
  • Apr 27, 2024
  • Joined Aug 23, 2009
  • @Tech Guru
    Thank you for this, I have some stuff that I need to order and your experience is invaluable. If everything goes well with your order I will surely use their service.
  • DG wroteYes, I've been having this problem since they doubled the quota and speed for everyone because of the Corona virus.
    All modem LEDs are on yet I lose connectivity for about 1 minute.
    Yeah, same thing is happening to me.
  • NuclearVision wrote
    mk555 wrote
    NuclearVision wroteHas anyone been able to refill their blom mini through the atm? With usd bills of course. I haven't tried it.
    yeah, I did it like two weeks ago. I placed a $100 bill and I'm using it online. They have a limit though ($100/month).
    does it reset at the beginning of the month ?
    Not sure, you can call and they'll tell you your card's limit and answer your questions. That's what I usually do.
  • NuclearVision wroteHas anyone been able to refill their blom mini through the atm? With usd bills of course. I haven't tried it.
    yeah, I did it like two weeks ago. I placed a $100 bill and I'm using it online. They have a limit though ($100/month).
  • MrClass wroteNeed any contact details of this guy and preferably an address. I'm still trying to reason with him to get my money back.

    I offered to help this community to get electronics and computer parts not available in Lebanon; didn't expect a community member to screw me like this. What a shame.
    Hi can you clear your inbox? I'm trying to send you something.
  • MrClass wroteAre you looking for a 17" or a 15"?

    I can help bring from Amazon. Many options there within your budget. You can even get a Sager laptop with RTX 2060, 8th gen i7 CPU and 16GB RAM
    I kinda need it by the end of this week, so I don't think that would be possible. Thank you for the offer though.
  • duke-of-bytes wroteThe TUF looks awesome
    I thought so as well, but I’m concerned about its build quality (specifically temperature and noise)
  • Alright thanks a lot for the suggestion guys, the Y7000 seems good. I also found this laptop at mojitech. Anyone has any opinion about it ?

    Edit: This aswell.
  • Johnaudi wroteLenovo Legion Y7000P, it's heaven for 1300$
    1TB HDD + 256GB SSD, GTX 1060, i7 8th Gen, and a very stylish laptop too. Highly recommend it!
    I've been using it for a month so far and I'm planning to leave my girlfriend because of it!
    I can't seem to find it, where did you get it from ?
    Thanks !
  • Jerome wroteMaybe the dream is i7-8X, no GPU, and thunderbolt 3 so that you can do E-GPU at home.

    This is the lightest "gaming" laptop I could find on amazon, at 4.14 lbs.
    Damn that looks nice, unfortunately it's above budget. And I prefer something from Lebanon since I can't wait for shipping. I kinda need it next week. Thanks a lot though.
  • Greetings,
    I'm looking for a new laptop to buy. My budget is around $1500. The laptop will be used for gaming and programming. And I'll move around a lot so a low weight is a plus. Any input is appreciated. Thanks !
  • Tech Guru wrote
    Nevetheless , I will take that with grain of salt and I will #sue them. Case of bad hygiene , moral damage , and potential health risk.
    Please provide follow up if you do move forward with the lawsuit. I'm really curious on how these things get settled in Lebanon because I feel there is hardly any accountability for stuff like this.
  • There is a store in Haret Hrek that looks good. If you have a specific fragrance in mind pm me its name and I'll ask for its price.
  • Looking for a core i5 2500K or a core i5 3570K or a core I7 2600K.
  • 313 wroteGUYS how did you got the PPPoE username and password ?
    I downloaded this extension for chrome: ADSL account recovery tool

    I remember there was also a manual way that was shared on lebgeeks but I didn't bother since the extension does the job perfectly.
  • Did you check gift mania ? I once saw some katanas there, contact them and ask.
  • Satfoun wrotenop...still waitin fr that one to get restocked
    I got an 1500VA INVO ups from microcity and it's working fine, I get a lot of power outages through the day(like 4 to 6 times) and it never failed me, maybe you should check it out.
  • hussam wroteOf course it is rigged. "LEBANESE LOTTERY" is "ELVIS PRESLEY" spelled backwards. Coincidence? I don't think so!
    you made me read it backwards...