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Finished from Final Fantasy 13. Impressions: I'm going to keep it simple. Crappy game if you've played and are a fan of the previous Final Fantasy games upto 12. Decent game if you're a new comer to the series. As a fan of the previous games on the PS1 and PS2, the only good thing I can attribute to this game is the graphics and the battle system. The graphics are simply of the best of the Square-Enix caliber and the battle system is simply very fun to play and experiment with. However, this games is the most stripped down Final Fantasy I've ever seen. The open-world and customization options of yore have been literally thrown out the window. Bottom line, if you're a fan of the series, wait for Final Fantasy Versus 13. If not, enjoy it.

Moving on to:
Borderlands DLC (Secret Armory of General Knoxx and the Claptrap Revolution)
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 online play

Edit: changed gaming plans.
So then Elchebib if the battle system is good and gfx(i dont care about gfx) what about the story?
kareem_nasser wroteSo then Elchebib if the battle system is good and gfx(i dont care about gfx) what about the story?
Lately, Square-Enix have been churning out bad stories after those of Final Fantasy 9. They're more cheesy and corny complemented with bad voice acting. The characters are forgettable and the whole story is poorly constructed. And Final Fantasy 13 is no exception.
Dont over do it i liked the story of FFX it was great in my opinion.
Got Dead Space and FFXIII yesterday.

Both games are looking impressive.
Currently, i'm hammering on PES 2011, and still enjoying Aion.
I was kinda overwhelmed with FFXIII, probably due to the very low expectations I had in regards of the game.

The production values are phenomenal, and just staring at the game is fun in itself. It's just that gamers want each FF game to be an FF7 or an FF8, which is practically impossible. Part of what made FF7 and FF8 sensations is their historical context. Back then, J-RPGs were not that big in the west (even Chrono Trigger and FF6 were niche titles), and all of a sudden, FF7 took the gaming world by storm. Add to that FF7's Cloud Strife and Sephiroth, two of the darkest heroes/villains in J-RPGS, and a dark storyline, and you got yourself a timeless classic. A criticism of later FF games is that they steered away from the grittiness of FF7 and went for a softer, more lighthearted approach, but that doesn't make later FF's bad. Although I have to say that the battle system in FFXII was ATROCIOUS.

On another note, I'm really hoping we see iterations of the Shadow Hearts franchise on PS3.

Also, a Xenogears remake would be teh sex !
---()--()--- wroteI was kinda overwhelmed with FFXIII, probably due to the very low expectations I had in regards of the game.

The production values are phenomenal, and just staring at the game is fun in itself. It's just that gamers want each FF game to be an FF7 or an FF8, which is practically impossible. Part of what made FF7 and FF8 sensations is their historical context. Back then, J-RPGs were not that big in the west (even Chrono Trigger and FF6 were niche titles), and all of a sudden, FF7 took the gaming world by storm. Add to that FF7's Cloud Strife and Sephiroth, two of the darkest heroes/villains in J-RPGS, and a dark storyline, and you got yourself a timeless classic. A criticism of later FF games is that they steered away from the grittiness of FF7 and went for a softer, more lighthearted approach, but that doesn't make later FF's bad. Although I have to say that the battle system in FFXII was ATROCIOUS.

On another note, I'm really hoping we see iterations of the Shadow Hearts franchise on PS3.

Also, a Xenogears remake would be teh sex !
Overwhelmed with FF13???? That's a bit of an overstatement. Wait when you get to the 30 hour mark and you're going down the same linear pathway with no side quests whatsoever and lack of depth in the characters, story and overall progression. FF7 and FF8 were truly amazing in that they provided story and open world mechanics for the player to delve into. They gave the player the ability to delve into side quests and areas from the early beginning of the game. And as you progressed more into the game the world opened up even more to cover areas you don't even have to cross through to continue the story line. You had billions of abilities to choose from. You had unlimited accessories and weapons to choose from. You could mix up your party using a multitude of abilities, perks and magic (white, black, blue). You could control how your party exactly acts during a battle (the whole party and every single action). I could go on and on about how FF13 IS NOT an FF. You'll eventually find my friend when you really go into it. You're just mesmerized at the graphics now, the real meat of the game will be revealed soon (or lack thereof should I say?).

In my honest opinion, FF13 is like what Square did when they created Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.

