Good luck , i am behind you is time for businesses to know that the consumers are not sheep.
Let me know if you need any legal advice
Let me know if you need any legal advice
exactly, my point was that most fast food joints and restaurants are not as clean and hygienic as we perceive them to be. As Guru said in this case with zwz it's worse because they pride themselves with cleanliness and what not, who wants there 4,5 thou man2oushe served in a spider/roach infested kitchen, unless that's what they meant with wild zaatar all along.NuclearVision wroteI can imagine ... given that an insect went unnoticed ...Sasuke wrotetoo bad that a cooked insect is the only indication of a restaurant's cleanliness. Have you ever been to any fast food joint kitchen, or peaked a look by coincidence.
Such hypocrisy... So you work for our corrupted government, and are familiar with "the black side of things" (totally by being all "white" yourself). But when it comes to your fiance's food, you can't stand it huh?Tech Guru wrote I work in the government & I know the black side of things.
I know where you're coming from. But even in OP's post, it's clear the owner tried to make up for them, as opposed to how phonefinity/CTC handled your case.duke-of-bytes wroteGood luck , i am behind you is time for businesses to know that the consumers are not sheep.
Let me know if you need any legal advice
In my first reply on this thread i said these things happen and the management did the right thing..even legally his has no cause..but in the end i stand behind everyone looking to defend his rights especially a fellow lebgeekianvlatkozelka wrote"is shockingly disgusting"
What's so shocking about this?
I really think you're exaggerating. Put yourself in their shoes, you are cooking a meal, and a spider/fly/roach jumps into the pan while you're reaching for salt. You serve the meal to a hungry Tech Guru's fiance, and she finds the critter.
You, the cook/shop owner, apologize, knowing how terrible the incident can be, but Tech Guru decides to file a lawsuit and jeopardize your career. Even though it was never intentional, and really "out of hand"
I've seen it happen many times. Flies can end up in ice cream while you're pouring it, snails can cling hard to lettuce, spiders and insects can jump into frying oil, etc... it's a terrible thing to think about, but so are a lot of other horrible things that happen everyday. I once almost swallowed a fly by mistake, as it flew right into my byte of "foul" as I was carrying it from the plate to my mouth. Also seen it happen at McDonald's where it flew right into a customer's cup of McFlurry... they simply replaced the cup, and the customer moved on.
The restaurant manager apologized and did what he could to make up. I doubt it's the "sense of you filing a lawsuit against them", and probably just being the hospitable Lebanese restaurant owner that he is. And trust me, we have some of the best restaurant experiences in Lebanon, judging by the horror stories I hear from my friends studying abroad. In France a waiter can drop your food, pick it up and feed it to you, and even be rude about it!
Also, regardless of the incident, how about you think of it as an honest mistake. You make none of these? You've never made a mistake you've wished for the receiver to forgive? Just forgive, and don't eat their anymore... it's that simple.
Save yourself the hassle, and let it go.
Such hypocrisy... So you work for our corrupted government, and are familiar with "the black side of things" (totally by being all "white" yourself). But when it comes to your fiance's food, you can't stand it huh?Tech Guru wrote I work in the government & I know the black side of things.
( PS: black and white are used to stay within OP's terminology. Black can be good, and white can be bad... SJWs, you can stay at rest )
I know where you're coming from. But even in OP's post, it's clear the owner tried to make up for them, as opposed to how phonefinity/CTC handled your case.duke-of-bytes wroteGood luck , i am behind you is time for businesses to know that the consumers are not sheep.
Let me know if you need any legal advice
EDIT: I just googled ZWZ Vegan Boom (obviously never had that cause I LOVE MEAT). It looks like something that they import and fry... so maybe have your "black side of things" people investigate food importing rather than going all out on one establishment.
The quality of service in your average Lebanese restaurant is so much higher than anywhere else I've seen in the world. And I travel a lot! I second the quote about France, you wouldn't believe the average quality of service we get in restaurants here.And trust me, we have some of the best restaurant experiences in Lebanon, judging by the horror stories I hear from my friends studying abroad. In France a waiter can drop your food, pick it up and feed it to you, and even be rude about it!
Sorry, I did not read your first posts.duke-of-bytes wrote In my first reply on this thread i said these things happen and the management did the right thing..even legally his has no cause..but in the end i stand behind everyone looking to defend his rights especially a fellow lebgeekian
I just wanted an apology for the way i got treated ..dont care about the phone ( i already said i got an s10 for my mother in law and gave the phone to my driver - he only uses whatsapp messaging barely any voice )vlatkozelka wroteSorry, I did not read your first posts.duke-of-bytes wrote In my first reply on this thread i said these things happen and the management did the right thing..even legally his has no cause..but in the end i stand behind everyone looking to defend his rights especially a fellow lebgeekian
Good luck with your phone case (I really mean it).
