i will discuss the gameplay even more deeply. i don't mean that the gameplay is bad; as i said it is a signature COD gameplay that allows the game to be intense. The poor AI system works well in combination with other factors such as the potential system and the level design. don't understand me worng !
my point was you cannot take COD as an example when it comes to enemy AI .
anyway we are off-topic here
nourberro wrotei dare anyone to finish /missionselect/epilogue/mile high club / highest difficulty! ( on computer ;) )
i dare you to win gothic 3 with no patches and with all the bugs in the game ( people with main game missions despairing flying monsters you cant kill , invisible things fighting pornographic sound effects ) it's just insane :P
Hai there Charbel, welcome to Lebgeeks (even though i'm not so active ;p), are you a naruto fan :D
GeorgeN wroteHai there Charbel, welcome to Lebgeeks (even though i'm not so active ;p), are you a naruto fan :D
haha ye i like them watch them they're funny :P i download their last movie :P its gd
i have like 300 clips till the shippuden episode 91. The last one Dattebayo subbed. Any link to some good subbed episodes ?
Kareem wrotei have like 300 clips till the shippuden episode 91. The last one Dattebayo subbed. Any link to some good subbed episodes ?
the mangas still didn't finish yet i have about 130 episode of shippuden 4 dvds sensi kakshi dies :( i felt sorry for him ... ill pm you the link for that stuff

Gotta watch them asap :-)

Thanks for the link.
Talking about AI. The best AI "fight" I ever had was in Resident Evil 4. I'm talking about that boss fight ... the blond mercenary ... don't remember his name ... Anyway, it was a one-on-one real-time fight against an AI that would hide, anticipate your moves, take chances ... brilliant!
Kareem wroteDONT TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS !!! grrrrrrrrr

Gotta watch them asap :-)

Thanks for the link.
haha i don't think they made the death of kakshi on dvds yet :P i read it in the mangas
and your welcome
GN i said ur right ;) AI sucks in cod4, but not because they dunno how to do good AI, its because the game requires certain characteristics .
thats what i mean
Naruto fan i guess :D
not a big fan i just enjoy watching them passing some time :P i prefer avatar the last airbender :P and south park :P