i'd go through 300gb in less than a week with those speeds.
Terra Net - WDSL
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Impressive, usage has to be extremely conservative, average usage with 2 users here (no big downloads) is 8gb/day on 9mbit connection measured few months ago.m0ei wroteI get around 220mbps using Alfa's 4G, $200 for 200GB though. I mainly use their unlimited 2 hours quota (50GB FUP).
As for WDSL, bear in mind that there is no bufferbloat, e.g segmented downloads won't affect conference or web browsing speed, 12mbit WDSL =\= 12mbit ADSL. My test with Alfa was similar at 20ms+. For testing purposes I'm about to reach 2tb, hoping some FUP kicks in, will post vnstat graph here.
It would be interesting to hear some feedback regarding LTE-A from Ogero, my area isn't covered.
how do you get 220mbps I only get around 40m0ei wroteI get around 220mbps using Alfa's 4G, $200 for 200GB though. I mainly use their unlimited 2 hours quota (50GB FUP).
I need to be connected using LTE+, sometimes I restart the phone because it gets stuck on LTE, I'm also using a data sim card.
I'm located in Beirut, near Sodeco Square, maybe the network here can handle more load and isn't congested?
I'm located in Beirut, near Sodeco Square, maybe the network here can handle more load and isn't congested?
I have to restart phone as well, not with Touch though. 40mbit as well. Touch is half that, but twice the upload.m0ei wroteI need to be connected using LTE+, sometimes I restart the phone because it gets stuck on LTE, I'm also using a data sim card.
I'm located in Beirut, near Sodeco Square, maybe the network here can handle more load and isn't congested?
I contacted terranet and they said my location is okay, I will start with the procedure for wdsl
Beta0 wroteAlfaNet is no longer open for new users (max 200GB for now), 300GB is very low for 25mbps, I would recommend Touch FDD (full duplex) at this point as Alfa is TDD (half duplex). From my tests, LTE tends to have a huge 10ms jitter.zizo99 wrotegreat thank you.DG wroteNo it doesn't. WDSL stands for Wireless DSL.
It was specifically launched by Terranet for people who don't or can't have a landline.
They will perform a feasibility test/study and let you know if it works for you (where you live).
but 12mbps for 300k LBP isn't a good option
I use a 4G connection from alfa, it's 25mbps+ for 360k but yes limited to 300GB monthly
both touch and alfa has the same quota/price
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I hate to derail more, but any link/source to your claims? for 300GB?zizo99 wroteBeta0 wroteAlfaNet is no longer open for new users (max 200GB for now), 300GB is very low for 25mbps, I would recommend Touch FDD (full duplex) at this point as Alfa is TDD (half duplex). From my tests, LTE tends to have a huge 10ms jitter.zizo99 wrote
great thank you.
but 12mbps for 300k LBP isn't a good option
I use a 4G connection from alfa, it's 25mbps+ for 360k but yes limited to 300GB monthly
both touch and alfa has the same quota/price
IDM is offering 4g for cheaper prices than alfa/touch, you can also check them.
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Their plans are almost double the cost, charging at 8500+ LBP as well, plus it's subject to FUP per day.agdroubi wroteIDM is offering 4g for cheaper prices than alfa/touch, you can also check them.
Edit: to elaborate double for the lower plans.
the 250gb plan is priced at 304kBeta0 wroteTheir plans are almost double the cost, charging at 8500+ LBP as well, plus it's subject to FUP per day.agdroubi wroteIDM is offering 4g for cheaper prices than alfa/touch, you can also check them.
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And? 301k for 200GB Alfa and 250GB Touch, Ill reply further in another thread.agdroubi wrotethe 250gb plan is priced at 304kBeta0 wroteTheir plans are almost double the cost, charging at 8500+ LBP as well, plus it's subject to FUP per day.agdroubi wroteIDM is offering 4g for cheaper prices than alfa/touch, you can also check them.
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if you have the money and wanna go crazy, get alfa and write a script to auto recharge the unlimited 2 hours 5$ plan. At today's rate it would cost 200$ in USD to get 24/7 unlimited.
the disconnection every 2 hours would suck, everytime I subscribe to it I have to restart by phone for it to work at the start and at the endRandomMemory wroteif you have the money and wanna go crazy, get alfa and write a script to auto recharge the unlimited 2 hours 5$ plan. At today's rate it would cost 200$ in USD to get 24/7 unlimited.
You are right, I didn't see the new prices for touch. So it seems touch is the cheapest for now.Beta0 wroteAnd? 301k for 200GB Alfa and 250GB Touch, Ill reply further in another thread.agdroubi wrotethe 250gb plan is priced at 304kBeta0 wrote Their plans are almost double the cost, charging at 8500+ LBP as well, plus it's subject to FUP per day.
I am planing to get the 6M WDSL plan with Terranet, can you share your experience with them? they have such bad reviews on Google but honestly what matters to me is connection stability and speed!
Is the ping good for gaming? will i actually be getting 0.750KB/s all the time in both uploads and downloads? is it really UNLIMITED? is it reliable (whats the uptime like)?
Sorry for asking too many questions
I am planing to get the 6M WDSL plan with Terranet, can you share your experience with them? they have such bad reviews on Google but honestly what matters to me is connection stability and speed!
Is the ping good for gaming? will i actually be getting 0.750KB/s all the time in both uploads and downloads? is it really UNLIMITED? is it reliable (whats the uptime like)?
Sorry for asking too many questions
9 days later
got it installed todaynosense wroteI contacted terranet and they said my location is okay, I will start with the procedure for wdsl
speedtest to lebanese servers :

to paris servers:

what is the ping? and that's the highest speed rate you can get?nosense wrotegot it installed todaynosense wroteI contacted terranet and they said my location is okay, I will start with the procedure for wdsl
speedtest to lebanese servers :
to paris servers:
ping is 53 to europe, and yes this is their highest packagezizo99 wrotewhat is the ping? and that's the highest speed rate you can get?nosense wrotegot it installed todaynosense wroteI contacted terranet and they said my location is okay, I will start with the procedure for wdsl
speedtest to lebanese servers :
to paris servers:
@nosense is the speedtest result reflection on actual download speed? as in,are you getting around 1.4 mb/s when downloading? and does it remain the same after heavy usage?