I would sue both ministries for completely ignoring the rampant and well-known illegal use of rhodamine dyes in the Lebanese food industry; negligence which has exposed millions of people to these cancer-causing chemicals for decades. That's definitely worth pursuing.Tech Guru wroteI discussed this with my lawyer , and based on this law I will prepare a complete case , with evidence, and raise it to the
Ministry of Economy & Tarde
Ministry of Health
Their image is shaken from this incident before taking any course of action. It is my right to raise my voice loud & and alert others , regardless of the place /restaurant. This is not related to their image at all. Hygiene is a key aspect to take into consideration , leaving the " coincidence" , "bad luck" , " accidents" theories alone.eWizzard wroteI would sue both ministries for completely ignoring the rampant and well-known illegal use of rhodamine dyes in the Lebanese food industry; negligence which has exposed millions of people to these cancer-causing chemicals for decades. That's definitely worth pursuing.Tech Guru wroteI discussed this with my lawyer , and based on this law I will prepare a complete case , with evidence, and raise it to the
Ministry of Economy & Tarde
Ministry of Health
A few comments concerning your case:
• No harm was born as a result of the misfortune. They apologized and did everything they could to compensate and follow up with you, even asking for your feedback to help their investigation, which is the most reasonable response any reasonable person can ask for; and you're not giving them credit for that. That, to me, is where reason ends and self-entitlement begins. What do you think you deserve, beyond the fair treatment you received and the compensation you were offered?
• You claim that ZwZ lack hygiene and food safety measures in general (i.e. all the time, across all their branches). Four observations:
1. The claim is based exclusively on an incident that happened once, at one branch. That means the claim is a faulty generalization by definition (an inductive fallacy).
2. ZwZ have been ISO 22000 certified since 2008, meaning they have a 10+ years documented history of successfully operating under food safety standards and principles (including HACCP as someone pointed out). Doesn't help your claim at all.
3. As mentioned previously, that specific type of patty may have been prepared and shipped to ZwZ by a third party. That means that it's a supplier issue, and the root cause is not ZwZ practices in the first place. Doesn't help your claim, but does shed light on another issue entirely.
4. Because the claim damages the image of ZwZ, it can also be litigious. Should you decide to publicize the issue further, such as on social media or on the news, they could sue you for defamation if they deem it necessary, especially if you lose your case.
• You have every right to sue them for whatever damages you think you've suffered (none), but you're basically suing for bad luck, and really making no point at all besides flexing some muscle. In other words, you're wasting your and other people's time.
Disclosure: I haven't eaten at ZwZ since 2009.
You are diving into causes with a " submissive subconscious" like how the Lebanese mentality usually work - let us shut up our mouth & let it go. Beside for that , not every one working with the government has the corruption image behind him/her , drop this sterotype. In your logic , the private sector too is full of corruption too ( false taxation reporting , false employees' NSSF salaries declaration , etc...)vlatkozelka wrote"is shockingly disgusting"
What's so shocking about this?
I really think you're exaggerating. Put yourself in their shoes, you are cooking a meal, and a spider/fly/roach jumps into the pan while you're reaching for salt. You serve the meal to a hungry Tech Guru's fiance, and she finds the critter.
You, the cook/shop owner, apologize, knowing how terrible the incident can be, but Tech Guru decides to file a lawsuit and jeopardize your career. Even though it was never intentional, and really "out of hand"
I've seen it happen many times. Flies can end up in ice cream while you're pouring it, snails can cling hard to lettuce, spiders and insects can jump into frying oil, etc... it's a terrible thing to think about, but so are a lot of other horrible things that happen everyday. I once almost swallowed a fly by mistake, as it flew right into my byte of "foul" as I was carrying it from the plate to my mouth. Also seen it happen at McDonald's where it flew right into a customer's cup of McFlurry... they simply replaced the cup, and the customer moved on.
The restaurant manager apologized and did what he could to make up. I doubt it's the "sense of you filing a lawsuit against them", and probably just being the hospitable Lebanese restaurant owner that he is. And trust me, we have some of the best restaurant experiences in Lebanon, judging by the horror stories I hear from my friends studying abroad. In France a waiter can drop your food, pick it up and feed it to you, and even be rude about it!
Also, regardless of the incident, how about you think of it as an honest mistake. You make none of these? You've never made a mistake you've wished for the receiver to forgive? Just forgive, and don't eat their anymore... it's that simple.
Save yourself the hassle, and let it go.
Such hypocrisy... So you work for our corrupted government, and are familiar with "the black side of things" (totally by being all "white" yourself). But when it comes to your fiance's food, you can't stand it huh?Tech Guru wrote I work in the government & I know the black side of things.
( PS: black and white are used to stay within OP's terminology. Black can be good, and white can be bad... SJWs, you can stay at rest )
I know where you're coming from. But even in OP's post, it's clear the owner tried to make up for them, as opposed to how phonefinity/CTC handled your case.duke-of-bytes wroteGood luck , i am behind you is time for businesses to know that the consumers are not sheep.
Let me know if you need any legal advice
EDIT: I just googled ZWZ Vegan Boom (obviously never had that cause I LOVE MEAT). It looks like something that they import and fry... so maybe have your "black side of things" people investigate food importing rather than going all out on one establishment.