• Gaming
  • What are you playing these days ?

Portal 2 !!
Started Killzone Liberation on the PSPGo, & I LIKE IT ...
Shatilov wroteStarted Killzone Liberation on the PSPGo, & I LIKE IT ...
Does the online in KZ Liberation work?
Zombies.. I miss playing online so much! I have 3.55 on my ps3 and its jail broken so i don't want updated. I'm stuck playing with my brother :P ( We can only reach round 15 0.0 )
thanks to some PS3 buddies around here i am having fun with Castlevania: Lord of Shadow and Heavy Rain. Also playing Tom Clancy's End War every now and then.
Castlevania: Lord of Shadow (The second most underrated game of all time).
The most underrated game of all time "Okami"....If any of you knows this game, I bow to you in respect.
Crysis 2 Portal 1,2 Dragon Age II , and sometimes replaying Bad Company 2 (all on PC)
cullinan86 wroteCastlevania: Lord of Shadow (The second most underrated game of all time).
The most underrated game of all time "Okami"....If any of you knows this game, I bow to you in respect.
Okami was well "rated". It didn't sell much, as the average videogamer just wants to shoot stuff in the head rather than playing as the Japanese Goddess of the Sun in a spiritual conquest to bright colours back into a darkened world :p.
@---()--()---: Yeah also WipEout HD i am playing it a lot. It is true everyone wants headshots, too bad. But i have to admit Castlevania: Lords of Shadow has a good combination of puzzle solving, platforming, and combat in a good mix with you as a brotherhood of light member.
Never tried okami but i am looking for it on PS2(pirated of course) yet i couldnt find it.
kareem_nasser wrote
Shatilov wroteStarted Killzone Liberation on the PSPGo, & I LIKE IT ...
Does the online in KZ Liberation work?
no, so far I couldn't find any game :(, btw I have OKAMI on the PS2 ;)
@---()--()---: Actually after i got Castlevania from shatilov i played WipEout HD about 2 times. Btw i got it along with Fury because of the welcome back program.
@shatilov: I am asking you because if you remember i told that in the welcome back program the online mode doesn't work it was actually stated by SCE.
kareem_nasser wrote@---()--()---: Actually after i got Castlevania from shatilov i played WipEout HD about 2 times. Btw i got it along with Fury because of the welcome back program.
@shatilov: I am asking you because if you remember i told that in the welcome back program the online mode doesn't work it was actually stated by SCE.
yeah i know that :(
4 days later
Playing Portal 2, and yearning to play co-op with someone, if anyone of you owns Portal 2, let me know.
cullinan86 wrotePlaying Portal 2, and yearning to play co-op with someone, if anyone of you owns Portal 2, let me know.
PC PS3 or Xbox?
Modern warfare 4 . Its the best in call of duty series .
Portal 2 on PS3....I also played modern warfare 4 for a week and then exchanged it...I'm more of a Bad Company Battlefield kinda guy.
WTF is Modern Warfare 4? Was I living in a cave the past decade or something?

Anyway, alongside Okami, Shadow of the Colossus, ICO and Shin Megami Tensei are also one of the most underrated games of all time- playing them again would be a perfect nostalgic relief!
Modern Warfare 4 ?
Um you guys mean Call of duty 4 modern warfare