• Gaming
  • What are you playing these days ?

On PC :

Far Cry 2. For everyone who says it sucks, I guarantee you will change your minds when you get to the ending, and the few scenes before it. If, and IF nothing else, those last scenes including the ending are the most original I've seen since Gordon Freeman's adventures in the Half-Life series.

I would appreciate it if someone were to point me to where I could find or buy Far Cry 1


On PS2:

- Tales of the Abyss (3rd playthrough).

The first time sucked.

The second time made sense.

The third time, after manipulating all the pieces of the puzzle AND making sense of the story which is forgettable if the game is not played daily, I found it very enjoyable. But, for anyone who's too lazy to think about things, and there are MANY side-quests and goodies to think about, then don't come near.

- Disgaea : Hour of Darkness ( Haven't finsihed, LoL)

Okay, this game is not for casual gamers. This game is for the hardest of the hardcore players. The maximum level is 9999, and even then you will have trouble in some places. Beating this game takes a lot of time. Beating this game 100% is nigh impossible unless you have no life and your girlfriend just left you. The game is a strategy RPG, with originality written all over it. The multiple endings are VERY engrossing, regardless the age of the player.

- Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil (There is no playthrough repetition. Missions are repeatable)

This was the first PS2 demo of a game I had ever played.
After 8 years, I finally found it in a store. I finished it in 7 hours. But the very fictious Very fast-paced snowboarding and water-boarding levels are addicting. The simplicity is just too good to be true.
30 years later, one will still enjoy it.

I saved the best for last. *drum music*

- Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. (2nd playthrough)

This game is long. Really long, really fun, and one of Naughty Dog's best works.
To whoever has or is playing this game, I hope the get-hit-once-and-die system isn't frustrating you too much.
The music is good, too. Sometimes I just load and warp to my favourite music-locations. Scenery is very original for a game made in 2000-2001.



- Dream of Mirror Online

Not the best looking, or the most original, but hey it's in 3D and I'm a guild elder, can't quit now.

- Grand Chase

2D, side-scroll, transitionary. Just till I get my Baccalaureate Tests done. Don't go here. :/
playing shogun 2 total war, mount and blade warband and alexander the great...
I'm currently continuing my epic journey in Oblivion to get in the mood for Skyrim.
16 days later
Just started Mafia II after owning it for 1 year on PC. I paused/on-hold playing The Saboteur, & I finished MK on PS3, Portal 2 Co-Op is on hold on PS3 till PSN gets back.
23 days later
Finished Mafia II and Killzone 3
Chilling with some online Hot Pursuit 2 and Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2...
Got the 25$ per month All-U-Can-Get- PS3-Rental Games package =p
Currently spending my limited free time on L.A Noire and awaiting Infamous 2
Chup wroteFinished Mafia II and Killzone 3
Chilling with some online Hot Pursuit 2 and Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2...
Got the 25$ per month All-U-Can-Get- PS3-Rental Games package =p
Where from ?
---()--()--- wrote
Chup wroteFinished Mafia II and Killzone 3
Chilling with some online Hot Pursuit 2 and Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2...
Got the 25$ per month All-U-Can-Get- PS3-Rental Games package =p
Where from ?
hahahahah yooo ^.^
M2-Multimedia megastore in zalka .
50$ deposit and 25$ per month.
You finish a game , you return it, you get another one.
5 days later
I'm a huge fan of fighting games, mainly street fighter and mortal kombat on PS3....There's one problem though:
Those games are almost unplayable with the regular PS3 controller, they are mainly intended to be played with arcade sticks. I know that there are arcade game pads for PS3, but I don't know from where to get them in Lebanon, I might ask Nino to provide me one.
cullinan86 wroteI'm a huge fan of fighting games, mainly street fighter and mortal kombat on PS3....There's one problem though:
Those games are almost unplayable with the regular PS3 controller, they are mainly intended to be played with arcade sticks. I know that there are arcade game pads for PS3, but I don't know from where to get them in Lebanon, I might ask Nino to provide me one.
He does have one for 100,000 LBP. It was a while back since I've asked him so I don't know if he still has it or not or if he got new ones.

