Portal 2 !!
Does the online in KZ Liberation work?Shatilov wroteStarted Killzone Liberation on the PSPGo, & I LIKE IT ...
Okami was well "rated". It didn't sell much, as the average videogamer just wants to shoot stuff in the head rather than playing as the Japanese Goddess of the Sun in a spiritual conquest to bright colours back into a darkened world :p.cullinan86 wroteCastlevania: Lord of Shadow (The second most underrated game of all time).
The most underrated game of all time "Okami"....If any of you knows this game, I bow to you in respect.
no, so far I couldn't find any game :(, btw I have OKAMI on the PS2 ;)kareem_nasser wroteDoes the online in KZ Liberation work?Shatilov wroteStarted Killzone Liberation on the PSPGo, & I LIKE IT ...
yeah i know that :(kareem_nasser wrote@---()--()---: Actually after i got Castlevania from shatilov i played WipEout HD about 2 times. Btw i got it along with Fury because of the welcome back program.
@shatilov: I am asking you because if you remember i told that in the welcome back program the online mode doesn't work it was actually stated by SCE.
PC PS3 or Xbox?cullinan86 wrotePlaying Portal 2, and yearning to play co-op with someone, if anyone of you owns Portal 2, let me know.