7 days later
PSN ID: Gothical69

MW2 / BF2
19 days later
PSN:wazwaz13 King of call of duty ;)
kareem_nasser wrotedoesnt any one play games other than CoD?
Uncharted 2 online....
9 days later
PSN: RadioactiveMah

i'll add everyone, as for COD MW2, me and about 5 of my friends pay it together daily, so it'll be nice to invite u all and we'll get to know everyone and have an all lebanese lobby.

catchya online
I mostly play Call of Duty World at War, mw2, KZ2 and also Battlefield Bad Company 2 online.

I OWN UMP45 in mw2 ;)
Xbox Gamertag: hachouchii 1o1
Online games : MW2 , lost planet 2 and splinter cell conviction :D
10 days later
PSN ID: cullinan86

currently playing street fighter 4 but I'll get bad company 2 soon.
9 days later
22 days later
PSN ID : kevosalloum
Xbox Gamertag : Charboul
5 days later
11 days later
So, who wants to lose badly in fifa10(ps3)?
PSN: Batata-AJS

anyone up to playing uncharted 2 , LBP , fat princes...
My gamertag is Livesmog360 : I play Halo 3 , Fifa 10 , Singularity and other games .
Also i am D-RS on gamespot .