kareem_nasserMay 18, 2010Post #31 Tuesday, May 18, 2010 7:20 PM doesnt any one play games other than CoD?
EelchebibMay 18, 2010Post #32 Tuesday, May 18, 2010 9:29 PM kareem_nasser wrotedoesnt any one play games other than CoD? Uncharted 2 online....
HambozaMay 28, 2010Post #34 Friday, May 28, 2010 3:15 AM PSN: RadioactiveMah i'll add everyone, as for COD MW2, me and about 5 of my friends pay it together daily, so it'll be nice to invite u all and we'll get to know everyone and have an all lebanese lobby. catchya online
Ali_NasserMay 28, 2010Post #37 Friday, May 28, 2010 1:43 PM EditedI mostly play Call of Duty World at War, mw2, KZ2 and also Battlefield Bad Company 2 online. I OWN UMP45 in mw2 ;)
HhachouchiMay 30, 2010Post #38 Sunday, May 30, 2010 5:30 PM EditedXbox Gamertag: hachouchii 1o1 Online games : MW2 , lost planet 2 and splinter cell conviction :D
cullinan86Jun 9, 2010Post #39 Wednesday, June 9, 2010 7:59 PM PSN ID: cullinan86 currently playing street fighter 4 but I'll get bad company 2 soon.
kevorkJul 10, 2010Post #41 Saturday, July 10, 2010 3:16 PM PSN ID : kevosalloum Xbox Gamertag : Charboul
kareem_nasserJul 11, 2010Post #42 Sunday, July 11, 2010 6:15 PM hey Kevo how did catch lebgeeks? Welcome to the forums.
BbelalJul 27, 2010Post #44 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 4:07 PM EditedSo, who wants to lose badly in fifa10(ps3)?
MMasterBatataJul 27, 2010Post #45 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 7:25 PM PSN: Batata-AJS anyone up to playing uncharted 2 , LBP , fat princes...
Rramito123Jul 27, 2010Post #46 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 8:12 PM My gamertag is Livesmog360 : I play Halo 3 , Fifa 10 , Singularity and other games . Also i am D-RS on gamespot .
Hamboza PSN: RadioactiveMah i'll add everyone, as for COD MW2, me and about 5 of my friends pay it together daily, so it'll be nice to invite u all and we'll get to know everyone and have an all lebanese lobby. catchya online
Ali_Nasser I mostly play Call of Duty World at War, mw2, KZ2 and also Battlefield Bad Company 2 online. I OWN UMP45 in mw2 ;)
hachouchi Xbox Gamertag: hachouchii 1o1 Online games : MW2 , lost planet 2 and splinter cell conviction :D
ramito123 My gamertag is Livesmog360 : I play Halo 3 , Fifa 10 , Singularity and other games . Also i am D-RS on gamespot .