Just my 2 cents and hope you enjoy the game :D
I just finished Medal of honor, the game is too easy and too short, I'm going to start with castlevania lords of shadow on the Xbox 360.
Gonna start with FFXIII today.
After playing about an hour and a half i am starting to like the game because i am waiting to reach the places were i would be able to use CP and lots of other stuff.
mk555 wroteI just finished Medal of honor, the game is too easy and too short, I'm going to start with castlevania lords of shadow on the Xbox 360.
Yeah i agree it is short and easy. But try the goddamn single player tier one mode.

You will play the single player campaign again on the Hardest Level (Hard is the maximum in single player, regular mode) with NO checkpoints. You die you repeat from the beginning. It's like genesis games in the 90's
To make things a bit cooler, there is a TIMER. And you need to finish the mission before the time ends.
Might very well earn my first platinum trophy, playing Red Dead Redemption.

Usually, I don't bother with PS3 trophies, but sidequesting in RDD is so damn fun. I'm on my way to fulfilling all the challenges.
---()--()--- wroteMight very well earn my first platinum trophy, playing Red Dead Redemption.

Usually, I don't bother with PS3 trophies, but sidequesting in RDD is so damn fun. I'm on my way to fulfilling all the challenges.
Usually the first platinum will get you addicted :)

Good luck reaching level 50, it's a long ride to get there.

And also the for trophy where you need to remain most wanted for 10 minutes.
chosen2k wrote
---()--()--- wroteMight very well earn my first platinum trophy, playing Red Dead Redemption.

Usually, I don't bother with PS3 trophies, but sidequesting in RDD is so damn fun. I'm on my way to fulfilling all the challenges.
Usually the first platinum will get you addicted :)

Good luck reaching level 50, it's a long ride to get there.

And also the for trophy where you need to remain most wanted for 10 minutes.
Actually, I'm not going to get the platinum, ever. =p

I thought by completing the 40 challenges and becoming "Legend Of The West" I'd obtain the platinum. =p After I saw your comment, I googled a bit and discovered that getting the actual platinum on RDD is painfully time consuming =p.
kareem_nasser wroteGonna start with FFXIII today.
After playing about an hour and a half i am starting to like the game because i am waiting to reach the places were i would be able to use CP and lots of other stuff.
If I were you I wouldn't have supported Square anymore and bought it, Not sure if you knew about that Content Cut From Final Fantasy XIII Was Enough To Make Another Game
but yeah square literally ruined FFXIII just for the sake of kissing MS's a%$, and make both of the copies equally the same, FFXIII should have taken a big advantage out of the Blu-Ray feature on the PS3, unfortunately going multiplatform was the biggest fucking mistake, square lost lots of their loyal fans.. wait till they ruin versus XIII and announce it as a Multi-console game, they should go back to their true Japanese roots..
---()--()--- wroteActually, I'm not going to get the platinum, ever. =p

I thought by completing the 40 challenges and becoming "Legend Of The West" I'd obtain the platinum. =p After I saw your comment, I googled a bit and discovered that getting the actual platinum on RDD is painfully time consuming =p.
You can check what trophies you need to platinum a game by going to the XMB (by pressing the ps button) and then you go to the game section, and then trophies.

RDR is a long game to platinum. I did it in more or less 60 hours. But hey, at 70$ a game, you'll be getting your money worth.

Btw, there's a hidden trophy where you need to lasso a girl put her on your horse and then place her on the train tracks. (and yeah you need the train to pass over her.)

muahahahahahah <- evil laugh. I'm joking girls you know i love you. (but the trophy is real)
chosen2k wroteYou can check what trophies you need to platinum a game by going to the XMB (by pressing the ps button) and then you go to the game section, and then trophies.
Well .. duh ! :p

Most games don't tell you what you have to do to get the platinum. Assertedly, you'll have to get all trophies. What mislead me into thinking is that I needed to complete the 40 challenges to earn the platinum is the fact that the platinum in RDD is entitled "Legend of the West", the same title you get for completing the challenges.

RDR is a long game to platinum. I did it in more or less 60 hours. But hey, at 70$ a game, you'll be getting your money worth.
Money's worth is linked to the utility you get out of the game. To me, trophy hunting and spending long hours trying to achieve obtuse requirements is more of a punishment than a source of fun ^_^ ... but to each their own.