Currently playing Mass Effect 2
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Super Street Fighter 4
NFS Shift II Unleashed


Dirt 3
I am still grinding on FFXIII 55 hours in.
I stopped playing Heavy Rain because it is mostly story driven so you must have a cool mind to track it.
Thanks to the Welcome Back program i downloaded Dead Nation and Super Stardust using my USA account, Ratchet & Clank: Quest of Booty and WipEout using my UAE account.
I started playing Dead Nation it is a nice game, also WipEout is an awesome futuristic racer. The only problem i am facing a problem......of course the internet, i am downloading stuff every night after 11 pm.
I can't download any of the free stuff, not because I have a lousy connection bandwidth, but because the server keeps timing out, so downloads are always interrupted.
But if any of you has a pre-paid PS3 card, I would recommend the most awesome game on PSN:"Trine". I have it on PC. It's fun, and has the most awesome music I have ever heard since Zelda Ocarina Of Time and Shadow of the Colossus.
Oh and Elchebib...Welcome back!!!! I'll try to add you on PSN as El-Jehuty.
cullinan86 wroteI can't download any of the free stuff, not because I have a lousy connection bandwidth, but because the server keeps timing out, so downloads are always interrupted.
But if any of you has a pre-paid PS3 card, I would recommend the most awesome game on PSN:"Trine". I have it on PC. It's fun, and has the most awesome music I have ever heard since Zelda Ocarina Of Time and Shadow of the Colossus.
Oh and Elchebib...Welcome back!!!! I'll try to add you on PSN as El-Jehuty.
Thanks man. Catch you on SSF4. Btw, what connection do you use?
cullinan86 wroteI'm a huge fan of fighting games, mainly street fighter and mortal kombat on PS3....There's one problem though:
Those games are almost unplayable with the regular PS3 controller, they are mainly intended to be played with arcade sticks. I know that there are arcade game pads for PS3, but I don't know from where to get them in Lebanon, I might ask Nino to provide me one.
Well cullinan86 an Arcade Game Pad wont fulfill an Arcade's Stick experience and if it where not to its six button placement it would have not been that superior to a DualShock. To my knowledge currently in Lebanon there are none of these options at least not at the most popular places dismissing the one sold at Nino since it should not even be considered due to being a cheap Chinese knock off.
I myself being a Arcade Fighting game fan since street fighter came out could never play a fighting game with a pad so i bought myself two high quality Arcade Sticks three years ago for the PS2 shipped from outside Lebanon.
I used them with PS2 to PS3 adapters for a while with SSFIV until stupid Sony disabled third party accessories with there 3.55 Patch.
Anyway if you never played with an Arcade Stick then you have nothing to worry about just use the DualShock to the best of your advantage and if you where used to an arcade stick then your only option is to buy a good quality one and ship it to Lebanon but it will cost you dearly.
elchebib wrote
cullinan86 wroteI can't download any of the free stuff, not because I have a lousy connection bandwidth, but because the server keeps timing out, so downloads are always interrupted.
But if any of you has a pre-paid PS3 card, I would recommend the most awesome game on PSN:"Trine". I have it on PC. It's fun, and has the most awesome music I have ever heard since Zelda Ocarina Of Time and Shadow of the Colossus.
Oh and Elchebib...Welcome back!!!! I'll try to add you on PSN as El-Jehuty.
Thanks man. Catch you on SSF4. Btw, what connection do you use?
My connection is fine in the early morning from 6:00AM till 12 at noon.
6 days later
Single player: Mass Effect 2
Online: Super Street Fighter 4, Call of Duty Black Ops
SSF4 AE, SOCOM4, KILLZONE2, inFAMOUS 2, Mortal Kombat, MotorStorm Apocalypse, replaying the GOW 1&2 collection.
Finishing up the collectibles in LA Noire, brilliant game!
next up: God Of War III Chaos mode revisit.